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请问proc文件系统--read_proc() [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2005-03-20 09:24 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


看了些许文档, 但还是不理解,请指教

* How to be a proc read function
* ------------------------------
* Prototype:
*    int f(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset,
*          int count, int *peof, void *dat)
* Assume that the buffer is "count" bytes in size.
* If you know you have supplied all the data you
* have, set *peof.
* You have three ways to return data:
* 0) Leave *start = NULL.  (This is the default.)
*    Put the data of the requested offset at that
*    offset within the buffer.  Return the number (n)
*    of bytes there are from the beginning of the
*    buffer up to the last byte of data.  If the
*    number of supplied bytes (= n - offset) is
*    greater than zero and you didn't signal eof
*    and the reader is prepared to take more data
*    you will be called again with the requested
*    offset advanced by the number of bytes
*    absorbed.  This interface is useful for files
*    no larger than the buffer.
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