

set - 和 set -- 有什么区别? 我在脚本中都看到。

by WinnerBoy - Shell - 2008-03-05 16:56:10 阅读(1734) 回复(1)


有人了解关于关于这个哈希类的中操作思想吗?这是一个用来设计26个英文字母组成单词的概率 [ 本帖最后由 liqingfang 于 2009-3-29 11:42 编辑 ]

by liqingfang - C/C++ - 2009-04-03 09:56:10 阅读(2514) 回复(6)

how to seton or setoff all indicators only by a statement? thanks!

by kessy - AS400 - 2009-02-23 09:28:08 阅读(1492) 回复(1)

赋值用set var = xxx 但是var = xxx 也可以 想问2者什么区别

by wswhp - Shell - 2009-02-07 09:59:02 阅读(1434) 回复(4)

请问 set a b c 和 set -- a b c 有什么区别?

by lseeo - Shell - 2008-09-15 14:44:26 阅读(2329) 回复(10)

set set, unset, setenv, unsetenv, export - shell built-in func-tions to determine the characteristics for environmental variables of the current shell and its descendents. ENV env - set environment for command invocation. set : 当前shell的变量,也就是本地变量。 ENV : 环境变量 EXPORT: 在shell中执行程序时,shell会提供一组环境变量。export可新增,修改或删除环境变量,供后续执行的程序使...

by 邮水邮电 - Solaris文档中心 - 2008-07-14 20:18:03 阅读(1453) 回复(0)

脚本中加入set -x 如下: ..................... ...................... set -x .................... .................... 形如上述shell script, set -x 在其中启到什么作用,对shell有何影响。thanks

by host-sandylau - Shell - 2008-07-12 00:30:23 阅读(12209) 回复(4)

STL中的set的+/-是如何定义的? 在哪里可以找到相关说法? 谢谢!

by catbert - C/C++ - 2005-11-28 15:41:24 阅读(3893) 回复(9)

pf.conf中 set limit { states 20000, frags 20000, src-nodes 2000 } 这是什么意思?

by lihn - BSD - 2005-01-28 14:14:26 阅读(886) 回复(0)

The following line is in my .cshrc file. My default shell is C shell. set prompt="%m[%h] %U[%@]%u[%/]%" The system prompt is like: host01[56][11][/test/home/aaa]% I don't fully understand this line, especially those strange parameters. Does anybody help on this and let me how to find it out? Is there any document for this? Thanks a lot. Ice Peanuts

by icepeanuts - Solaris - 2004-12-03 11:29:47 阅读(724) 回复(0)

原配置为:双3480磁带机,SCSI 单端 50针.准备用一个3490磁带机替换它,也是SCSI 单端 50针.    1:设置 3490磁带机的SCSI ID 为4.         2:#:touch /reconfigure 3: ok: boot -r 连机测试正常.[/code][/quote]

by huangyouru - Solaris - 2004-06-04 20:17:31 阅读(576) 回复(0)