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求助:下午数据库倒了~~! [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-09-11 16:36 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览



15:08:23  Assert Failed: No Exception Handler
15:08:23  Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.31.UD6W5
15:08:23   Who: Session(291984, omc@mscp1, 89888, 1611157796)
                Thread(295666, oncheck, 6005c5e0, 7)
                File: mtex.c Line: 471
15:08:23   Results: Exception Caught. Type: MT_EX_OS, Context: mem
15:08:23   Action: Please notify Informix Technical Support.
15:08:24  Assert Failed: Memory block header corruption detected in mt_shm_free 1
15:08:24  Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.31.UD6W5
15:08:24   Who: Session(257739, tellin@mscp1, 28556, 1611163620)
                Thread(260829, sqlexec, 6006b024, 3)
                File: mtshpool.c Line: 2858
15:08:24   Results: Unable to repair pool
15:08:24   Action: Please notify Informix Technical Support.
15:08:24  Assert Failed: Memory free block header corruption detected in mt_shm_malloc_segid 1
15:08:24  Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.31.UD6W5
15:08:24   Who: Session(257727, tellin@mscp1, 23170, 1611158160)
                Thread(260817, sqlexec, 6006ab28, 1)
                File: mtshpool.c Line: 3006
15:08:24   Results: Unable to repair pool

                File: mtshpool.c Line: 3006
15:08:24   Results: Unable to repair pool
15:08:24   Action: Please notify Informix Technical Support.
15:08:30   See Also: /tellinshare/informixdump/af.fec50b67, shmem.fec50b67.0
15:08:30   See Also: /tellinshare/informixdump/af.feb90b68, shmem.feb90b68.0
15:08:30   See Also: /tellinshare/informixdump/af.86da0b67, shmem.86da0b67.0
15:12:02  DR: ping timeout
15:12:02  DR: Receive error
15:12:14  mtex.c, line 471, thread 295666, proc id 21354, No Exception Handler.
15:12:15  DR: Turned off on primary server
15:12:15  (291989) connection rejected - too many users, or invalid user name
15:12:15  WARNING: 1 mem pools not freed.  (destroy_session) user:tellin, prog:, ses id:291989
15:12:18  Checkpoint Completed:  duration was 2 seconds.
15:12:18  Checkpoint loguniq 6366, logpos 0x3aea018

15:12:18  DR: Cannot connect to secondary server
15:12:18  PANIC: Attempting to bring system down

2 [报告]
发表于 2006-09-12 02:55 |只看该作者
it sounds like a memory corruption. Normally, if IDS detects a memory corruption, it will assert/panic to protect the data integration and avoid to write the corrupted data from memory to disk.  I would like suggest you post the some snippet of the af files and try to contact IBM support with those af files, see if it is known problem/defect.  Probably, you can get a bug number and the release with this bug fixed.
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