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[Veritas NBU] NBU 突然storage unit unavailable了,怎么办? [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2004-11-01 21:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
NBU BS 4.5昨天还备份成功了的,可今天却显示storage unit unavailable,错误代码219,213.带库直连master server没有问题,storage unit 的属性设置也没有问题,为什么突然不行了呢?

2 [报告]
发表于 2004-11-02 20:42 |只看该作者

NBU 突然storage unit unavailable了,怎么办?

tpconfig -d看一下磁带驱动器的状态是不是down了。确认驱动器没问题后,把状态改成up:
vmoprcmd -up 0

3 [报告]
发表于 2004-11-03 10:33 |只看该作者

NBU 突然storage unit unavailable了,怎么办?


4 [报告]
发表于 2004-11-03 15:40 |只看该作者

NBU 突然storage unit unavailable了,怎么办?


5 [报告]
发表于 2004-11-03 21:38 |只看该作者

NBU 突然storage unit unavailable了,怎么办?

以下是从V网站上下来的,tape drive down的10大原因

Top Ten Reasons Tape Drives Go Down


10. Infrequent, random failure during "normal" operation.
   Diagnosis: Two drive errors occurred within 12 hours.  (See:
   Technotes 234412, 235839)
   A. Increase the number of allowable drive errors by creating a
      file named /usr/openv/netbackup/DRIVE_ERROR_THRESHOLD
      that contains an override value.
   B. Decrease the duration over which drive errors are accumulated
      by creating a file named /usr/openv/netbackup/TIME_WINDOW
      that contains an override value.
   C. Address the cause of the drive error:
      * Status 134: V3.4, Patch J080645, during manual backup:
        At end of tape, mount request precedes before dismount is
        complete -- create /usr/openv/volmgr/DISABLE_RESOURCES_BUSY
        on media server
      * Unreliable media (near maximum mount count) may need

9. drive goes Down following persistent media errors.
   Diagnosis: A robot inserts a (physically) damaged tape into the drive.
   Remedy: Manual intervention  (e.g., remove the adhesive label
           that's covering the media access and gumming everything up.

8. drive goes Down with intermittent media errors (Status 85 or 86).
   Diagnosis: Tape drive may need cleaning.  (See: Technotes 231451,
   236697, 201201)
   A. Check whether drive hardware has TapeAlert and is configured
      for automatic cleaning.  (This feature allows a drive to notify
      the Media Manager when it needs cleaning. Using this feature
      is the Veritas-preferred configuration.)
   B. If TapeAlert is not supported (or automatic cleaning is not
      selected), check whether Cleaning Frequency is set in the drive
   C. Find out whether any cleaning tapes are configured, and where
      they are located (in the robotic library, in "that other media
      server," or in "locked up in Jeremy's office."

7. drive goes Down with Status 85 (media read error) when mounting a
   particular tape volume.
   Diagnosis: The tape is really a misconfigured cleaning tape.
   A. Remove tape from drive (either manually or with robtest).
   B. Determine that tape is misconfigured either from its volume ID
      or by visual examination.
   C. Modify the tape properties (identify it as a cleaning tape.)

6. drive goes Down with Status 85 or 86 for other reasons.
   Diagnosis: Further details are available in /var/logs/syslog or

5. drive remains Down from the time the robot was brought on-line.
   Diagnosis: The drive had a tape in it when powered on, and the
              robot doesn't know where it belongs.
   Remedy:    Move tape to an unused slot with robtest and
              re-inventory robot.

4. drive goes Down whenever robot loads a tape.
   Diagnosis: One or more tape drives are misconfigured. (See Technote #193280)
   A. Run "sgscan" and examine the output.
   B. Run "tpconfig -d" and compare the results to sgscan.
   C. Check for consistency of preceding results, and compare with
   D. Try moving tapes from one drive to the next using "robtest".
   * Review current drive definition/properties with tpconfig or
     in the bpadm/xbpadm/jnbSA device manager functions.
   * Modify as necessary.

3. Hardware problems:
   A. Symptom:   SCSI Log contains send errors
      Diagnosis: Cabling or termination problems  (See Technote #234715)
      Remedy:    Move cables and termination as necessary
   B. Symptom:   SCSI bus reset
      Diagnosis: Defective SCSI controller (See Technote #201880)
      Remedy:    Replace SCSI adapter
   C. Symptom:   System error messages from robtest and sgscan
      Diagnosis: drive hardware, firmware bugs  (See Technote #237227)
      Remedy:    Upgrade hardware as necessary
   Other trouble-shooting tools:
   * Check lights on drive
   * Other command lines fail
   * Errors that appear in various NetBackup logs
   * System error logs, such as /var/logs/syslog or /var/adm/messages
     (if syslogging is enabled in /etc/syslog.conf)
   * /usr/openv/netbackup/db/media/errors

2. Check bptm and daemon logs for clues.  Who knows what you'll find in there!?

And the no. 1 reason for tapes to go Down ...

1. drive goes Down at random times.
   Diagnosis: Tape drive is linked to a stock index.
   Remedy: "/usr/sbin/unlink -f /etc/index.funds" on Media Server.

6 [报告]
发表于 2004-11-18 17:23 |只看该作者

NBU 突然storage unit unavailable了,怎么办?


7 [报告]
发表于 2004-11-30 18:35 |只看该作者

NBU 突然storage unit unavailable了,怎么办?

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