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[FTP] FTP无法修改文件名 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2004-10-08 17:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
我使用proftpd-1.2.9和proftpd-mod-quotatab-1.2.11实现磁盘限额,发现一个问题,就是无法修改文件名,出现没有权限的提示:Rename permission denied。不知何因?
ServerName                        "Superdream FTP Server"
ServerType                        standalone
DefaultServer                        on
Port                                21
Umask                                022
MaxInstances                        30
MaxLoginAttempts                3
User                                nobody
Group                                nobody
MaxHostsPerUser 1 "对不起,每个帐号最多允许来源ip为1个"
MaxClientsPerUser 1 "对不起,每个帐号在每个客户端最多可以同时登录1次"
MaxClientsPerHost 1 "对不起,同一个客户端只能最多1个帐号可以登录"
RootLogin off
RequireValidShell off
TimeoutStalled 10
MaxClients 10
AllowForeignAddress on
AllowStoreRestart on
ServerIdent off
DefaultRoot ~ ftpgroup
#DefaultRoot ~ ftpuser
SystemLog /usr/local/proftpd/logs/ftp.log
TransferLog /usr/local/proftpd/logs/ftp.transfer.log
AllowRetrieveRestart on
AllowStoreRestart on

#For quota configure
QuotaDirectoryTally on
QuotaDisplayUnits Mb
QuotaEngine on
QuotaLog /usr/local/proftpd/logs/Quota.log
QuotaShowQuotas on
#SQLDefaultGID 5500
#SQLDefaultUID 5500
SQLConnectInfo ftpdb@localhost proftpd 123456
SQLAuthTypes Backend Plaintext
SQLUserInfo ftpuser userid passwd uid gid homedir shell
SQLGroupInfo ftpgroup groupname gid members
SQLAuthenticate users* groups*
SQLHomedirOnDemand on
SQLLog PASS updatecount
SQLNamedQuery updatecount update "count=count+1,accessed=now() where userid='%u'" ftpuser
SQLLog STOR,DELE modified
SQLNamedQuery modified update "modified=now() where userid='%u'" ftpuser
SQLNamedQuery get-quota-limit select "name, quota_type, per_session, limit_type, bytes_in_avail, bytes_out_avail, bytes_xfer_avail, files_in_avail, files_out_avail, files_xfer_avail from ftpquotalimits where name='%{0}' and quota_type='%{1}'"
SQLNamedQuery get-quota-tally select "name, quota_type, bytes_in_used, bytes_out_used, bytes_xfer_used, files_in_used, files_out_used, files_xfer_used from ftpquotatallies where name='%{0}' and quota_type='%{1}'"
SQLNamedQuery update-quota-tally update "bytes_in_used = bytes_in_used + %{0}, bytes_out_used = bytes_out_used + %{1}, bytes_xfer_used = bytes_xfer_used + %{2}, files_in_used = files_in_used + %{3}, files_out_used = files_out_used + %{4}, files_xfer_used = files_xfer_used + %{5} where name='%{6}' and quota_type='%{7}'" ftpquotatallies
SQLNamedQuery insert-quota-tally insert "%{0},%{1},%{2},%{3},%{4},%{5},%{6},%{7}" ftpquotatallies
QuotaLimitTable sql:/get-quota-limit
QuotaTallyTable sql:/get-quota-tally/update-quota-tally/insert-quota-tally
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