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[Veritas NBU] veritas nbu4.5 又是write error,status 86 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2004-12-21 15:24 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
备份软件 veritas 4.5
带库     hp msl5060
备份一段时间就出错,而且错误都是相同的,不知道是media的原因,还是tape library的原因.现在我把出错的相关信息贴出来,希望知道的朋友帮个忙.
在media server 上的信息是写到mail里,两封mail:如下

From root@fin03.ce-air.com Tue Dec 21 14:34:45 EAT 2004
Received: (from root@localhost)
        by fin03.ce-air.com (8.9.3 (PHNE_25184)/8.9.3) id OAA26661;
        Tue, 21 Dec 2004 14:34:45 +0800 (EAT)
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 14:34:45 +0800 (EAT)
Message-Id: <200412210634.OAA26661@fin03.ce-air.com>;
To: root@fin03.ce-air.com
From: root@fin03
Subject: fin03: Event Monitor Notification

>;------------ Event Monitoring Service Event Notification ------------<

Notification Time: Tue Dec 21 14:34:45 2004

fin03 sent Event Monitor notification information:

is >;= 3.
Its current value is CRITICAL(5).

Event data from monitor:

Event Time..........: Tue Dec 21 14:34:45 2004
Severity............: CRITICAL
Monitor.............: dm_stape
Event #.............: 100243
System..............: fin03

     Tape at hardware path 0/0/8/0/ : Media failure

Description of Error:

     The device was unsuccessful in reading data for the current I/O request
     because it could not find the requested recorded entity on the medium. The
     request may have been processed in a way which could cause damage to or
     loss of data.

     For furthur isolation of the problem, it may be possible that the
     combination of values of Sense Code, Sense Qualifier and Sense Key may be
     vendor specific. In that case, please contact the manufacturer of the
     device. It may also be possible that the combination of SCSI Sense
     Code/Qual/Key was not intended to be used by this type of device.

Probable Cause / Recommended Action:

     Reformatting the medium may fix the problem.

     Alternatively, the medium in the device is flawed. If the medium is
     removable, replace the medium with a fresh one.

     Alternatively, if the medium is not removable, the device has experienced
     a hardware failure. Contact your HP support representative to have the
     device checked.

Additional Event Data:
     System IP Address...:
     Event Id............: 0x41c7c40500000000
     Monitor Version.....: B.01.05
     Event Class.........: I/O
     Client Configuration File...........:
     Client Configuration File Version...: A.01.00
          Qualification criteria met.
               Number of events..: 1
     Associated OS error log entry id(s):
     Additional System Data:
          System Model Number.............: 9000/800/S16K-A
          OS Version......................: B.11.11
          System Firmware Version.........: 16.9
          System Serial Number............: SGH4307110
          System Software ID..............: 450226618
          EMS Version.....................: A.03.20
          STM Version.....................: A.35.00
          System Current Product Number...: A6093A
          System Original Product Number..: A6093A
     Latest information on this event:

v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v    D  E  T  A  I  L  S    v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v

Component Data:
     Physical Device Path....: 0/0/8/0/
     Inquiry Vendor ID.......: HP
     Inquiry Product ID......: Ultrium 1-SCSI
     Firmware Version........: E38W
     Serial Number...........: HU73G04014

Product/Device Data:

     Logger ID.........: stape
     Product Identifier: SCSI Tape
     Product Qualifier.: HPUltrium
     SCSI Target ID....: 0x00
     SCSI LUN..........: 0x01

I/O Log Event Data:

     Driver Status Code..................: 0x00000005
     Length of Logged Hardware Status....: 26 bytes.
     Offset to Logged Manager Information: 32 bytes.
     Length of Logged Manager Information: 30 bytes.

Hardware Status:

     Raw H/W Status:
          0x0000: 00 00 00 02   F0 00 03 00   00 00 2E 0E   00 00 00 00
          0x0010: 14 00 00 00   50 90 00 00   00 00

     SCSI Status...: CHECK CONDITION (0x02)
          Indicates that a contingent allegiance condition has occurred.  Any
          error, exception, or abnormal condition that causes sense data to be
          set will produce the CHECK CONDITION status.

SCSI Sense Data:

     Undecoded Sense Data:
          0x0000: F0 00 03 00   00 00 2E 0E   00 00 00 00   14 00 00 00
          0x0010: 50 90 00 00   00 00

     SCSI Sense Data Fields:
          Error Code                      : 0x70
          Segment Number                  : 0x00
          Bit Fields:
               Filemark                   : 0
               End-of-Medium              : 0
               Incorrect Length Indicator : 0
          Sense Key                       : 0x03
          Information Field Valid         : TRUE
          Information Field               : 0x0000002E
          Additional Sense Length         : 14
          Command Specific                : 0x00000000
          Additional Sense Code           : 0x14
          Additional Sense Qualifier      : 0x00
          Field Replaceable Unit          : 0x00
          Sense Key Specific Data Valid   : FALSE
          Sense Key Specific Data         : 0x00 0x50 0x90

          Sense Key 0x03, MEDIUM ERROR, indicates that the command terminated
          with a nonrecovered error condition that was probably caused by a
          flaw in the medium or an error in the recorded data.  This sense key
          may also be returned if the device is unable to distinguish between a
          flaw in the medium and a specific hardware failure (sense key 0x04).

          The combination of Additional Sense Code and Sense Qualifier (0x1400)
          indicates: Recorded entity not found.

SCSI Command Data Block:  (not present in log record)

Manager-Specific Information:

     Raw Manager Data:
          0x0000: 0C 36 78 D7   00 00 00 00   00 00 00 02   00 00 00 00
          0x0010: 0C 00 01 16   FE 00 00 06   11 01 00 00   2F 00

>;---------- End Event Monitoring Service Event Notification ----------<


From root@fin03.ce-air.com Tue Dec 21 14:03:02 EAT 2004
Received: (from root@localhost)
        by fin03.ce-air.com (8.9.3 (PHNE_25184)/8.9.3) id OAA26110;
        Tue, 21 Dec 2004 14:03:02 +0800 (EAT)
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 14:03:02 +0800 (EAT)
Message-Id: <200412210603.OAA26110@fin03.ce-air.com>;
To: root@fin03.ce-air.com
From: root@fin03
Subject: fin03: Event Monitor Notification

>;------------ Event Monitoring Service Event Notification ------------<

Notification Time: Tue Dec 21 14:03:01 2004

fin03 sent Event Monitor notification information:

is >;= 3.
Its current value is CRITICAL(5).

Event data from monitor:

Event Time..........: Tue Dec 21 14:03:01 2004
Severity............: CRITICAL
Monitor.............: dm_stape
Event #.............: 100084
System..............: fin03

     Tape at hardware path 0/0/8/0/ : Hardware failure

Description of Error:

     While attempting to write data to its medium, the device encountered a
     write error. Data loss may have occurred.

     For furthur isolation of the problem, it may be possible that the
     combination of values of Sense Code, Sense Qualifier and Sense Key may be
     vendor specific. In that case, please contact the manufacturer of the
     device. It may also be possible that the combination of SCSI Sense
     Code/Qual/Key was not intended to be used by this type of device.

Probable Cause / Recommended Action:

     The device has experienced a hardware failure. Contact your HP support
     representative to have the device checked.

Additional Event Data:
     System IP Address...:
     Event Id............: 0x41c7bc9500000000
     Monitor Version.....: B.01.05
     Event Class.........: I/O
     Client Configuration File...........:
     Client Configuration File Version...: A.01.00
          Qualification criteria met.
               Number of events..: 1
     Associated OS error log entry id(s):
     Additional System Data:
          System Model Number.............: 9000/800/S16K-A
          OS Version......................: B.11.11
          System Firmware Version.........: 16.9
          System Serial Number............: SGH4307110
          System Software ID..............: 450226618
          EMS Version.....................: A.03.20
          STM Version.....................: A.35.00
          System Current Product Number...: A6093A
          System Original Product Number..: A6093A
     Latest information on this event:

v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v    D  E  T  A  I  L  S    v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v

Component Data:
     Physical Device Path....: 0/0/8/0/
     Inquiry Vendor ID.......: HP
     Inquiry Product ID......: Ultrium 1-SCSI
     Firmware Version........: E38W
     Serial Number...........: HU73A02465

Product/Device Data:

     Logger ID.........: stape
     Product Identifier: SCSI Tape
     Product Qualifier.: HPUltrium
     SCSI Target ID....: 0x00
     SCSI LUN..........: 0x02

I/O Log Event Data:

     Driver Status Code..................: 0x00000005
     Length of Logged Hardware Status....: 26 bytes.
     Offset to Logged Manager Information: 32 bytes.
     Length of Logged Manager Information: 30 bytes.

Hardware Status:

     Raw H/W Status:
          0x0000: 00 00 00 02   70 00 03 00   00 00 00 0E   00 00 00 00
          0x0010: 0C 00 00 00   75 0F 00 00   00 00

     SCSI Status...: CHECK CONDITION (0x02)
          Indicates that a contingent allegiance condition has occurred.  Any
          error, exception, or abnormal condition that causes sense data to be
          set will produce the CHECK CONDITION status.

SCSI Sense Data:

     Undecoded Sense Data:
          0x0000: 70 00 03 00   00 00 00 0E   00 00 00 00   0C 00 00 00
          0x0010: 75 0F 00 00   00 00

     SCSI Sense Data Fields:
          Error Code                      : 0x70
          Segment Number                  : 0x00
          Bit Fields:
               Filemark                   : 0
               End-of-Medium              : 0
               Incorrect Length Indicator : 0
          Sense Key                       : 0x03
          Information Field Valid         : FALSE
          Information Field               : 0x00000000
          Additional Sense Length         : 14
          Command Specific                : 0x00000000
          Additional Sense Code           : 0x0C
          Additional Sense Qualifier      : 0x00
          Field Replaceable Unit          : 0x00
          Sense Key Specific Data Valid   : FALSE
          Sense Key Specific Data         : 0x00 0x75 0x0F

          Sense Key 0x03, MEDIUM ERROR, indicates that the command terminated
          with a nonrecovered error condition that was probably caused by a
          flaw in the medium or an error in the recorded data.  This sense key
          may also be returned if the device is unable to distinguish between a
          flaw in the medium and a specific hardware failure (sense key 0x04).

          The combination of Additional Sense Code and Sense Qualifier (0x0C00)
          indicates: Write error (sense key indicates whether recovered).

SCSI Command Data Block:  (not present in log record)

Manager-Specific Information:

     Raw Manager Data:
          0x0000: 0C 36 78 40   00 00 00 00   00 00 00 02   00 00 00 00
          0x0010: 0C 00 02 16   FE 00 00 06   11 01 FF FF   FF 00

>;---------- End Event Monitoring Service Event Notification ----------<


在nbu的admin console上看到的信息:

2004-12-21 14:19:34 - started process bpbrm (2600
2004-12-21 14:19:34 - connecting
2004-12-21 13:52:35 - started process bptm (26010)
2004-12-21 14:19:37 - started process bpbrm (2600
2004-12-21 14:19:37 - connecting
2004-12-21 14:19:37 - connected; connect time: 00:00:00
2004-12-21 14:19:37 - mounting 1247L1
2004-12-21 14:20:49 - mounted; mount time: 00:01:12
2004-12-21 14:20:49 - positioning 1247L1 to file 48
2004-12-21 14:23:02 - positioned; position time: 00:02:13
2004-12-21 14:23:02 - begin writing
2004-12-21 13:57:36 - Error bptm(pid=26010) ioctl (MTBSF) failed on media id 1247L1, drive index 2, I/O 错误 (bptm.c.17981)
2004-12-21 14:24:42 - end writing; write time: 00:01:40
media position error(86)

2004-12-21 13:58:01 - started process bptm (26169)
2004-12-21 14:25:02 - started process bpbrm (26166)
2004-12-21 14:25:02 - connecting
2004-12-21 14:25:02 - connected; connect time: 00:00:00
2004-12-21 14:25:03 - mounting 1247L1
2004-12-21 14:27:44 - mounted; mount time: 00:02:41
2004-12-21 14:27:44 - positioning 1247L1 to file 48
2004-12-21 14:13:59 - Warning bptm(pid=26169) cannot locate on drive index 1, RLE00040: 3, 14, 0
2004-12-21 14:29:20 - Error bptm(pid=26169) ioctl (MTFSF) failed on media id 1247L1, drive index 1, I/O 错误 (bptm.c.5766)
2004-12-21 14:56:26 - end writing
media position error(86)

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