
linux mint 12 lisa

2007-08-07发行: Clement Lefebvre has announced the release of the Xfce Community edition of linux mint 3.0: "This is the first Xfce release of linux mint. It is based on Cassandra and comes with the following mint tools: mintInstall, mintDisk, mintWifi, xfcemintConfig, xfcemintDesktop. Although similar to the main edition, the Xfce Community edition runs faster and takes fewer resources. It is id...

by xuejin38 - Solaris文档中心 - 2007-08-11 19:36:55 阅读(888) 回复(0)


安装文档 配置agent 主要文件为ralus.cfg这里注意配置格式,需要将media server改为BE server的hostname或者IP address, 1. From the /etc/VRTSralus/ directory, open the RALUS.CFG file using a text editor 2. To add additional media servers, add the following line: Software\VERITAS\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\Agent Directory List = where is a UNIQUE ident...


by zhshujun - 存储文档中心 - 2009-09-04 13:30:53 阅读(1906) 回复(0)


by nnzws - Sybase - 2005-12-20 11:10:11 阅读(1239) 回复(2)

发现sybase 12.5.1 for linux问题 linux AS3 U5 系统在dump后无法bcp

by zhangzhi8 - Sybase - 2007-10-12 15:57:20 阅读(2389) 回复(4)

SYBASE 12.5 for linux安装 张强 装前准备:远程安装必须在本机上安装Xmanager软件;本地按照必须有Xwindow。 下面以在AS4下远程安装为例,假定安装目录为/homet/Sybase,本地机器ip为202.112.18.77: 一、 建用户组和用户 #useradd –u 50000 –g 50000 –d /home/sybase -m sybase #chown –R Sybase:sybase /home /sybase #chmod 777 /home/sybase 二、 ...

by matrix_z83 - Sybase - 2006-04-20 16:23:52 阅读(1899) 回复(0)

具体的请参照sybase 安装指南(中文版) Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5 linux/Intel. 本文参考了网上的好几家资料,感谢他们! (一) 以root 登录: 创建sybase用户及用户组(useradd,groupadd或linuxconf) mount CDROM #mount /mnt/cdrom (#mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom) 安装 SYBASE产品 (1)选用字符方式 (可做成shell)   # rpm -ivh /mnt/cdrom/RPMS/sybase-common-12.5-3.i386.rpm   # rpm -ivh /mnt/cdrom...

by wyckwemail - Sybase - 2006-01-12 21:29:27 阅读(4010) 回复(10)

哪有ASE 12.5 for linux下载啊?

by odyness - Linux论坛 - 2005-03-29 08:17:34 阅读(635) 回复(0)