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[b]→※ server WARNING: 请大虾帮忙![/b] [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2005-01-12 20:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
我的服务器运行一段时间后,突然从某一天起,开始变得很慢,特别是查询的其中的一个表,请高手指教。下面是我截取的一段日志,或者回复我信箱,在下感激不尽!!00:00000:00001:2005/01/12 13:57:43.69 server  Recovery complete.
00:00000:00001:2 005/01/12 13:57:43.69 server  SQL Server's default sort order is:
00:00000:00001:2005/01/12 13:57:43.69 server          'bin_iso_1' (ID = 50)
00:00000:00001:2005/01/12 13:57:43.69 server  on top of default character set:
00:00000:00001:2005/01/12 13:57:43.69 server          'iso_1' (ID = 1).
00:00000:00001:2005/01/12 13:57:43.70 server  Loaded default Unilib conversion handle.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 15:28:18.39 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (4 for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 15:28:18.39 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (-44) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 15:28:18.43 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (60) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 15:28:18.43 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (-56) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 15:28:18.46 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (54) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 15:28:18.46 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (-50) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 15:28:18.48 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (60) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 15:28:18.49 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (-56) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 15:28:18.51 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (5 for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 15:28:18.51 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (-54) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 16:12:14.19 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (4 for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 16:12:19.38 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (-44) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 16:12:20.49 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (60) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 16:12:23.98 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (-56) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 16:12:25.40 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (54) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 16:12:31.18 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (-50) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 16:12:31.99 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (60) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 16:12:35.58 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (-56) for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 16:12:36.59 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (5 for server process id 9.
00:00000:00009:2005/01/12 16:12:38.58 server  WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (2)
does not match memory usage count in Pss (-54) for server process id 9.

2 [报告]
发表于 2005-01-13 08:53 |只看该作者

[b]→※ server WARNING: 请大虾帮忙![/b]


3 [报告]
发表于 2005-01-13 08:58 |只看该作者

[b]→※ server WARNING: 请大虾帮忙![/b]


4 [报告]
发表于 2005-01-13 09:10 |只看该作者

[b]→※ server WARNING: 请大虾帮忙![/b]

重新启动一下ASE就可以了,如果速度慢的话肯定是其他原因,你可以用set showplan,noexec on看一下你的查询命令是否使用到了正确的索引

5 [报告]
发表于 2005-01-13 09:14 |只看该作者

[b]→※ server WARNING: 请大虾帮忙![/b]

#                Configuration File for the Sybase SQL Server
#                Please read the System Administration Guide (SAG)
#                before changing any of the values in this file.

sun 450 1G内存,前一段时间运行很好,有一天下午到现在一直很慢,不知是什么原因?
[Configuration Options]

[General Information]

[Installation is 64-bit]

        recovery interval in minutes = DEFAULT
        print recovery information = DEFAULT
        tape retention in days = DEFAULT

[Cache Manager]
        number of oam trips = DEFAULT
        number of index trips = DEFAULT
        procedure cache percent = 30
        memory alignment boundary = DEFAULT
        global async prefetch limit = DEFAULT

[Named Cache:default data cache]
        cache size = DEFAULT
        cache status = default data cache
        cache replacement policy = DEFAULT

[Meta-Data Caches]
        number of open databases = 6
        number of open objects = 1500
        open object spinlock ratio = DEFAULT
        number of open indexes = 1500
        open index hash spinlock ratio = DEFAULT
        open index spinlock ratio = DEFAULT

[Disk I/O]
        allow sql server async i/o = DEFAULT
        disk i/o structures = DEFAULT
        page utilization percent = DEFAULT
        number of devices = DEFAULT
        disable character set conversions = DEFAULT
        enable unicode conversions = DEFAULT
        size of unilib cache = DEFAULT

[Network Communication]
        default network packet size = DEFAULT
        max network packet size = DEFAULT
        remote server pre-read packets = DEFAULT
        number of remote connections = 100
        allow remote access = DEFAULT
        number of remote logins = 50
        number of remote sites = DEFAULT
        max number network listeners = 15
        tcp no delay = DEFAULT
        allow sendmsg = DEFAULT
        syb_sendmsg port number = DEFAULT

[O/S Resources]
        max async i/os per engine = DEFAULT
        max async i/os per server = 200

[Parallel Query]
        number of worker processes = DEFAULT
        memory per worker process = DEFAULT
        max parallel degree = DEFAULT
        max scan parallel degree = DEFAULT

[Physical Resources]

[Physical Memory]
        total memory = 256000
        additional network memory = DEFAULT
        lock shared memory = DEFAULT
        shared memory starting address = DEFAULT
        max SQL text monitored = DEFAULT

        max online engines = DEFAULT
        min online engines = DEFAULT

[SQL Server Administration]
        default database size = DEFAULT
        identity burning set factor = DEFAULT
        allow nested triggers = DEFAULT
        allow updates to system tables = DEFAULT
        print deadlock information = DEFAULT
        default fill factor percent = DEFAULT
        default exp_row_size percent = DEFAULT
        number of mailboxes = DEFAULT
        number of messages = DEFAULT
        number of alarms = DEFAULT
        number of pre-allocated extents = DEFAULT
        event buffers per engine = DEFAULT
        cpu accounting flush interval = DEFAULT
        i/o accounting flush interval = DEFAULT
        sql server clock tick length = DEFAULT
        runnable process search count = DEFAULT
        i/o polling process count = DEFAULT
        time slice = DEFAULT
        deadlock retries = DEFAULT
        cpu grace time = 200
        number of sort buffers = DEFAULT
        number of large i/o buffers = DEFAULT
        size of auto identity column = DEFAULT
        identity grab size = DEFAULT
        page lock promotion HWM = DEFAULT
        page lock promotion LWM = DEFAULT
        page lock promotion PCT = DEFAULT
        housekeeper free write percent = DEFAULT
        enable housekeeper GC = DEFAULT
        partition groups = DEFAULT
        partition spinlock ratio = DEFAULT
        allow resource limits = DEFAULT
        number of aux scan descriptors = DEFAULT
        SQL Perfmon Integration = DEFAULT
        allow backward scans = DEFAULT
        row lock promotion HWM = DEFAULT
        row lock promotion LWM = DEFAULT
        row lock promotion PCT = DEFAULT
        license information = DEFAULT

[User Environment]
        number of user connections = 500
        stack size = DEFAULT
        stack guard size = DEFAULT
        permission cache entries = DEFAULT
        user log cache size = DEFAULT
        user log cache spinlock ratio = DEFAULT

[Lock Manager]
        number of locks = 25000
        deadlock checking period = DEFAULT
        freelock transfer block size = DEFAULT
        max engine freelocks = DEFAULT
        lock spinlock ratio = DEFAULT
        lock hashtable size = DEFAULT
        lock scheme = DEFAULT
        lock wait period = DEFAULT
        read committed with lock = DEFAULT

[Security Related]
        systemwide password expiration = DEFAULT
        audit queue size = DEFAULT
        curread change w/ open cursors = DEFAULT
        allow procedure grouping = DEFAULT
        select on syscomments.text = DEFAULT
        auditing = DEFAULT
        current audit table = DEFAULT
        suspend audit when device full = DEFAULT
        max roles enabled per user = DEFAULT
        unified login required = DEFAULT
        use security services = DEFAULT
        msg confidentiality reqd = DEFAULT
        msg integrity reqd = DEFAULT
        msg replay detection reqd = DEFAULT
        msg origin checks reqd = DEFAULT
        msg out-of-seq checks reqd = DEFAULT
        secure default login = DEFAULT
        dump on conditions = DEFAULT

[Extended Stored Procedure]
        esp unload dll = DEFAULT
        esp execution priority = DEFAULT
        esp execution stacksize = DEFAULT
        xp_cmdshell context = DEFAULT
        start mail session = DEFAULT

[Error Log]
        event logging = DEFAULT
        log audit logon success = DEFAULT
        log audit logon failure = DEFAULT
        event log computer name = DEFAULT

[Rep Agent Thread Administration]
        enable rep agent threads = DEFAULT
        maximum dump conditions = DEFAULT

[Component Integration Services]
        enable cis = DEFAULT
        cis connect timeout = DEFAULT
        cis bulk insert batch size = DEFAULT
        max cis remote connections = DEFAULT
        max cis remote servers = DEFAULT
        cis packet size = DEFAULT
        cis cursor rows = DEFAULT
        cis rpc handling = DEFAULT

6 [报告]
发表于 2005-01-13 09:23 |只看该作者

[b]→※ server WARNING: 请大虾帮忙![/b]




7 [报告]
发表于 2005-01-13 10:08 |只看该作者

[b]→※ server WARNING: 请大虾帮忙![/b]

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