

做字符串编码转换, 怎样可以在android上用iconv?

by oatmeal3000 - 移动操作系统 - 2009-11-03 17:38:23 阅读(3728) 回复(0)


请问:iconv.h不是标准库文件的头文件吧? 应该怎么使用它? 我下载了libxml开发包,编译的时候总是提示找不到iconv.h

by icesoda1000 - C/C++ - 2005-03-08 13:11:31 阅读(1606) 回复(0)

程序的功能是把日文编码转换成UTF8编码并输出 [code] #include h>; #include h>; #include <iconv.h>; int main() { char inbuf[50]="泣淡@痣尝する搜前课泣淡@痣尝する搜前课"; char outbuf[50]; char* pin = inbuf; char* pout = outbuf; size_t inleft = strlen(pin)+1; size_t outleft = 50; iconv_t cd = iconv_open("EUC-JP","UTF8"); if((int)cd == -1) return -1; if((int)iconv(cd, &pin,...

by py - C/C++ - 2005-01-31 14:33:35 阅读(15401) 回复(9)

I upgrade libiconv through tar2 package to install, after upgrade finish, I do install Glib library occur error which it cant' found iconv.h file. please tell me how to fix it? thanks [ 本帖最后由 zenghp97 于 2008-9-8 12:13 编辑 ]

by zenghp97 - Linux系统管理 - 2008-09-08 22:24:47 阅读(3734) 回复(6)

我想用iconv()函数进行编码转换,包含了头文件iconv.h,程序如下: iconv_t cd; if((cd = iconv_open(“gb2312”, “unicode”)) == (iconv_t)-1) return –1; if(iconv(cd, &pin, &inleft, &pout, &outleft) == (size_t)-1) return –1; 结果一编译,总是: 1、parse error before `cd' 2、`cd' undeclared why?

by heartk - C/C++ - 2003-09-01 16:13:08 阅读(9790) 回复(12)


by sdpwlf1982 - C/C++ - 2013-02-21 17:00:43 阅读(1451) 回复(1)

本帖最后由 dutysmart 于 2011-01-10 19:14 编辑 以解决

by dutysmart - Solaris - 2010-11-25 15:54:13 阅读(1510) 回复(0)

iconv   iconv命令可以将一种已知的字符集文件转换成另一种已知的字符集文件。   例如:从GB2312转换为UTF-8。   用法: iconv [选项...] [文件...]   Convert encoding of given files from one encoding to another.   输入/输出格式规范:   -f, --from-code=NAME 原始文本编码   -t, --to-code=NAME 输出编码   信息:   -l, --list 列举所有已知的字符集   输出控制:   -c 从输出中忽略无效的...

by lilysulia - Linux文档专区 - 2009-09-07 16:28:04 阅读(865) 回复(0)

在使用iconv进行编码转换的时候,一直不能成功,查了好久才发现竟然是参数问题。 iconv的函数原型: size_t iconv(iconv_t cd, char **restrict inbuf, size_t *restrict inbytesleft, char **restrict outbuf, size_t *restrict outbytesleft); 第四个参数outbuf,我一直是这样传的: 定义char buf[128]; 然后传入&buf, 可能iconv的内部实现要改变outbuf这个参数的值,总之...

by iedey - Linux文档专区 - 2009-08-04 16:37:57 阅读(771) 回复(0)

一个可以将文件转化为不同编码格式(字符集)的工具. 这个命令主要用来 本地化 The iconv program converts text from one encoding to another encoding. More precisely, it converts from the encoding given for the -f option to the encoding given for the -t option. Either of these encodings defaults to the encoding of the current locale. All the inputfiles are read and...

by ubuntuer - Linux文档专区 - 2008-11-18 20:43:03 阅读(551) 回复(0)

iconv iconv [options] files Convert the contents of one or more files from one character encoding to another and write the results to standard output. Options -c Omit invalid output characters. -f code1, --from-code=code1 Convert input characters from the code1 encoding. -?, --help Print help message and exit. -l, --list Print a list of valid encodings to standard output. -o file, --output=file W...

by anima - Linux文档专区 - 2006-08-13 00:14:41 阅读(498) 回复(0)