
matlab figure用法

by linkenpark - 攻防交流区 - 2003-01-06 17:43:37 阅读(2852) 回复(0)


有谁在精通c的同时,又对matlab得心应手,问个问题:在matlab中读文件需要注意什么? 比如:从一个文件中循环1万次,每次读9个浮点型的数,该如何写代码? 我用了 fid=fopen('u.txt' 'r'); for i=1:10000; A=fscanf(fid,'%f',9); %将9个数保存到向量A中 ............ %进行一些计算; end fclose(fid); 显示error in"invalid fscanf'' 有谁指点一下. 谢了!!

by ffyyee - C/C++ - 2004-07-07 17:59:17 阅读(1014) 回复(0)

哪位高手有 matlab FOR LINUX ??

by diag - Linux论坛 - 2003-12-07 00:21:35 阅读(924) 回复(4)

哪位高手有 matlab FOR LINUX ??

by diag - Linux系统管理 - 2003-12-07 00:21:35 阅读(980) 回复(4)

:em06: WHO 有matlab 6.5 for solaris OR LINUX ?? :em16:

by diag - Solaris - 2003-12-11 12:11:10 阅读(2644) 回复(13)

:em06:\r\n\r\nWHO 有matlab 6.5 for solaris OR LINUX ?? :em16:

by diag - Solaris - 2003-12-11 12:11:10 阅读(3540) 回复(9)
by 一刀砍死 - IT图书与评论 - 2007-12-24 11:29:32 阅读(3174) 回复(0)

Using strace to figure out the work flow of an utility Offen you want to know how an linux utility is implemented, if you have it's source codes around, just go throuth them to get your point, but if it's not available, which is offen the case, don't worry, we have got "strace". "strace is a useful diagnostic, instructional, and debugging tool. It intercepts and records the system calls which ...

by s_x_g - Linux文档专区 - 2009-04-24 16:38:21 阅读(785) 回复(0)

Here's what shows in device manager of my ThinkPad T42, in which you can see a device is marked as unknown. I've tried all drivers those originally shipped in hard disk but none of them fits. System: Win2000 Pro Thanks in advance!

by thinhare - IT职业生涯 - 2004-10-27 18:54:00 阅读(983) 回复(3)



by qjf947255109 - Linux新手园地 - 2015-08-07 12:47:49 阅读(423) 回复(0)

前两天因为工作原因重拾了久违的matlab,做了两个小程序,突然想到这两天的SUSE,于是想在SUSE上也折腾一下,看看效果,而matlab for linux可难死我了,最后还是找了袁总来代我下载,又一次感受了北京的怪异。 现在开始准备装软件了,心里有些悸动了。 因为是iso文件,所以想要安装的话首先要建立虚拟挂载,这个很简单: #sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom 创建虚拟挂载的目录 #sudo cp */license.d...

by htchenlsrc - Linux文档专区 - 2009-11-06 20:47:46 阅读(1025) 回复(0)