
taylor prune


by luozhenwu - Linux文档专区 - 2010-01-22 00:45:22 阅读(900) 回复(0)


cheap true religion taylor Momsen taylor's (the) in the gossip girl "American play plays love fashion little J image thoroug...

by coach2011198 - MySQL - 2011-12-22 08:53:12 阅读(645) 回复(0)

请问下这个查找语句中的o是什么意思 find /usr/sam -path "/usr/sam/dir1" -prune -o -print

by oracleoneone - Linux新手园地 - 2011-11-12 14:33:46 阅读(1524) 回复(1)

find . \( -path .*/Input -o -path .*/Output -o -path .*/Current \) -prune -o -name "*.htm" -print 像这样的find 不期望的是跳过Input,Output, Current的目录进行检索 但是 正则不起作用 请问 怎么弄

by luyi1983 - Shell - 2009-11-13 17:30:33 阅读(2368) 回复(9)

find . -name "/data26/billold/chenyj/log/count_sms_later.log" -prune -o -print . ./count_sms_later.log ./count_sms_later.log/abc ./count_sms_later.log/abc/ccd ./count_sms_later.log.070914 ./count_sms_later.log.070918 ./count_sms_later.log.070928 我用了-prune 应该不会出现./count_sms_later.log/abc ./count_sms_later.log/abc/ccd 小菜鸟求教啊

by amcyj - HP-UX - 2008-05-18 22:51:14 阅读(1867) 回复(4)

find . -name \"/data26/billold/chenyj/log/count_sms_later.log\" -prune -o -print . ./count_sms_later.log ./count_sms_later.log/abc ./count_sms_later.log/abc/ccd ./count_sms_later.log.070914 ./count_sms_later.log.070918 ./count_sms_later.log.070928 我用了-prune 应该不会出现./count_sms_later.log/abc ./count_sms_later.log/abc/ccd 小菜鸟求教啊

by amcyj - HP-UX - 2008-05-18 22:51:14 阅读(3282) 回复(2)

-prune If the current entry is a directory, cause find to skip that directory. This can be useful to avoid walking certain directories, or to avoid recursive loops when using cpio -p. Note, however, that -prune is useless if ...

by kenancola - Shell - 2007-09-21 08:46:35 阅读(2068) 回复(5)


by tombola - Solaris - 2006-09-10 07:15:20 阅读(859) 回复(1)


by tombola - Solaris - 2006-09-09 14:43:29 阅读(2813) 回复(0)

问大家一个find的低级问题,我以前遇到这个问题到现在也没解决。 我想查找/目录下的所有目录,但不包括/proc如何做到 ? find / -type d -path "/proc" -prune -o -print 结果并不是我想的那样 我系统为rh9,kernel2.6.12

by sting0z - Shell - 2005-08-15 13:26:21 阅读(5714) 回复(6)