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[集群与高可用] 求sql2000 在win2k集群安装步骤 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2005-12-10 22:51 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

2 [报告]
发表于 2005-12-10 22:57 |只看该作者
2:53:19 Begin Setup
22:53:19 8.00.194
22:53:19 Mode = Normal
22:53:19 ModeType = NORMAL
22:53:19 GetDefinitionEx returned: 0, Extended: 0x0
22:53:19 ValueFTS returned: 1
22:53:19 ValuePID returned: 1
22:53:19 ValueLic returned: 1
22:53:19 System: Windows NT Enterprise Server
22:53:19 SQL Server ProductType: Enterprise Edition [0x3]
22:53:19 IsNTCluster returned: 1
22:53:19 Begin Action: SetupInitialize
22:53:19 End Action SetupInitialize
22:53:19 Begin Action:  SetupInstall
22:53:19 Reading Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CommonFilesDir ...
22:53:19 CommonFilesDir=C:\Program Files\Common Files
22:53:19 Windows Directory=C:\WINNT\
22:53:19 Program Files=C:\Program Files\
22:53:19 Begin Action:  SetupInstall
22:53:19 digpid size : 256
22:53:19 digpid size : 164
22:53:19 Begin Action:  CheckFixedRequirements
22:53:19 Platform ID: 0xf00000
22:53:19 Version: 5.0.2195
22:53:19 File Version - C:\WINNT\system32\shdocvw.dll: 5.0.3700.6668
22:53:19 End Action:  CheckFixedRequirements
22:53:20 Begin Action:  ShowDialogs
22:53:20 Initial Dialog Mask: 0x183000f7, Disable Back=0x1
22:53:20 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1
22:53:20 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdWelcome
22:53:52 End Action  DialogShowSdWelcome
22:53:52 Dialog 0x1 returned: 1
22:53:52 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
22:53:52 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2,index=1
22:53:52 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2
22:53:52 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdMachineName
22:54:00 ShowDlgMachine returned: 1
22:54:00 Name = SQLTEST, Type = 0x10000008
22:54:00 Begin Action:  CheckRequirements
22:54:00 Processor Architecture: x86 (Pentium)
22:54:00 Service Pack:  1024
22:54:00 ComputerName: USER-11577A5320
22:54:00 User Name: Administrator
22:54:00 IsAllAccessAllowed returned: 1
22:54:00 OS Language: 0x804
22:54:00 End Action CheckRequirements
22:54:00 This combination of Package and Operating System allows a full product install.
22:54:00 End Action  DialogShowSdMachineName
22:54:00 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
22:54:00 nFullMask = 0x183000f7, nCurrent = 0x2, nDirection = 0
22:54:00 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbf3c037, Disable Back = 0x1
22:54:00 Dialog 0x2 returned: 0
22:54:00 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
22:54:00 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x4,index=2
22:54:00 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x4
22:54:00 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdInstallMode
22:54:00 InstallMode : 0x1
22:54:00 End Action  DialogShowSdInstallMode
22:54:00 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
22:54:00 nFullMask = 0xbf3c037, nCurrent = 0x4, nDirection = 1
22:54:00 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bf7c037, Disable Back = 0x1
22:54:00 Dialog 0x4 returned: 1
22:54:00 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
22:54:00 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x10,index=4
22:54:00 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x10
22:54:00 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx
22:54:01 End Action DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx
22:54:01 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
22:54:01 nFullMask = 0x1bf7c037, nCurrent = 0x10, nDirection = 1
22:54:01 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bf7c037, Disable Back = 0x1
22:54:01 Dialog 0x10 returned: 1
22:54:01 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
22:54:01 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x20,index=5
22:54:01 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x20
22:54:01 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdLicense
22:54:02 End Action DialogShowSdLicense
22:54:02 Dialog 0x20 returned: 1
22:54:02 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
22:54:02 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x4000,index=14
22:54:02 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x4000
22:54:02 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdVirtualServer
22:54:13 ShowDlgVirtualServer returned: 0
22:54:13 Ipaddress =,,public
22:54:13 szNewList =,,public
22:54:13 szModifiedList =
22:54:13 szRemovedList =
22:54:13 End Action  DialogShowSdVirtualServer
22:54:13 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
22:54:13 nFullMask = 0x1bf7c037, nCurrent = 0x4000, nDirection = 1
22:54:13 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bf7c037, Disable Back = 0x1
22:54:13 Dialog 0x4000 returned: 1
22:54:13 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
22:54:13 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x8000,index=15
22:54:13 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x8000
22:54:13 Begin Action :  DialogShowSdDiskGroups
22:54:14 ShowDlgDiskGroups returned: 1
22:54:14 Disk Group = Disk Group 1
22:54:14 End Action :  DialogShowSdDiskGroups
22:54:14 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
22:54:14 nFullMask = 0x1bf7c037, nCurrent = 0x8000, nDirection = 1
22:54:14 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bf7c037, Disable Back = 0x1
22:54:14 Dialog 0x8000 returned: 1
22:54:14 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
22:54:14 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x10000,index=16
22:54:14 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x10000
22:54:14 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdClusterDef
22:54:15 ShowDlgClusterDef returned: 1
22:54:15 PrefOwners = USER-11577A5320,USER-459FC38E23, NumIp = 2
22:54:15 Begin Action : ValidateNodeActions
22:54:15 Begin Action : ValidateNodeActions
22:54:15 End Action : ValidateNodeActions
22:54:15 End Action : ValidateNodeActions
22:54:15 End Action  DialogShowSdClusterDef
22:54:15 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
22:54:15 nFullMask = 0x1bf7c037, nCurrent = 0x10000, nDirection = 1
22:54:15 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bf7c037, Disable Back = 0x1
22:54:15 Dialog 0x10000 returned: 1
22:54:15 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
22:54:15 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x20000,index=17
22:54:15 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x20000
22:54:15 Begin Action : Cluster Security - DlgAcct
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