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SOS:Sun Fire 280R故障 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2004-09-21 09:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
原配置:1*1200MHZ/1*73GB Disk/1GM Mem
OS:solaris 8

现要扩容4GB Mem和1个1200MHZ的CPU,但是扩容后主机不断重启,重启时报措信息为:Fatal Error reported by:(PCI-PBM),时隔大约1~2个小时不等,查看硬件状态全部正常,使用诊断模式也没有发现什么错误!

2 [报告]
发表于 2004-09-21 09:56 |只看该作者

SOS:Sun Fire 280R故障


3 [报告]
发表于 2004-09-21 10:06 |只看该作者

SOS:Sun Fire 280R故障


4 [报告]
发表于 2004-09-21 10:09 |只看该作者

SOS:Sun Fire 280R故障


5 [报告]
发表于 2004-09-21 10:23 |只看该作者

SOS:Sun Fire 280R故障

Patch-ID# 111292-17
Keywords: update sun blade 1000 sun fire 280r netra[tm] t20 sun blade 2000
Synopsis: Sun Blade 1000, Sun Fire 280R,  Netra[tm] T20, Sun Blade 2000
Date: Apr/02/2004

Install Requirements: Additional instructions may be listed below                     
Solaris Release: 8 9

SunOS Release: 5.8 5.9

Unbundled Product: Hardware/PROM
NOTE: If you have the frame buffer Raptor GFXP -04 REV 50
          (part 370-3753-04), you *must* install patch 110126-03 to
          upgrade the FCode in the card **BEFORE** you can do the
          firmware update. Revisions -05 and up of the frame buffer
          are not affected.     

NOTE: This utility (flash-update) is *not* OS-dependent.  The list of
           releases shown under the "Solaris Release" and "SunOS Release"
           are not inclusive  of all the SunOS releases that are compatible.
           The absence of a valid Solaris Release or SunOS  Release from
           the lists above does not preclude the installation of this patch against
           the hardware.
           PatchId 111292-14 (or later) requires Solaris 8 HW  5/03 or later or
           Solaris 9 Update 3 and later.  Earlier Solaris versions will need to
           install PatchIds 110460-26 and 108528-20 (Solaris or
           PatchIds 114375-01 and 114360-01 (Solaris 9).
           (for more details reference BugIds 4877270 and 4634031)

Unbundled Release: OBP_4.13.0,POST_4.13.0,OBDIAG_4.13.0



Relevant Architectures: sun blade 1000, sun fire 280r and netra[tm] t20 sun blade 2000
    NOTE: This patch is NOT for Sun Blade 100.

BugId's fixed with this patch: 4690966 4777088 4777088 4791537 4824460 4824460 4827977 4829098 4829331 4841495 4857933 4860081 4860811 4861512 4862646 4864985 4890305 4909053 4910442 4920572 4921913 4921913 4935436 4935436 4953893 4968020
BugIds fixed in previous patches:
4.10.11:4935436, 4791537, 4841495, 4862646, 4824460, 4921913, 4875279
4.10.1: 4717392, 4717459, 4718135, 4652104, 4728775, 4728778, 4728781, 4797107, 4758520, 4797761,
------  4737872, 4641714, 4731668, 4735052, 4063042, 4091674, 4127732, 4630054, 4630192, 4630227,
        4640014, 4640018, 4640021, 4647884, 4655575, 4679776, 4492843, 4699614, 4708545, 4768527,
        4769102, 4759562, 4687417, 4688812, 4730888, 4746347, 4771895, 4772363, 4772510, 4775507,
        4775706, 4709109, 4778877, 4780594, 4781327, 4781746, 4788793, 4791537, 4788794, 4793496,
        4797761, 4801895, 4814464, 4657887, 4663015, 4669037, 4669042, 4670249, 4675667, 4708450,
        4635257, 4738302
4.5.21: 4822930
4.5.19: 4639857, 4696538, 4506122, 4508543, 4523446, 4599490, 4628930, 4663015,
------  4669037, 4669042, 4670249, 4675667, 4708450, 4708450, 4635257, 4758520,
        4738302, 4772416
4.5.16: 4656301, 4664138, 4663015, 4675667, 4668218, 4674091, 4670249
-----  4718514
-----  4523685, 4506122, 4508543, 4523446, 4461253, 4526771, 4528788, 4338923, 4491219,
       4500373, 4522404, 4528335, 4529740, 4546596, 4529777, 4613929, 4615543, 4533556,
       4548752, 4599573, 4599490, 4515832, 4619258, 4617168, 4531883, 4587618, 4587630,
       4618634, 4623361, 4624155, 4466040, 4618633, 4620265, 4621997, 4533255, 4621189,
       4622592, 4510826, 4511292, 4617083, 4628930, 4632351, 4633755, 4633778, 4634029,
       4634843, 4635979, 4636885, 4359283, 4656301, 4664138, 4674091, 4690089, 4639857,
       4696538, 4663015, 4670249, 4458995, 4489203, 4503153, 4512413, 4519336,

Changes incorporated in this version:

Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch:

Patches which conflict with this patch:

Patches required with this patch:

Obsoleted by:

Files included with this patch:

                                copyright, unix.flash-update.SunBlade1000.sh,
                                flash-update-Blade1000-16, unix.flash-update.README,
flash-update-Blade1000-latest, README.111292-17,

Problem Description:

BugId                Synopsis
-----                --------
4824460         USB hub power-port checks status for reserved port number
4921913         Safe NVRAM mode missing from 4.10.1 on SF280R
4935436         add support for more excalibur board part numbers in UNIX OBP flash update tool
4860811         Unexpected Trap when Dump IO-Bridge unit 1 during POST
4791537         after hitting breakpoint obp will not proceed further with 'step' or 'go'
4829098         corrupt nvram is not reported, crc is silently re-written
4841495         local-mac-address properties not created correctly in net devices
4860081         top down descent make is broken
4857933         checksum library Makefile missing dependency and rule for sparcv9 target dir
4861512         pcf8584 i2c probing code needs to retry.
4862646         USB keyboard FCode should not assume interface number
4921913         Safe NVRAM mode missing from 4.10.1 on SF280R
4935436         add support for more excalibur board part numbers in UNIX OBP flash update tool
4824460         USB hub power-port checks status for reserved port number
4864985         do faster mapping using on-demand generation of translations and forth assembler
4890305         Clean up nits in the common workspace
4829331         Running OBDiag with disg-script = 'none' causes an extra reset
4777088         alloc-mem fails with out of memory error for selected size ranges
4909053         Typo in user warning
4910442         POST output fails to be directed to RSC
4953893         New Motherboard and Centerplane Partnumbers will cause Flash-update to fail.
4920572         support explicit nvram partitions
4690966         1000 fdx/hdx forced mode does not set 1000Base-TPHY Control register correctly
4777088         alloc-mem fails with out of memory error for selected size ranges
4827977         Cassini FCode changes cause BGE FCode compilation and runtime errors.
4968020         use-nvramrc? changed to false after setting to true and reset

4935436                add support for more excalibur board part numbers in UNIX OBP flash update tool
4875279         4.10.1 hangs at POR
4791537                after hitting breakpoint obp will not proceed further with 'step' or 'go'
4841495                local-mac-address properties not created correctly in net devices.
4862646                USB keyboard FCode should not assume interface number
4824460                USB hub power-port checks status for reserved post number
4921913                Safe NVRAM mode missing from 4.10.1 on SF280R

4717392         ttya interrupts broken.
4717459         Grover isadma node needs interrupt-map-mask property.
4718135         dropin package should fetch from device addrs with register operators
4652104         Algorithm to retrieve slot info from "slot-names" prop. is incorrect in obdi
4728775         excalibur setup code needs to change to supposrt leverage by new platforms
4728778         remove an annoying message about $find during OBP compilation
4728781         convert the tftp package to fcode
4737872         need to retire the bringup workspaces
4641714         ERROR: RSC-Initiated Reset message is missing on lneck after rsc reset.
4731668         environmental monitoring code update
4735052         Make Depend causes forth wrapper and depend-load to output in different
4063042         some features needed in rev 3.1 tokenizer/detokenizr
4091674         SET-TOKEN fcode is broken
4127732         Tokenizer silently replaces CMOVE with MOVE
4630054         Detokenizer doesn't display  R>;  >;R  or  R@
4630192         Detokenizer doesn't detokenize 64-bit system primitives
4630227         Add a  force-headers?  switch, similar to force-external? , to the tokenizer
4640014         tokenizer/de-tokenizer handling of obsolete FCodes...
4640018         Implementation factors can accidentally get tokenized incorrectly
4640021         ability to run de-tokenizer output back through the tokenizer
4647884         Tokenizer should show all errors the first time through.
4655575         Tokenizer should handle  dma-alloc differently from FCode interpreter
4679776         Tokenizer can be deceived by ['] applied to macros.
4492843         fix typo in double-return-to-c
4699614         OBP breakpoint in ufsboot -->;  panic map_prom: prom-mapped page [ ... ] on f
ree l
4708545         Cannot drop to OBP after 64 L1-A to OBP and "go" cycles
4768527         OBP should not use DIMMs that POST has failed
4769102         Incorrect OBP version field
4759562         Obdiag's "make depend" fails to create useable depend.mk files.
4687417         missing space between prom Release and Created upon ".version" command
4688812         Watchdog XIR should follow error-reset-recovery
4730888         Extra line display after the "devalias <aliasname>;"
4746347         help command doesn't work with category-name beginning with capital letter.
4771895         Configuration Power-Down Error Messages must be consistent
4772363         make outputs confusing "?" prepended to long truncated filename path
4772510         Config file not included in isa.tok
4775507         timeouts in pcf8584 assembler code do not work correctly.
4775706         increase hcca area of usb ohci host adapter
4709109         Missing space in warning message
4778877         errors in code to fetch mac-address from bsc
4780594         System hung on the reset/reboot process after updating to 4.x.build_19
4781327         boot disk not working because of change in file descriptor filename buffer
4781746         Diag-switch? is set true on invalid SCC card, not default
4788793         compatible properties in some nodes do not accurately reflect the hardware
4791537         after hitting breakpoint obp will not proceed further with 'step' or 'go'
4788794         test-all stops testing after the first failure
4793496         Bscbus and bsc i2c drivers need to be restructed.
4797761         Display MB, CPU, DIMM part/serial number at start of POST start if POST
4801895         "Detokenize" script needs to be updated
4814464         update depend and Makefiles for fiesta platforms
4657887          interleave mode does not work for 2 gig dimms
4663015                POST 4.5.X reports warning when scanning FCAL controller
4669037                run higher bus traffic tests in thrasher
4669042                POST should always return with error status when running DR
4670249                unexpected cpu speed change to 750MHz on a 1056 MHz cpu
4675667         I2C POST failures seen on LW2+ (Excalibur ) platform
4708450         DR on CPU with bad fruproms hangs during ecache probe
4635257                Typo in POST output wen Initialising Scan Database
4738302                POST FPU tests do not pick up SunVTS FPU errors of basic walking of ones through
4797107                see FPU BLOCK REG TEST in POST with "Address does not match in free call:" msg.
4758520                Request for additions to POST
4797761                Display MB, CPU, DIMM part/serial number at start of POST

4822930         Sun Blade 1000 powers up as Sun-Fire 280R for some rev. BBCs.

4772416         FBPM failed during sys-suspend testing cause system hard hang.
4639857         sun4u_excalibur_cheetah+_2.2 CPU0 does not report correct AFSR on fatal-reset
4696538         OBP will hang if presented with an unknown jtag ID
4506122         POST debug menu's help not implemented
4508543         Debug menu text and formatting corrections
4523446         Excalibur POST 4.4.4a fails with Cheetah+ CPU Modules with Hitachi SRAMs
4599490         POST incorrectly reports DIMM failures
4628930         JTAG ID code on IBM SRAMs is changing
4663015         POST 4.5.X reports warning when scanning FCAL controller
4669037         run higher bus traffic tests in thrasher
4669042         POST should always return with error status when running DR
4670249         unexpected cpu speed change to 750MHz on a 1056 MHz cpu
4675667         I2C POST failures seen on LW2+ (Excalibur ) platform
4708450         DR on CPU with bad fruproms hangs during ecache probe
4635257         Typo in POST output wen Initialising Scan Database
4758520         Request for additions to POST
4738302         POST FPU tests do not pick up SunVTS FPU errors of basic walking of ones through

4718514         init interrupt state back to idle on safari platforms.

4458995          qlc: Incorrect Node WWN returned in  device tree (actually the
                Port WWN)
4489203          OBP probe-scsi-all on 876 fails to  identify last device on a
                combo 12
4503153          Optimize the implementation of  vocabulary based config. variables
4512413          Synchronize /obp depend.mk files
4519336          update excal seeprom files to match the  supported 1015 and 1050
                cpus configs
4523685          prefetch bit in pci bars not reflected  in regs property
4506122          POST debug menu's help not implemented
4508543           Debug menu text and formatting  corrections
4523446          Excalibur POST 4.4.4a fails with  Cheetah+ CPU Modules with
                Hitachi SRAMs
4461253          ISP2200 selftest accesses reserved register  space (legacy code
                from ISP2100)
4526771          Certain bad disks can cause FC-AL test  to hang when read is
4528788          Add support for new audio chip AD1845  for Excalibur OBDiag
4338923          XIR doesn't work
4491219          watchdog signal should be configured  as open-drain to not
                interfere with XIR
4500373          Unable to diagnose PCI-PBM reported  FATAL ERRORS no AFSRs         captured
4522404          need to improve setenv/ptintenv  interface for flag types of conf.
4528335          error-reset-sync-or-boot get broken by  the changes in voc. based
                conf. variables
4529740          cleaner interface between reset code and forth code
4546596          xir reset code error
4529777          In silent mode, Elapsed time can become unclear
4613929          Excal/lneck may report false fatal errors
4615543          Scrub ecache in OBP as part of initialization
4533556          i2c device failure results in stack depth change
4548752          Possible env-monitor and i2c selftest conflict
4599573          i2c selftest fails if no devices are on the bus
4599490          POST incorrectly reports DIMM failures
4515832          glm FCode does not implement scsi-reset-delay
4619258          change banner info from 2001 to 2002
4617168          Remove 'version' command from menutool;  'selftest-version' from
                device selftests
4531883          maxwait needed for isp2200 FCode
4587618          cif calls require caps and vocabulary manipulation
4587630          Add support for the SUNW,stop-cpu-by-cpuid cif methods
4618634          _2.2:RED State Exception events on reboot cycles with 1015MHz and
4623361          Make reset and forth level soft reset symetric
4624155          jtag fatal scanner does not account for uninitialized registers
4466040          Need to verify cases when methods are defined multiple times in
4618633          base backplane: empty loop test fails after probe-scsi
4620265          any selftest using i2c bus needs to be tolerent of multiple
                instances using bus
4621997          Improve obdiag menu tool to accept multiple commands on single
4533255          Boot time WARNING: invalid vector intr: number 0x7de, pil 0x0 (OBP
4621189          lsi1010 and friends (glm fcode) uses wrong value for selection
4622592          first device tested fails obdiag when 'diag-script' is set to
4510826          (SCH01_INCOMING_L) POST does not identify the centerplane as the
                faulty FRU. TP
4511292          (C1_P_DATA_L0) Fatal reset post fails to detect failing FRU, bails
                 to debug mode
4617083          POST should refer to Schizo as IO-Bridge               
4628930          JTAG ID code on IBM SRAMs is changing   
4632351          init interrupt state to pending on safari platforms
4633755          OBP ecache scrubber not correctly setting up ecache staging
4633778          it is unsafe to jtag scan the cpus on some excal motherboards
4634029          with diag-switch?=false a fatal error will get re-reported after
4634843          print out cpu afsr and afar information differently in excal OBP
4635979          CPU jtag traffic not completely removed from OBP
4636885          IDE selftest restructuring to support the southbridge IDE
4359283          The name of the serial selftest dropin need to be changed to "se"
4656301          Change Dimm PLLs to operate in low lock mode for Safari bus speeds
                 < 145 MHz
4664138          need to have ability to selectively disable E*
4674091          Red State Errors on Sun Blade 2000 with gigabyte dimms and 1056
4690089          OBP may clear some memory that is not on the available list
4639857          CPU0 does not report correct AFSR on fatal-reset
4696538          excalibur OBP will hang if presented with an unknown jtag ID
4663015          POST 4.5.X reports warning when scanningFCAL controller
4670249          unexpected cpu speed change to 750MHz on a 1056 MHz cpu

4675667         I2C POST failures seen on LW2+ (Excalibur) platform
4656301                Change Dimm PLLs to operate in low lock mode for Safari bus
                speeds < 145 MHz
4664138         need to have ability to selectively disable E*
4663015                POST 4.5.X reports warning when scanning FCAL controller
4668218                words defined in nvram are not available at the ok prompt.
4674091                Red State Errors on Sun Blade 2000 with gigabyte dimms and 1056 cpus
4670249                unexpected cpu speed change to 750MHz on a 1056 MHz cpu

Patch Installation Instructions:


    This README is intended for users who wish to upgrade the firmware
    in their Sun Blade 1000, Sun Blade 2000, Sun Fire 280R or Netra[tm] T20 system
    Flash PROM.  

The Solaris System Firmware update utility provides the ability to update the
system firmware from Solaris. This utility is provided as an alternate means of
flash update and may be used in place of the standard utility described in this
README file. In general this utility is a bit faster than the standard update
utility, and because it is a Solaris script, it may be used at the end of an
installation script for users who may be updating the firmware on multiple
systems as part of a large installation.

If you choose to update your system firmware using the traditional method,
please follow the instructions in this README file. If you would like to update
your system using the Solaris System Firmware update utility please follow the
instructions detailed in the unix.flash-update.README file.

Summary of the Patch Installation Process:

The installation shall comprise of the following steps

1)  Determine the system's current Flash PROM firmware revision.

2)  Compare the current Flash PROM firmware revision with the available or
    latest Flash PROM firmware revisions.

3)  If the current Flash PROM firmware revision is lower than the latest
    available firmware revision in this patch, then proceed to the next step.

4)  Prepare the system for the Flash PROM update

5)  Running the Flash PROM Utility

6)  Verifying successful Flash PROM Update

7)  Restoring the system

  Resume operations

Patch Installation instructions (in detail):

The required steps are explained in greater detail below.

1)  Determine the System's Current Firmware Revisions

    While the OS is running the following command may be used to
    determine the current system firmware revisions;

        /usr/sbin/prtconf -V
        /usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag -v | grep OBP

    The firmware revisions may also be determined from the PROM monitor's
    "ok" prompt with the following command;


2)  Compare the current Flash PROM firmware revision with the available or
    latest Flash PROM firmware revisions.

    Compare the output of the OBP line in the "prtdiag -v" or "prtconf -V"
    output. Find the revision number and compare with the revision on the
    entries below that of the "flash-update-Blade1000-latest" line

      Available Firmware Revisions

-latest        flash-update-Blade1000-latest
        OBP:  4.13.0  created 2004/01/19 18:27
        POST, v4.13.0 03/15/2004 19:13

-16        flash-update-Blade1000-16
        OBP:  4.10.11  created 2003/09/25 11:53
        POST, v4.10.9 08/05/2003 13:11


    If the current Flash PROM revision matches the version numbers given under
    the flash-update-Blade1000-latest line, then STOP Here. This UPGRADE IS NOT

    If the current Flash PROM firmware revision is lower than the latest
    firmware revision in this patch, then proceed to the next step.

4) Preparing the System

  a) As root, copy the latest "flash-update" files from the directory
     containing the patch to the root directory as follows:

     # cp flash*latest  /
     # chmod 755 /flash-update*

     In order to boot the binary, it must be located within the root
     partition.  If it is not already located within the root partition
     then move it to /.  If the binary is already located elsewhere
     within the root partition then note the exact filepath so that the
     binary can be booted later.

  b) As root, exit the OS such that the system returns to the PROM's "ok"

     # halt


5)  Running the Flash Update Utility

  a) The system should now display the PROM monitor's "ok" prompt.
     Now boot the Flash update utility as given below:

     CAUTION: Do not boot/run revisions lower than the latest unless you
              are absolutely sure that that is what you want to do!

     ok boot disk /flash-update-Blade1000-latest

     NOTE: If your system's boot device is not "disk" then you will
           have to specify the appropriate devalias (e.g. disk2).
           If the binary is located in a location other than / then
           provide the entire filepath after the boot device.

     Answer the questions as prompted by the utility.

+++++++++++++++++++++ example Flash update follows ++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++ Note that this is an example only.  Much of the information ++++++
++++++++ which is displayed by your system will be different from    ++++++
++++++++ what is shown below.                                        ++++++

Standalone Flash PROM Update Utility, Rev. 2.7
                        Ultra[tm] 1
                        Ultra[tm] 2
                        Ultra[tm] 5/10
                        Ultra[tm] 30
                        Ultra[tm] 60 / E220R
                        Ultra[tm] 80 / E420R
                        Ultra[tm] Enterprise(tm) 250
                        Ultra[tm] Enterprise(tm) 450
                        Sun Blade[tm] 100
                        Sun Blade[tm] 1000
                        Sun Fire [tm] 280R
                        Netra[tm] T20

This utility allows you to interactively update the firmware
revisions in specific system Flash PROM components.

Type h for help, q to quit, Return or Enter to continue:

Every precaution should be taken to prevent the loss of system
power during the Flash PROM programming process!

Type h for help, q to quit, Return or Enter to continue:

       Firmware Release(s)                Firmware Release(s)
Currently Existing in the System      Available for Installation  /  Install?
---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
OBP 3.1.2 1996/03/28 17:08         OBP 4.6.7 2002/07/24 15:43            no
POST 3.1.4 1996/04/09 03:23        POST 4.6.2 2002/06/20 12:50           no

Type sa if you wish to select all available firmware releases for
installation.  Type h for help, quit to exit, or cont to continue: sa

       Firmware Release(s)                Firmware Release(s)
Currently Existing in the System      Available for Installation  /  Install?
---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
OBP 3.1.2 1996/03/28 17:08         OBP 4.6.7 2002/07/24 15:43            YES
POST 3.1.4 1996/04/09 03:23        POST 4.6.2 2002/06/20 12:50           YES

Type sa if you wish to select all available firmware releases for
installation.  Type h for help, quit to exit, or cont to continue: cont

The Flash programming process is about to begin.

Type h for help, q to quit, Return or Enter to continue:

Erasing the top half of the Flash PROM.
Programming OBP into the top half of the Flash PROM.
Verifying OBP in the top half of the Flash PROM.

Erasing the bottom half of the Flash PROM.
Programming OBP into the bottom half of Flash PROM.
Verifying OBP in the bottom half of the Flash PROM.

Erasing the top half of the Flash PROM.
Programming POST into the top half of Flash PROM.
Verifying POST in the top half of the Flash PROM.

Programming was successful.

Resetting ...

+++++++++++++++++++++ example Flash update ends ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  Once the PROM's banner reappears then use the Stop-A keys (or Break
  key, if running from a serial line) to abort the auto-boot sequence
  if the system begins to boot.

6)  Verifying successful Flash PROM Update

    Verify from the results of the .version command that the OBP
    version matches the OBP version given above under the
    flash-update-Blade1000-latest entry in Step 2.

7)  Resume operations

    a) Allow the system to auto-boot, or issue the boot command for your
       environment as necessary.

    b) Once the system has rebooted you may wish to remove the Flash Update
       binaries and documents since they will no longer be needed.

       # rm /flash-update*

    c) Remember to remove the files from their original location if
       they were not extracted directly into the root directory.


Appendix A    Power Interruption During Updating

Power Interruption Recovery Scenarios

If your system has a front panel switch:

1. Turn the power switch to the standby position to prevent power surge to
   the system when power is restored.
2. After power is restored to the system location, return the power switch
   to the on position.

After power is restored, one of the following two recovery scenarios should
happen on your system. Follow the instructions described for the
appropriate scenario.

Scenario 1 - System Recovers After Power Restoration

If your system attempts to autoboot after power is restored, or if it
returns to the flash PROM's ok prompt, you must complete the programming
process by rebooting the flash PROM utility.

Scenario 2 - System Does Not Recover After Power Restoration

If your system does not boot or return to the ok prompt after power is

1. If the update was being run via a serial port and the system also has
   a frame buffer and keyboard installed, or if the system has a keyboard
   and more than one frame buffer installed:

   a. Connect a monitor to each frame buffer.

   b. Confirm that output has been redirected to one of the frame buffers.

     - The NVRAM configuration variables "might" have been modified
       because of the firmware update just before power was lost. If this
       happened, then the system output was possibly redirected to a
       device other than the one originally used to display it. This
       could only have happened if a keyboard was connected to the system.

     - If there is no keyboard connected to the system and the NVRAM
       configuration variable are set to their default values, then
       system input and output are directed to serial port A.

2. If output cannot be found on any of the installed frame buffers or
   serial port A, set the boot control jumper J2104 to boot from the half
   of the PROM that is not currently selected:

   - If the J2104 jumper is set for "high-half booting", pins 1-2, move it
     to "normal booting", pins 2-3.

   - If the J2104 jumper is set for "normal booting", pins 2-3  move it to
     "half-high booting", pins 1-2.

   Reference the Sun Flash PROM Guide (802-3233-25.ps) file for the jumper

3. Power on the system.

     - If the system recovers, complete the updating process by rebooting
       the flash PROM utility.

     - If the system does not recover, repeat Step 1 and Step 2 a second

4. If the system still does not recover after you complete Step 1 and Step
   2 a second time, contact your service provider.

Appendix B Verify/Set the System's Flash PROM Write Enable Jumper

1) Power off the system.

** CAUTION **  Do not attempt to access any part of the system hardware
               with the system power still on!

2) Remove the system top cover.  (If you are unsure how to do this then
     consult your system "Installation Guide" or "Service Manual".)

3) Verify/change the setting of jumper J2103 on pins 2+3.

   Jumper J2103 provides a write enable/disable mechanism for the
   Flash PROM.  J2103 normally connects pins 2+3, which causes the
   Flash PROM to be write enabled. By default J2103 is set to pins 2+3
   to write enable the Flash PROM. If for some reason J2103 has been set
   to pins 1+2, thus disabling the Flash PROM update, then you will need
   to move the jumper from pins 1+2 to pins 2+3.

   **IMPORTANT NOTE**: If this jumper is NOT set to WRITE ENABLE, the
   Flash update will fail.

   Note: consult the enclosed Sun Flash PROM Guide (802-3233-25.ps)

4) Replace the system top cover.

Note: If you have verified that the Flash PROM jumper J2103 is set to the
      write enabled positon and you still see the message "Could not communicate
      with the Flash PROM on the system board", when the update is run then you
      will need to contact your service provider.

Special Install Instructions:
If you have a Sun Blade 2000 with 1050 cpu module(s), do not downgrade
to OBP 4.5.10 or below.




*  THIS IS NOT A STANDARD PATCH in that it does not use the installpatch
   and backoutpatch scripts.


*  Installation of the firmware included with this patch does NOT
   require any hardware changes if the Flash update completes normally.

*  Appendix A of this README is included as emergency instructions
   which are to be executed ONLY IN THE EVENT OF A POWER INTERRUPTION

*  Appendix B of this README is included as emergency instructions

   Could not communicate with the Flash PROM on the system board.

   It is possible that the part is defective, or that the Flash PROM
   is write protected via the hardware 'Write Protect/Enable' jumper.
   Check the setting of the CPU board jumper J2103.


README -- Last modified date:  Tuesday, April 13, 2004

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