
lisa ray

sun ray 大家都不陌生,在这里和大家share一下我的安装文档 Sun-ray简易安装文档 软件说明: Sun_ray_Connector /srrdp_1.0 (Sun-ray连接Windows软件) srss_3.1(Sun-ray内核软件) 软件放于solaris /test 目录下 安装目录位于/opt下 一.更改主机IP地址 安装之前,如需要更改IP地址,如下: #vi /etc/hosts 将里面loghost所对应的IP改为需要的IP地址(node1为主机名) 例如: node1 loghost #vi /etc/inet/ipnod...

by westlife521 - Solaris文档中心 - 2007-07-05 10:53:11 阅读(990) 回复(0)


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by coffeefoam - Linux文档专区 - 2007-01-28 20:57:11 阅读(583) 回复(0)

The origin of its name for the Blu-ray burning / reading CD-ROM through the blue - violet laser to complete, this blue-violet laser wavelength of 405 nm, which can allow the disc to record more information than conventional DVD, the traditional DVD uses a wavelength of 650 nm red laser. A double-layer Blu-ray discs can store 50GB capacity file, is a double-layer DVD 6 times normal, that is, 10 ...

by linmimi4152 - MySQL - 2011-12-20 09:46:32 阅读(618) 回复(0)


by 清风尘雪 - 快乐数码摄影 - 2006-09-11 10:56:42 阅读(1426) 回复(5)
by talong - BSD - 2003-08-22 14:25:53 阅读(1122) 回复(1)

100一个 只有主机,没有其他线和底座

by sofasofa - 二手交易 - 2007-11-14 10:45:25 阅读(1401) 回复(0)

求购 SUN ray 1 10台

by 艳子远志SUN - 二手交易 - 2006-12-25 03:37:05 阅读(1411) 回复(2)