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[Web] apache的负载均衡怎么都负载到一台上了呢? [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2005-11-03 15:19 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览




两台weblogic是正常工作的,从http:// ... ebLogicBridgeConfig中可以看到它们的状态。

================New Request: [GET /xhnews/publish/logout.jsp HTTP/1.0] =================
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 The request string is '/xhnews/publish/logout.jsp'
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 SEARCHING id=[,] from current ID=[,]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 @@@FOUND...id=[,], server_name=[], server_port=[80]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Init: availcookie=[JSESSIONID=Q2mm1aiXxl3rF5qVgOiwVRs8EyacweM1NmSW2Rq3j0fq8uIOStFG!-416984125!-1062729201!7001!7002]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 INFO: SSL is not configured
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 trying connect to PRIMARY ''/7001/7002
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 INFO: New NON-SSL URL
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs from clnt:[Accept]=[image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/msword, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, */*]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs from clnt:[Accept-Language]=[zh-cn]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs from clnt:[Cookie]=[JSESSIONID=Q2mm1aiXxl3rF5qVgOiwVRs8EyacweM1NmSW2Rq3j0fq8uIOStFG!-416984125!-1062729201!7001!7002]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs from clnt:[Host]=[]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs from clnt:[Referer]=[]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs from clnt:[User-Agent]=[Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; MyIE2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs to WLS:[Accept]=[image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/msword, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, */*]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs to WLS:[Accept-Language]=[zh-cn]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs to WLS:[Cookie]=[JSESSIONID=Q2mm1aiXxl3rF5qVgOiwVRs8EyacweM1NmSW2Rq3j0fq8uIOStFG!-416984125!-1062729201!7001!7002]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs to WLS:[Host]=[]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs to WLS:[Referer]=[]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs to WLS:[User-Agent]=[Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; MyIE2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-SSL]=[false]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs to WLS:[Proxy-Client-IP]=[]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs to WLS:[X-Forwarded-For]=[]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 INFO: sysSend 605
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 INFO: Reader::fill(): first=0 last=0 toRead=4096
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs from WLS:[Date]=[Thu, 03 Nov 2005 07:05:30 GMT]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs from WLS:[Location]=[]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs from WLS:[Server]=[WebLogic WebLogic Server 6.1 SP1  09/18/2001 14:28:44 #138716 ]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs from WLS:[Content-Type]=[text/html]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs from WLS:[Connection]=[Close]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 parsed all headers OK
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs to client:[Date]=[Thu, 03 Nov 2005 07:05:30 GMT]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs to client:[Location]=[]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 Hdrs to client:[Server]=[WebLogic WebLogic Server 6.1 SP1  09/18/2001 14:28:44 #138716]
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 INFO: Reader::fill(): first=0 last=0 toRead=4096
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 INFO: Reader::fill(): first=0 last=0 toRead=4096
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005 r->status=302 returning 0
Thu Nov  3 15:02:16 2005

2 [报告]
发表于 2005-11-03 15:22 |只看该作者
在日志中看到的PRIMARY是怎么发生作用的?在两个weblogic server中怎么设置PRIMARY呢,可以去掉PRIMARY、SECOND,让连接请求平均分配吗?
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