
can not find out

I upgrade libiconv through tar2 package to install, after upgrade finish, I do install Glib library occur error which it cant' found iconv.h file. please tell me how to fix it? thanks [ 本帖最后由 zenghp97 于 2008-9-8 12:13 编辑 ]

by zenghp97 - Linux系统管理 - 2008-09-08 22:24:47 阅读(3966) 回复(6)


Who can tell me: Where can i find out the Spider\'s FTP address

by nortell - Solaris - 2003-03-12 11:34:02 阅读(2431) 回复(0)

i download bittorrent for linux , it need libwxgtk2.2-python , i search it on google but not find it .

by quiet - GUI编程 - 2003-10-16 11:00:54 阅读(1833) 回复(0)

Who can tell me: Where can i find out the Spider's FTP address

by nortell - Solaris - 2003-03-12 11:34:02 阅读(758) 回复(0)

本帖最后由 ba2632 于 2011-10-11 15:04 编辑 我用unetbootin制作了CDLinux的U盘启动后``进入加载页面后显示:Can't find out where CDLinux is installed ! 如下图: 应该是目录文件出了问题..但是本人菜鸟..不会改`求大神帮忙.. 用unetbootin 制作后的U盘目录文件是:syslinux.cfg 默认syslinux.cfg文件内容如下[code]default vesamenu.c32 prompt 0 menu title UNetbootin timeout 100 label unetbootindefault menu l...

by ba2632 - Linux新手园地 - 2011-10-11 21:36:38 阅读(22177) 回复(5)

我在linuxAS3下装了bind9.2.2。在linux下named服务启动正常,也能解析各种地址。上网也正常。 但是我把同局域网的电脑上的 dns设成该linux的地址,用nslookup命令就会出现如下错误: dns request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. ***can't find server name for address: Timed out ***default server are not available default server : unknown addresss: 我查了网上各种解释,说反向解析...

by singlebigstone - 服务器应用 - 2007-03-14 11:33:55 阅读(2580) 回复(2)

本帖最后由 fzhcl 于 2012-03-01 21:11 编辑 Hi Guys, Boss ask me to find out which account's password is *, below is the content of passwd file:( This is AIX unix file) root: password = HWjXEGfGcjl2c lastupdate = 1329402022 daemon: password = * bin: password = * sys: password = * adm: password = 70AjL2hqdkVoI lastupdate = 1288287263 ...

by fzhcl - Shell - 2012-03-02 22:10:43 阅读(2145) 回复(10)

我在solaris10中用make,提示make:can not find ,但是用find 、 -name 找到了系统中make, /usr/shre/bin /make /usr/ccs/bin/make 怎么回事,请高手解决

by duwenjun - Solaris - 2010-12-10 13:40:28 阅读(1955) 回复(2)

I googled and searched, Can't find the doc about $#, $?, $! Can sb. show me the link such as, $? = return code $1 = first arguement. Thanks.

by george16 - Shell - 2008-12-12 01:07:55 阅读(1661) 回复(2)

JAVA本地方法库的搜索路径: Windows平台: JAVA本地方法库的搜索路径包含环境变量PATH和%JAVA_HOME%/jre/bin; Linux/Solaris平台: JAVA本地方法库的搜索路径包含环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH; AIX平台: JAVA本地方法库的搜索路径包含环境变量LIBPATH; HPUX平台: JAVA本地方法库的搜索路径包含环境变量SHLIB_PATH; ...

by SimonChuiShui - Java文档中心 - 2008-02-28 16:55:29 阅读(1987) 回复(0)