
can not find grldr

I googled and searched, can't find the doc about $#, $?, $! can sb. show me the link such as, $? = return code $1 = first arguement. Thanks.

by george16 - Shell - 2008-12-12 01:07:55 阅读(1470) 回复(2)


JAVA本地方法库的搜索路径: Windows平台: JAVA本地方法库的搜索路径包含环境变量PATH和%JAVA_HOME%/jre/bin; Linux/Solaris平台: JAVA本地方法库的搜索路径包含环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH; AIX平台: JAVA本地方法库的搜索路径包含环境变量LIBPATH; HPUX平台: JAVA本地方法库的搜索路径包含环境变量SHLIB_PATH; ...

by SimonChuiShui - Java文档中心 - 2008-02-28 16:55:29 阅读(1841) 回复(0)

Method Not Allowed The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /blast/blast.cgi. Apache/1.3.37 Server at localhost.localdomain Port 80 what can i do?

by choose2005 - 服务器应用 - 2007-07-11 21:34:58 阅读(3043) 回复(6)

Solaris 系统 oracle9! 启动出现如下错误信息: jb2510% dbstart can't find init file for Database "owblade". Database "owblade" NOT started. % sqlplus /nolog sqlplus: fatal: version `SUNW_1.3' not found (required by file /pa/ora9lm/OraHome1/lib/ sqlplus: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory Killed 请教高手如何解决?

by sea2007 - Oracle - 2009-03-20 16:35:16 阅读(2086) 回复(2)

can't find server name for address : non-existent domain default server are not available default server :unknown address: 这个问题我在Unix下能解决 编辑/etc/resolv.conf 但是我在windows xp安装的BIND 编辑这个文件没有用 怎么办?????

by 北京二胖 - 服务器应用 - 2007-07-19 10:34:04 阅读(2817) 回复(4)

您好,请教一下: 我建立了一个dns服务器,在万网上申请了域名,已经过去了两天,是在as3下使用系统自带的bind9架设的,但采用自己的dns时,使用nslookup会出现can't find server name for address Non-existent domain。而后自动采用Default Server: localhost。使用我的dns服务器ip作为dns时可以ping我设置的域名可以得到相对应的ip.若不将我的dnsip加到自己的dns设置中则不能ping到。这个是否是我的dns还是...

by mov123 - 服务器应用 - 2006-03-02 16:04:27 阅读(5579) 回复(7)

After I installed in Redhat As 2.0 for Itanium, I can't find the OEM startup file oemapp in ORACLE_HOME/bin directory, why?

by walkinair - Oracle - 2004-09-21 15:11:12 阅读(1073) 回复(1)

5.1重新制定编译内核后出现 can't find rootvp? 如何恢复使用从前的内核?

by wangbin - BSD - 2003-09-29 08:43:35 阅读(1173) 回复(1)
by panwj - 服务器应用 - 2003-07-31 17:08:58 阅读(5790) 回复(2)

sun20老机器,安装SUN OS RELEASE 5.6 VERSION,安装时一切正常,但重新启动后出现如下信息: can't read disk label. can't open disk label package. bootblk:can't find the boot program. 我们多次重新安装依然如故,请高手协助解决!

by 飞天二狭 - Solaris - 2003-05-08 19:15:31 阅读(1164) 回复(6)

Hi, every one, I installed oracle9i on my redhat8.0 server. I also installed tomcat4.0.6. I put follow in the classpath: /usr/oracle/product/9i/jdbc/lib/classes12.jar When I call oracle with my jsp code, it always gives me the error message: ClassNotFoundException:oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver I used the same source code on redhat7.1, oracle8i and tomcat3.2.1. No any problem. But why this on...

by peter333 - Java - 2003-01-28 04:02:08 阅读(2131) 回复(4)