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关于Deadlock 怎么解决 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2005-07-29 14:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
谢谢各位大侠,帮我分析一下错误原因:Deadlock Id 192: Process (Familyid 311 311) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'get_by07ryspda'.
SQL Text: @ka = @P018 output , @prm_code = @P019 output , @prm_ErrorMsg = @P020 output
Deadlock Id 192: Process (Familyid 65 65) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'prc_sjzy_jsbsjzy'.
SQL Text: DECLARE @P002 numeric(5,0), @P003 varchar(56) SELECT @P002 = 1, @P003 = '' execute prc_sjzy_jsbsjzy @prm_bh = '200417674', @prm_appcode = @P002 output , @prm_errormsg = @P003 output
Deadlock Id 192: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 65) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 4882110 of the 'by07ryspda' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 311, Spid 311) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 192: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 311) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 4882109 of the 'by07ryspda' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 65, Spid 65) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 192: Process (Familyid 0, 311) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

Deadlock Id 193: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 193: Process (Familyid 367 367) (suid was executing a UPDATE command in the trigger 'tU_gcwyfz'.
SQL Text: execute pf_yhjzdsj_zb @bxxm ='B' , @yhhh ='800000119' , @yhzh ='4402902009024988826x' , @zph ='10000704' , @zpzl ='2' , @zje =12831559.98 , @yspzbh ='2005041900005' , @cwry ='6' , @ztbh ='04' , @jsrq ='20050419'
Deadlock Id 193: Process (Familyid 218 21 (suid 5) was executing a COND command in the trigger 'tI_gcwyfmxz'.
SQL Text: DECLARE @P012 numeric(5,0), @P013 varchar(200) SELECT @P012 = 0, @P013 = '' execute Prc_K_UnitPayment @prm_dwbm = '900288', @prm_kssj = '20050315', @prm_jzsj = '20050419', @prm_czry = '谷银丽', @prm_zflb = '38', @prm_tccwsxh = 'BC2005041900303', @prm_bccwsxh = 'XC2005041900085', @prm_gwycwsxh = 'WC2005041900085', @prm_zhcwsxh = 'BC2005041900304', @prm_zfxlh = 'ZX2005041900085', @prm_zfnd = '2005', @prm_AppCode = @P012 output , @prm_ErrorMsg = @P013 output
Deadlock Id 193: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 21 was waiting for a 'shared intent' lock on the 'gcwyfz' table in database 9 but process (Familyid 367, Spid 367) already held a 'exclusive table' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 193: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 367) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 476065 of the 'gcwyfmxz' table in database 9 but process (Familyid 218, Spid 21 already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 193: Process (Familyid 0, 21 was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.
Deadlock Id 214: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0050000100001.00 18.000011118.000
Deadlock Id 214: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0030000100001.005.00001115.000
Deadlock Id 214: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697772 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 214: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697597 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 214: Process (Familyid 0, 82) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

00:00000:00082:2005/06/17 12:47:43.18 server  Deadlock Id 215 detected
Deadlock Id 215: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 215: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0050000100001.00 18.000011118.000
Deadlock Id 215: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0030000100001.005.00001115.000
Deadlock Id 215: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697772 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 215: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697597 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 215: Process (Familyid 0, 105) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

00:00000:00105:2005/06/17 12:47:48.18 server  Deadlock Id 216 detected
Deadlock Id 216: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 216: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0030000100001.005.00001115.000
Deadlock Id 216: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0030000100001.005.00001115.000
Deadlock Id 216: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697773 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 216: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697747 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 216: Process (Familyid 0, 82) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

01:00000:00105:2005/06/17 12:47:50.68 server  Deadlock Id 217 detected
Deadlock Id 217: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 217: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0120000100001.001.00001111.000
Deadlock Id 217: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0120000100001.001.00001111.000
Deadlock Id 217: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697773 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 217: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697747 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 217: Process (Familyid 0, 82) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

01:00000:00105:2005/06/17 12:47:52.18 server  Deadlock Id 218 detected
Deadlock Id 218: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 218: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0040000100001.00100.0000111100.000
Deadlock Id 218: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0120000100001.001.00001111.000
Deadlock Id 218: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697773 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 218: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697747 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 218: Process (Familyid 0, 82) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

01:00000:00105:2005/06/17 12:47:53.18 server  Deadlock Id 219 detected
Deadlock Id 219: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 219: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0100000100001.00485.0000111485.000
Deadlock Id 219: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0120000100001.001.00001111.000
Deadlock Id 219: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697773 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 219: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697747 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 219: Process (Familyid 0, 82) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

00:00000:00105:2005/06/17 12:47:57.18 server  Deadlock Id 220 detected
Deadlock Id 220: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 220: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0120000100001.001.00001111.000
Deadlock Id 220: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0010100100001.00 59.900011159.900
Deadlock Id 220: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697775 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 220: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697747 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 220: Process (Familyid 0, 82) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

00:00000:00082:2005/06/17 12:48:04.68 server  Deadlock Id 221 detected
Deadlock Id 221: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 221: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0010100100001.00 37.300011137.300
Deadlock Id 221: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0010100100001.00104.0000111104.000
Deadlock Id 221: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697795 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 221: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697748 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 221: Process (Familyid 0, 105) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

00:00000:00082:2005/06/17 12:48:06.68 server  Deadlock Id 222 detected
Deadlock Id 222: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 222: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0010100100001.007.20001117.200
Deadlock Id 222: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0010100100001.007.20001117.200
Deadlock Id 222: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697797 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 222: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697748 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 222: Process (Familyid 0, 105) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

01:00000:00082:2005/06/17 12:48:08.68 server  Deadlock Id 223 detected
Deadlock Id 223: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 223: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0100100001.00 19.900011119.900
Deadlock Id 223: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0010100100001.00 70.000011170.000
Deadlock Id 223: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697798 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 223: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697748 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 223: Process (Familyid 0, 105) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

01:00000:00082:2005/06/17 12:48:09.68 server  Deadlock Id 224 detected
Deadlock Id 224: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 224: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0100100001.00 20.800011120.800
Deadlock Id 224: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0010100100001.00257.2000111257.200
Deadlock Id 224: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697798 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 224: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697748 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 224: Process (Familyid 0, 105) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

00:00000:00082:2005/06/17 12:48:10.68 server  Deadlock Id 225 detected
Deadlock Id 225: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 225: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0030000100001.00 30.000011130.000
Deadlock Id 225: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0100100001.00 75.200011175.200
Deadlock Id 225: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697798 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 225: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697748 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 225: Process (Familyid 0, 105) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

00:00000:00082:2005/06/17 12:48:12.18 server  Deadlock Id 226 detected
Deadlock Id 226: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 226: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0010100100001.00 10.000011110.000
Deadlock Id 226: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0070000100001.00143.0000111143.000
Deadlock Id 226: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697799 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 226: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697748 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 226: Process (Familyid 0, 105) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

00:00000:00105:2005/06/17 12:48:15.68 server  Deadlock Id 227 detected
Deadlock Id 227: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 227: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0030000100001.00186.0000111186.000
Deadlock Id 227: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0040000100001.00280.0000111280.000
Deadlock Id 227: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697748 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 227: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697799 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 227: Process (Familyid 0, 82) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

00:00000:00105:2005/06/17 12:48:18.18 server  Deadlock Id 228 detected
Deadlock Id 228: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 228: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0010100100001.00 10.000011110.000
Deadlock Id 228: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0010100100001.006.40001116.400
Deadlock Id 228: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697800 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 228: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697749 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 228: Process (Familyid 0, 82) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

01:00000:00082:2005/06/17 12:48:19.18 server  Deadlock Id 229 detected
Deadlock Id 229: detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 229: Process (Familyid 105 105) (suid 5) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0010100100001.00 51.600011151.600
Deadlock Id 229: Process (Familyid 82 82) (suid 5) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'huxf_insert_by09zyfymx'.
SQL Text: 0010100100001.00 78.300011178.300
Deadlock Id 229: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 82) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 5697800 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 105, Spid 105) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 229: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 105) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 5697749 of the 'by09zyfymx' table in database 5 but process (Familyid 82, Spid 82) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 229: Process (Familyid 0, 105) was chosen as the victim. End of deadlock information.

2 [报告]
发表于 2005-07-29 14:55 |只看该作者

关于Deadlock 怎么解决

在存储过程中设置set isolation level 0就应该可以解决这个问题

3 [报告]
发表于 2005-07-29 14:57 |只看该作者

关于Deadlock 怎么解决


日期:2015-03-10 10:32:022015年亚洲杯之阿曼
日期:2015-03-10 14:53:222015亚冠之水原三星
日期:2015-07-18 15:40:262015亚冠之塔什干棉农
日期:2015-07-27 20:52:05
4 [报告]
发表于 2005-07-29 15:09 |只看该作者

关于Deadlock 怎么解决


5 [报告]
发表于 2005-07-29 15:28 |只看该作者

关于Deadlock 怎么解决


6 [报告]
发表于 2005-07-29 15:39 |只看该作者

关于Deadlock 怎么解决


7 [报告]
发表于 2005-07-29 16:03 |只看该作者

关于Deadlock 怎么解决

[quote]原帖由 "1017of"]不是所有业务都适合设置成0,可以先使用行级锁,调整锁升级参数看看,如果还不行,还是要从应用上找找原因[/quote 发表:


日期:2017-01-10 15:19:56
8 [报告]
发表于 2005-07-29 17:34 |只看该作者

关于Deadlock 怎么解决

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