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请教Bell_lapadula model 和Biba model 的*(star)prooerty 的区别? [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2003-03-02 20:04 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Q1 what does the Bell-lapadula model NOT allow?\r\n\r\n1. Subgects to read from a higher level of security relative to their level of security\r\n2. Subjects to read from a lower level of security relative to their level of security\r\n3. Subjects to write to a higher level of security relative to their  level of security \r\n4. Subjects to read at their same level of security\r\n\r\n\r\nwhich answer? why? give me reason.\r\n\r\n\r\nQ2 The * (star)property of the Biba model states:\r\n\r\n1. Subjects cannot write to a lower level of integrity relative to their level of intergrity.\r\n2. Subjects cannot write to a higher level of integrity relative to their level of intergrity.\r\n3.Subjects cannot read to a lower level of integrity relative to their level of intergrity.\r\n\r\n4.Subjects cannot readto a higher level of integrity relative to their level of intergrity.\r\n\r\nwhich answer? why? give me reason.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nanswer Q1:1;Q2:2

2 [报告]
发表于 2003-03-03 08:49 |只看该作者
bell:no write down不能往下写\r\n      no read up     不能往上读\r\nbiba:no write up\r\n      no read down

3 [报告]
发表于 2003-03-03 14:55 |只看该作者
谢谢\r\n\r\nbell为什么同级(高)不能写?有定义?\r\n\r\nbiba为什么同级(低)不能读?\r\n\r\n好像在bell?和bible 并没有这样定义!???\r\n\r\nQUOTE]最初由 linkenpark 发布\r\n[B]bell:no write down不能往下写\r\n      no read up     不能往上读\r\nbiba:no write up\r\n      no read down [/B][/QUOTE]

4 [报告]
发表于 2003-03-03 14:57 |只看该作者
我明白了,我理解错了。多谢回复! \r\n\r\nQ1 HIGH --> LOW(WRITE)\r\n\r\nQ2 LOW--HIGH (READ)
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