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[CloudStack] cloudstack的ha怎么配置? [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2013-11-09 17:11 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
2013-11-09 17:06:22,044 ERROR [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-101) Unable to migrate due to XML error: invalid security type
2013-11-09 17:06:22,044 INFO  [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-101) Migration was unsuccessful.  Cleaning up: VM[User|03318da3-7d99-4e37-ac45-447c9b0b3e8f]
2013-11-09 17:06:22,047 DEBUG [cloud.alert.AlertManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-101) Have already sent: 1 emails for alert type '16' -- skipping send email
2013-11-09 17:06:22,048 DEBUG [agent.manager.AgentAttache] (Job-Executor-13:job-101) Seq 5-770707376: Routed from 132241039578104
2013-11-09 17:06:22,048 DEBUG [agent.transport.Request] (Job-Executor-13:job-101) Seq 5-770707376: Sending  { Cmd , MgmtId: 132241039578104, via: 5, Ver: v1, Flags: 100111, [{"StopCommand":{"isProxy":false,"vmName":"i-2-18-VM","wait":0}}] }
2013-11-09 17:06:22,095 DEBUG [cloud.capacity.CapacityManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-101) VM state transitted from :Migrating to Running with event: OperationFailedvm's original host id: 1 new host id: 1 host id before state transition: 5
2013-11-09 17:06:22,100 DEBUG [cloud.capacity.CapacityManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-101) Hosts's actual total CPU: 15992 and CPU after applying overprovisioning: 15992
2013-11-09 17:06:22,101 DEBUG [cloud.capacity.CapacityManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-101) release cpu from host: 5, old used: 2500,reserved: 0, actual total: 15992, total with overprovisioning: 15992; new used: 1500,reserved:0; movedfromreserved: false,moveToReserveredfalse
2013-11-09 17:06:22,101 DEBUG [cloud.capacity.CapacityManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-101) release mem from host: 5, old used: 2684354560,reserved: 0, total: 4015927296; new used: 1610612736,reserved:0; movedfromreserved: false,moveToReserveredfalse
2013-11-09 17:06:22,230 DEBUG [cloud.async.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-101) Complete async job-101, jobStatus: 2, resultCode: 530, result: Error Code: 530 Error text: Failed to migrate vm
2013-11-09 17:06:22,236 DEBUG [agent.transport.Request] (AgentManager-Handler-9:null) Seq 5-770707376: Processing:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 132241039578104, via: 5, Ver: v1, Flags: 110, [{"StopAnswer":{"vncPort":0,"result":true,"wait":0}}] }
2013-11-09 17:06:22,236 DEBUG [agent.manager.AgentAttache] (AgentManager-Handler-9:null) Seq 5-770707376: Unable to find listener.
2013-11-09 17:06:22,236 DEBUG [agent.manager.AgentAttache] (AgentManager-Handler-9:null) Seq 5-770707376: No more commands found
2013-11-09 17:06:24,823 DEBUG [cloud.api.ApiServlet] (catalina-exec-6:null) ===START=== -- GET  command=queryAsyncJobResult&jobId=3a28af24-d304-4609-b53e-edc22c691488&response=json&sessionkey=bqDBMd0UeQDMg5fAH5VhXqlJT7A%3D&_=1383988043197
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