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SUN M5000 启动异常,boot卡住 真心求助在线等 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2017-09-04 10:53 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
出现OK界面 但是到boot 后就没有任何输出了 请问大神们 有没有什么方法解决

Connecting to COM14...

  --  complete
initialize XSCF common database (ACTIVE)  --  complete
wait for database synchronization  --  complete
execute S00clis_all  --  complete
execute S10restore_um  --  complete
execute S11network.sheth0: PHY is Intel LXT972A (1378e2)

  --  complete
execute S15ntpcheck.sh  --  complete
execute S21daemons  --  complete
execute S51scflog_SCFboot.sh  --  complete
execute S82cod  --  complete
execute S98bui  --  complete
execute S99tmp_login  --  complete
execute S00clis_active  --  complete
execute S00cmem_check  --  complete
execute S18restorefmdlog  --  complete
execute S19setfmurl  --  complete
execute S29setfmconf  --  complete
execute S50setupSCFboot.sh  --  complete
execute S83setservicetagdata  --  complete
start /scf/sbin/scf_panelmgr (pid=690)
start /scf/sbin/auditd (pid=691)
start /scf/sbin/cmd (pid=692)
start /scf/sbin/cmd_sub (pid=693)
start /scf/sbin/errhandd (pid=694)
start /scf/sbin/fjdrd (pid=695)
start /scf/sbin/frura (pid=696)
start /scf/sbin/mond (pid=697)
start /scf/sbin/mond (pid=69
start /scf/sbin/powerd (pid=699)
start /scf/sbin/rci (pid=700)
start /scf/sbin/rci_dual (pid=701)
start /scf/sbin/reset (pid=702)
start /scf/sbin/resetra (pid=703)
start /scf/sbin/rsyncprocess (pid=704)
start /scf/sbin/scf_firmup_exed (pid=705)
start /scf/sbin/scf_hardlog (pid=706)
start /scf/sbin/scf_loganalyze (pid=707)
start /scf/sbin/sequence (pid=70
start /scf/sbin/ttyd (pid=709)
start /scf/sbin/apcsd (pid=710)
start /scf/sbin/codd (pid=711)
start /scf/sbin/scf_firmup_ctld (pid=712)
start /scf/sbin/fmd (pid=713)
start /scf/sbin/dscpd (pid=771)
start /scf/sbin/monitor_msg (pid=772)
start /scf/sbin/picld (pid=773)
start /scf/sbin/sunmcrund (pid=774)
start /scf/sbin/stdiscoverer (pid=775)
start /scf/sbin/stlistener (pid=776)
start /scf/sbin/dfrud (pid=777)
start /scf/sbin/iomgrd (pid=77
start /scf/sbin/archd (pid=825)
wait for SCF_READY  --  complete
execute S20setupSCFready.sh  --  complete
execute S99rcclear  --  complete
execute S10iobox_scan  --  complete
execute S10restore_um  --  complete
execute S84snmpd  --  complete
execute S85sunmc_esd  --  complete
execute S86limits  --  complete
execute S87opnl  --  complete
execute S99dr_recover.sh  --  complete
XSCF Initialize complete.

Sep  3 19:49:20 symail2-xscf XSCF[104]: XSCF Initialize complete.

login: DE^H^H^H

login: DE^H

login: default
Change the panel mode switch to Service and press return...
Leave it in that position for at least 5 seconds.  Change the panel mode switch to Locked, and press return...
XSCF> console -d 0
Connect to DomainID 0?[y|n] :y
POST Sequence 07 Memory Initialize
POST Sequence 08 Memory
POST Sequence 09 Raw UE In Cache
POST Sequence 0A Floating Point Unit
POST Sequence 0B SC
POST Sequence 0C Cacheable Instruction
POST Sequence 0D Softint
POST Sequence 0E CPU Cross Call
POST Sequence 0F CMU-CH
POST Sequence 10 PCI-CH
POST Sequence 11 Master Device
POST Sequence 12 DSCP
POST Sequence 13 SC Check Before STICK Diag
POST Sequence 14 STICK Stop
POST Sequence 15 STICK Start
POST Sequence 16 Error CPU Check
POST Sequence 17 System Configuration
POST Sequence 18 System Status Check
POST Sequence 19 System Status Check After Sync
POST Sequence 1A OpenBoot Start...
POST Sequence Complete.

Sun SPARC Enterprise M5000 Server, using Domain console
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Fujitsu Limited. All rights reserved.
OpenBoot 4.24.10, 131072 MB memory installed, Serial #86538590.
Ethernet address 0:21:28:28:79:5e, Host ID: 8528795e.

Aborting auto-boot sequence.

{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok boot -v

2 [报告]
发表于 2017-09-04 10:55 |只看该作者
XSCF> showdomainmode -d 0
Host-ID             :8528795e
Diagnostic Level    :min
Secure Mode         ff
Autoboot            n
CPU Mode            :auto

卡在console -d 0无输出
后来设置 autoboot  off

3 [报告]
发表于 2017-09-04 18:50 |只看该作者
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