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安装 HPUNIX -glance 试用版出错 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-02-23 10:47 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
下载了  HPUNIX -glance 试用版  50多兆,

用 sam 安装时,发现有两个版本,如图(s700、s800),不知道该怎么办

选了第一个, 安装结束时报错

=======  02/22/06 19:31:24 MST  BEGIN install AGENT SESSION (pid=1815

       * Agent session started for user "[email]root@ldw.ldw[/email]". (pid=1815

       * Beginning Analysis Phase.
       * Source:           ldw.ldw:/var/spool/sw/glance_setup
       * Target:           ldw:/
       * Target logfile:   ldw:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log
       * Reading source for product information.
       * Reading source for file information.
       * Executing preDSA command.
NOTE:    The used disk space on filesystem "/" is estimated to increase
         by 8 Kbytes.
         This will leave 226168 Kbytes of available user disk space
         after the installation.
NOTE:    The used disk space on filesystem "/opt" is estimated to
         increase by 27672 Kbytes.
         This will leave 2073944 Kbytes of available user disk space
         after the installation.
NOTE:    The used disk space on filesystem "/var" is estimated to
         increase by 232 Kbytes.
         This will leave 3438616 Kbytes of available user disk space
         after the installation.

       * Summary of Analysis Phase:
       * 6 of 6 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
       * The Analysis Phase succeeded.

       * Beginning the Install Execution Phase.
       * Filesets:         6
       * Files:            178
       * Kbytes:           26781
       * Installing bundle "B3691AA_TRY,r=C.04.50.00" .
ERROR:   Cannot execute
         Command or script output (if any):
         Permission denied (13).
ERROR:   The "preinstall" script for "MeasurementInt.MI" failed (exit
         code "1". The script location was
       * This script had errors and the execution of this fileset
         cannot proceed until the problem is fixed.  Check the above
         output from the script for further details.
ERROR:   Cannot execute
         Command or script output (if any):
         Permission denied (13).
ERROR:   The "preinstall" script for "MeasurementInt.ARM" failed (exit
         code "1". The script location was
       * This script had errors and the execution of this fileset
         cannot proceed until the problem is fixed.  Check the above
         output from the script for further details.
ERROR:   Cannot execute
         Command or script output (if any):
         Permission denied (13).
ERROR:   The "preinstall" script for "MeasurementInt.MI-JPN" failed
         (exit code "1". The script location was
       * This script had errors and the execution of this fileset
         cannot proceed until the problem is fixed.  Check the above
         output from the script for further details.
       * Installing fileset "Glance.GLANCE,r=C.04.50.00" (1 of 6).
       * Installing fileset "Glance.GPM,r=C.04.50.00" (2 of 6).
       * Installing fileset "Glance.GPM-JPN,r=C.04.50.00" (3 of 6).
       * Running install clean command /usr/lbin/sw/install_clean.
NOTE:    tlinstall is searching filesystem - please be patient
NOTE:    Successfully completed

       * Beginning the Configure Execution Phase.
ERROR:   Cannot execute
         Command or script output (if any):
         Permission denied (13).
ERROR:   The "configure" script for "MeasurementInt" failed (exit code
         "1". The script location was
       * This script had errors and the execution of this product
         cannot proceed until the problem is fixed.  Check the above
         output from the script for further details.
ERROR:   Cannot execute
         "/var/tmp/BAAa18158/catalog/Glance/GLANCE/configure".  Command
         or script output (if any):
         Permission denied (13).
ERROR:   The "configure" script for "Glance.GLANCE" failed (exit code
         "1". The script location was
       * This script had errors and the execution of this fileset
         cannot proceed until the problem is fixed.  Check the above
         output from the script for further details.
ERROR:   Cannot execute
         "/var/tmp/BAAa18158/catalog/Glance/GPM/configure".  Command or
         script output (if any):
         Permission denied (13).
ERROR:   The "configure" script for "Glance.GPM" failed (exit code
         "1". The script location was
       * This script had errors and the execution of this fileset
         cannot proceed until the problem is fixed.  Check the above
         output from the script for further details.
ERROR:   Cannot execute
         Command or script output (if any):
         Permission denied (13).
ERROR:   The "configure" script for "Glance.GPM-JPN" failed (exit code
         "1". The script location was
       * This script had errors and the execution of this fileset
         cannot proceed until the problem is fixed.  Check the above
         output from the script for further details.

       * Summary of Execution Phase:
ERROR:       Installed     MeasurementInt.MI,r=C.04.50.00
ERROR:       Installed     MeasurementInt.ARM,r=C.04.50.00
ERROR:       Installed     MeasurementInt.MI-JPN,r=C.04.50.00
ERROR:       Installed     Glance.GLANCE,r=C.04.50.00
ERROR:       Installed     Glance.GPM,r=C.04.50.00
ERROR:       Installed     Glance.GPM-JPN,r=C.04.50.00
ERROR:   6 of 6 filesets had Errors.
ERROR:   The Execution Phase had errors.  See the above output for

screenshot.jpg (86.58 KB, 下载次数: 39)


2 [报告]
发表于 2006-02-23 11:06 |只看该作者

3 [报告]
发表于 2006-02-23 11:31 |只看该作者



招聘 : 系统集成
4 [报告]
发表于 2006-02-23 17:55 |只看该作者

http://h50237.www5.hp.com/partne ... 1-ae0b-77b50d9c992c

5 [报告]
发表于 2006-02-23 19:23 |只看该作者
S700是for workstation的版本,S800 for server..

6 [报告]
发表于 2006-06-30 16:48 |只看该作者
原帖由 xiaomage79 于 2006-2-23 17:55 发表

http://h50237.www5.hp.com/partne ... 1-ae0b-77b50d9c992c


7 [报告]
发表于 2006-07-01 14:55 |只看该作者
swinstall -s /tmp/XXX.depot
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