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my experience of passing CISSP certification [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2003-08-27 14:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
firstly, you should have the information security background,regardless you are familiar with any one or some of the 10th CBKs. you know, the working experience is the most important thing for helping you gain the CISSP certification.\r\nsecondly, you should read a lot of more data, such as \"All in one\" ,\"Handbook of information security management\"( if you wanna read this book, first some section is prefered, i think that last some of them is not fully fit for the CISSP certification, read it or not based on your choice. I don\'t mean that last HISM is bad or useless, i mean if the only purpose of you is gain the CISSP certification, you don\'t even need to read it. if you wanna enlarge,expand your information security knowledge, the HISM is the best one.\"\r\nthirdly, you should not recite all of the concept. recite is useless for your passing the CISSP certification(i don\'t mean you don\'t need recite anymore, you need understand the concept clearly, cause the exam is based on your understanding of the concept,not based on the concept). Understand, Understand, Understand !!!!!! is the only way for that.\r\nFourthly, there is a close circle of read the book, understand it and then read it again. Doing so will makes you really understand the whole things.\r\nSixthly, Doing so many Quizz such as cccure.org\'s or boson\'s is useless, the only way of doing quizz is makes you familiar with the quizz itself. you can not learn more from the quizz. so, my advise is useing your 85%-90% available time for reading, 10-15% of it for the quizz.\r\nseventhly, 1-2 months for preparing is enough, more of them i think is useless, i used only 3 weeks for that, and i got the CISSP certification.\r\neightly, i will say it again. a information security background is the best help for getting the CISSP certification.\r\nfinally, don\'t see any data of translated, english will become you mother language if you wanna pass the CISSP certification.\r\n\r\nALL in ONE you can get a photocopy of it from the itpub.net member cissp, contact him youself. you need pay some money for it. but i think it is worthwhile.\r\nPrepare Guide: you can get it from the Internet.\r\nHandbook of information security management: you can read it right here\"http://www.cccure.org/Documents/HISM/ewtoc.html\"\r\nPassport for the CISSP: you can get it from any bookstore of mainland of china.\r\n\r\nany comments email to the cliff_gu@sina.com

2 [报告]
发表于 2003-08-27 15:24 |只看该作者
thanks for sharing your experience.

3 [报告]
发表于 2003-08-30 17:27 |只看该作者
just wondering, is it a MUST for 3yrs working experience regarding to information security + a degree before even register for CISSP exam?
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