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CDC: 非DBA的CDC Oracle用户所需权限的脚本 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2010-12-08 18:01 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
操作系统:AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris \r\n软件版本:6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.2.1, 6.3, 6.3.1 \r\n\r\n问题描述: \r\n如果CDC Oracle用户不能被授予DBA权限,应该运行什么脚本来实现所需的权限? \r\n\r\n解决问题: \r\n在很多情况下用户不愿意给CDC用户赋予DBA权限。你可以运行以下脚本来绕过这个问题,并且CDC能够正常工作。 \r\n\r\n<<CDC_Oracle_63_Permissions.sql>> \r\n--Note this is expanded from the permissions list given in the CDC Oracle docs \r\n--This script does not grant dba to the cdc user. \r\n--It assumes that the cdc user already exists and is named cdcibm. \r\n\r\n-- grant connect and ddl privileges \r\ngrant connect, resource, select_catalog_role to cdcibm; \r\ngrant create any index, create any procedure, create any sequence, create any table, create any trigger, create any view to cdcibm; \r\ngrant delete any table, execute any procedure, drop any table, drop any trigger, insert any table to cdcibm; \r\ngrant lock any table, select any sequence, select any table, update any table to cdcibm; \r\ngrant alter any table to cdcibm; \r\n\r\n-- grant select privileges \r\ngrant select any dictionary to cdcibm; \r\ngrant select on user_role_privs to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.v_$archived_log to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.v_$database to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.v_$controlfile to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.v_$log to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.v_$log_history to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.v_$logfile to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.v_$mystat to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.v_$session to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.v_$version to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.v_$transaction to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.all_coll_types to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.all_cons_columns to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.all_constraints to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.all_type_attrs to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_constraints to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_cons_columns to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_indexes to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_ind_columns to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_mviews to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_objects to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_profiles to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_roles to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_rollback_segs to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_sequences to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_tab_columns to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_tables to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_tablespaces to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_users to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_sys_privs to cdcibm; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_tab_privs to cdcibm; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_tab_comments to cdcibm; \r\ngrant select on sys.dba_col_comments to cdcibm; \r\ngrant select on sys.nls_database_parameters to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.resource_cost to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.attrcol$ to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.ccol$ to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.cdef$ to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.col$ to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.coltype$ to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.hist_head$ to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.icol$ to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.ind$ to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.lob$ to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.obj$ to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.tab$ to cdcibm with grant option; \r\ngrant select on sys.user$ to cdcibm with grant option; \r\n\r\nexit; \r\n

2 [报告]
发表于 2010-12-08 20:13 |只看该作者
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