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[学习] Event Handlers and Callback Functions [复制链接]

日期:2013-12-05 23:25:45
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发表于 2005-12-15 21:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
[学习] Event Handlers and Callback Functions

Event Handlers and Callback Functions - article
In Javascript
Required knowledge
You'll have to know how to program object oriented with Javascript. Read the articles at Webreference (links at the left of the article) to catch up on that.
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In Higher Order Programming in Javascript I discussed the various ways of using functions as values. One particular trick in that document caught the attention of Dan Shappir, who pointed out to me: "your technique shows how JavaScript supported delegates all along, so this is not some great C#/.NET invention." While searching for some more information about these delegates, I found out that Microsoft has added them to Visual J++ too, invoking an interesting response from Sun, where it's discussed how delegates can much better be implemented with Inner Classes. As this is aparently a hot issue in other languages, and because event handlers and callbacks are useful in webpages too, I decided to write a new article to discuss this.
The Trick
The problem is as follows: Methods use this to refer to the object it is a method of. But, when using a method as event handler or callback function, this does no longer point to that object. The trick is to use the closure like behaviour of functions, so that the method will always have access to it's object.
Let's look at an example: We want to use a method of an Alerter class as an event handler.

  1. function Alerter(text) {   this.text=text;   [b]var me=this;[/b]   this.invoke=function () {     alert([b]me[/b].text);   } }   var sayHi=new Alerter('Hello, world!'); div.attachEvent('onclick', sayHi.invoke);

So, instead of using this, we use a variable me, that equals this when the invoke method is created. And, in contrast to this, me will keep refering to the correct Alerter object, even when it's passed as a function to the attachEvent method of an HTML element.
Higher Order Programming again
window.setTimeout is an often used function for dynamic webpages. It waits for a given amount of time, and then calls a callback function. The above defined sayHi function can be used as a callback function: setTimeout(sayHi.invoke,2000) will show an alert box after 2 seconds. But what if we want to be extra cool and show 2 alert boxes after those 2 seconds? Then we'd have to create a new function that calls both Alerter objects:

  1. var sayHi=new Alerter('Hello, world!');   var sayBye=new Alerter('Bye, world!'); setTimeout(function() {sayHi.invoke();sayBye.invoke();},2000);

A nice feature of Microsoft's delegates is that you can create a single composite deligate from several delegates. It looks less messy than inserting an anonymous function. Let's do that in Javascript too, by extending the function prototype.

  1. Function.prototype.andThen=function(g) {   var f=this;   return function() {     f();g();   } };

Now we can write:

  1. setTimeout((sayHi.invoke).andThen(sayBye.invoke),2000);

Several callbacks
With the andThen method, it becomes very easy to create an object that allows several other objects to register callbacks.

  1. function Manager() {   this.callback=function () {}; // do nothing   this.registerCallback=function(callbackFunction) {     this.callback=(this.callback).andThen(callbackFunction);   } }   var manager=new Manager(); manager.registerCallback(sayHi.invoke); manager.registerCallback(sayBye.invoke); manager.callback();

With a simple technique event handlers and callback functions become a lot more interesting in Javascript. As Dan Shappir pointed this out to me, just this morning (after which I started to write the article), I can't wait to try more of this. I hope you can't too, and if you've got something to show, don't hesitate to contact me.


日期:2013-12-05 23:25:45
2 [报告]
发表于 2005-12-15 21:55 |只看该作者

Higher Order Programming

Higher Order Programming

Higher Order Programming - article
In Javascript
Required knowledge
You'll have to know how to program object oriented with Javascript. Read the articles at Webreference (links at the left of the article) to catch up on that.
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10/16/2005; 1:23:45 AM
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Higher Order Programming is the ability to use functions as values. So you can pass functions as arguments to other functions and functions can be the return value of other functions. This style of programming is mostly used in functional programming, but it can also be very useful in 'regular' object oriented programming. A good example of this is the Ruby Scripting Language, which combines all the advantages of pure object oriented programming and higher order programming. Sadly, Ruby is not supported by any browser, so it cannot be used for websites. We are lucky however that Javascript is available in every browser, and that Javascript is so flexible that it can be extended to make higher order programming a helpful tool in scripting webpages.
The sort method
Most people will know Javascript only as a scripting language that makes image switching and annoying popup windows possible. However the Javascript implementations hint at the more advanced programming possibilities through the sort Method of arrays. In it's simple form sort() will just sort the array: The code document.write([2,3,1,4].sort()) will write "1,2,3,4". But the sort method can do more. It allows a compare function as an optional argument. That's higher order programming right there. Suppose we have an array of objects. Each object has a date property, and we want to sort the objects by their date value:

  1. arrayOfObjects.sort(   function (x,y) {     return x.date-y.date;   } );

The compare function is called regularly during sorting. It must return a negative value when x comes before y, zero when the are equal and a possitive value when x comes after y. This is exactly what substraction does for numbers and dates, for strings you can just use < and >.
Generating HTML
Using functions as arguments
If you have generated HTML from arrays before, this code will look familiar:

  1. var s=''; for (var i=0;i<arr.length;i++) {   var item=arr[i];   s+=[i]...generate some HTML...[/i] } document.write(s);

We will now create a reduce method, that will make this a bit more readable, and make the code more modular. The above code will then look like this:

  1. function prettyTemplate(item) {   return [i]...generate some HTML...[/i] } document.write(arr.reduce(prettyTemplate));

To create the reduce method, we can use much of the previous example. We'll extend the array prototype, so all arrays will have the reduce method available:

  1. Array.prototype.reduce=function(templateFunction) {   var l=this.length;   var s='';   for (var i=0;i<l;i++) s+=templateFunction(this[i]);   return s; }

Using a function as return value
The template function will often be simple: It will just wrap each item in the array with one HTML element. F.e. when creating a table, the template function won't do much more than: return '<TD>'+item+'</TD>';. Let's create a function that generates these simple element wrappers:

  1. function wrap(tag) {   var stag='<'+tag+'>';   var etag='</'+tag.replace(/s.*/,'')+'>';   return function(x) {     return stag+x+etag;   } }     // examples:   document.write(wrap('B')('This is bold.')); var B=wrap('B'); document.write(B('This is bold too.'));   document.write(   '<TABLE><TR>'+     arr.reduce(wrap('TD class="small"'))+   '</TR></TABLE>' );

In the first example you can see that you can immediately call the returned function, which results in a somewhat unusual syntax of two argument lists next to eachother. There's another special thing happening here: the returned function referes to the stag and etag variables. That this works outside of the wrap function is because of the closure like behaviour of functions in Javascript. When a function is defined, it stores a pointer to the current scope. This scope is restored when the function is called.
Using functions as objects
In the last example, an array is converted to a table, each item in the array is wrapped with a <TD> element. If we want a vertical table layout, instead of horizontal, each item must be wrapped with both a <TR> element and a <TD> element. So we must create a new function again:

  1. var TABLE=wrap('TABLE');var TR=wrap('TR');var TD=wrap('TD'); document.write(TABLE(arr.reduce(   function (item) {     return TR(TD(item));   } )));

TR(TD(item)) is like function composition, written as 'TR o TD', and pronounced as 'TR after TD'. So we'd like to write this as:

  1. document.write(TABLE(arr.reduce(TR.after(TD))));

In Javascript functions are objects too, and they can also have methods. So we can extend the function prototype so that the after method is available to all functions.

  1. Function.prototype.after=function(g) {   var f=this;   return function(x) {     return f(g(x));   } }

Using methods as functions
Update: Dan Shappir pointed out to me that is useful for event handlers and callback function too. Read more about that here.
When doing higher order programming in an object oriented language, you'd want to pass methods as arguments. But there's a problem. Let's make an element class with a wrap method:

  1. function element(tag) {   this.stag='<'+tag+'>';   this.etag='</'+tag.replace(/s.*/,'')+'>';   this.wrap=function(x) {     return this.stag+x+this.etag;   } }   P=new element('P'); // this works: document.write(P.wrap('This is a paragraph.')); // this fails: document.write(arr.reduce(P.wrap));

Why does this fail? Because when P.wrap is passed to the reduce function, only the function is passed, where this has a different meaning. But there's a little trick that makes method passing work:

  1. function element(tag) {   this.stag='<'+tag+'>';   this.etag='</'+tag.replace(/s.*/,'')+'>';   var me=this;   this.wrap=function(x) {     return me.stag+x+me.etag;   } }   P=new element('P'); // this still works: document.write(P.wrap('This is a paragraph.')); // and now this works too: document.write(arr.reduce(P.wrap));

It looks like it's the same, but me is just a variable where this has a special meaning to every function. Javascript will make sure the wrap method will still know what me points to, no matter where the method is used.
When should you use this?
When you have 2 (or several) functions that are almost the same except for a small part of the code, then you should consider to combine these functions into one. Replace the part that is different with a function call to a separate function. This function is passed to the new more general function as an argument.
Something different
When you've grown bored of writing for-loops (like I did), methods like reduce will be a welcome change in programming style. For me, higher order programming has made Javascript a lot more fun, and I hope you'll have fun with this too!
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