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dmesg命令显示的信息,在哪个系统日志文件中? [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-04-04 17:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

2 [报告]
发表于 2006-04-04 18:08 |只看该作者
more /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log

3 [报告]
发表于 2006-04-10 14:52 |只看该作者
/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log 日志中信息很有限,和dmesg命令所显示的内容不一致啊,比如:
查看/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log 中有以下信息:
Apr 10 11:59:52 ah344001 ftpd[23983]: exiting on signal 14
Apr 10 14:21:26 ah344001 rlogind[26619]: Login failure (exit(1) from login(1))
Apr 10 14:21:53 ah344001 rlogind[26624]: Login failure (exit(1) from login(1))
Apr 10 14:22:17 ah344001 rlogind[26629]: Login failure (exit(1) from login(1))
Apr 10 14:23:18 ah344001 rlogind[26637]: Login failure (exit(1) from login(1))
Apr 10 14:23:52 ah344001 rlogind[26642]: Login failure (exit(129) from login(1))
Apr 10 14:40:05 ah344001 su: + tc root-utility
Apr 10 14:41:11 ah344001 su: + tc root-root


# dmesg

Apr 10 14:49
tem full (1 block extent)
msgcnt 140 vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/vg00/lvol4 file system full (1 block extent)
msgcnt 142 vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/vg00/lvol4 file system full (1 block extent)
msgcnt 144 vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/vg00/lvol4 file system full (1 block extent)
msgcnt 146 vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/vg00/lvol4 file system full (1 block extent)
msgcnt 148 vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/vg00/lvol4 file system full (1 block extent)
msgcnt 150 vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/vg00/lvol4 file system full (1 block extent)
msgcnt 152 vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/vg00/lvol4 file system full (1 block extent)
msgcnt 154 vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/vg00/lvol4 file system full (1 block extent)
msgcnt 156 vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/vg00/lvol4 file system full (1 block extent)
msgcnt 158 vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/vg00/lvol4 file system full (1 block extent)
0/4/1/1: Device at device id 0x10e55 has disappeared from Name Server GPN_FT
(FCP type) response, or its 'Port World-Wide Name' has changed.
        device id = loop id, for private loop devices
        device id = nport ID, for fabric/public-loop devices
System won't be able to see LUNs behind this port.

0/4/1/1: Device at device id 0x10f55 has disappeared from Name Server GPN_FT
(FCP type) response, or its 'Port World-Wide Name' has changed.
        device id = loop id, for private loop devices
        device id = nport ID, for fabric/public-loop devices
System won't be able to see LUNs behind this port.

0/4/1/1: Device at device id 0x10e55 is back in Name Server GPN_FT (FCP type)
response, and its 'Port World-Wide Name' remains the same as
        device id = loop id, for private loop devices
        device id = nport ID, for fabric/public-loop devices
System will be able to see LUNs behind this port
(might need to run 'ioscan' first).

0/4/1/1: Device at device id 0x10f55 is back in Name Server GPN_FT (FCP type)
response, and its 'Port World-Wide Name' remains the same as
        device id = loop id, for private loop devices
        device id = nport ID, for fabric/public-loop devices
System will be able to see LUNs behind this port
(might need to run 'ioscan' first).

0/4/1/1: Device at device id 0x10e55 has disappeared from Name Server GPN_FT
(FCP type) response, or its 'Port World-Wide Name' has changed.
        device id = loop id, for private loop devices
        device id = nport ID, for fabric/public-loop devices
System won't be able to see LUNs behind this port.

0/4/1/1: Device at device id 0x10f55 has disappeared from Name Server GPN_FT
(FCP type) response, or its 'Port World-Wide Name' has changed.
        device id = loop id, for private loop devices
        device id = nport ID, for fabric/public-loop devices
System won't be able to see LUNs behind this port.

0/4/1/1: Device at device id 0x10d00 has disappeared from Name Server GPN_FT
(FCP type) response, or its 'Port World-Wide Name' has changed.
        device id = loop id, for private loop devices
        device id = nport ID, for fabric/public-loop devices
System won't be able to see LUNs behind this port.

0/4/1/1: Device at device id 0x10d00 is back in Name Server GPN_FT (FCP type)
response, and its 'Port World-Wide Name' remains the same as
        device id = loop id, for private loop devices
        device id = nport ID, for fabric/public-loop devices
System will be able to see LUNs behind this port
(might need to run 'ioscan' first).

0/4/1/1: Device at device id 0x10e55 is back in Name Server GPN_FT (FCP type)
response, and its 'Port World-Wide Name' remains the same as
        device id = loop id, for private loop devices
        device id = nport ID, for fabric/public-loop devices
System will be able to see LUNs behind this port
(might need to run 'ioscan' first).

0/4/1/1: Device at device id 0x10f55 is back in Name Server GPN_FT (FCP type)
response, and its 'Port World-Wide Name' remains the same as
        device id = loop id, for private loop devices
        device id = nport ID, for fabric/public-loop devices
System will be able to see LUNs behind this port
(might need to run 'ioscan' first).

4 [报告]
发表于 2006-04-10 15:11 |只看该作者

5 [报告]
发表于 2006-04-11 10:26 |只看该作者

6 [报告]
发表于 2006-04-11 12:50 |只看该作者

7 [报告]
发表于 2006-04-12 10:45 |只看该作者
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