

enterprise voip sample configuration made on r1: dial-peer voice 1 pots destination-pattern 14085274000 p ort 1/0/0 dial-peer voice 2 voip destination-pattern 1214444 session target ipv4: configuration made on r2 dial-peer voice 4 pots destination-pattern 12144441234 port 1/0/1 dial-peer voice 3 voip destination-pattern 1405274000 session target ipv4: ----- voice network compo...

by 剑心通明 - 网络技术文档中心 - 2008-05-22 17:56:21 阅读(810) 回复(0)



by john3851 - 程序开发 - 2006-04-13 10:26:10 阅读(722) 回复(0)

boot: cannot find misc/sparcv9/krtld boot: error loading interpreter (misc/sparcv9/krtld) Elf64 read error. boot failed Enter filename [/platform/sun4u/kernel/sparcv9/unix]: Alloc of 0x400000 bytes at 0x1000000 refused. Elf64 read error. boot failed Enter filename [/platform/sun4u/kernel/sparcv9/unix]:

by 天涯明月刀 - Solaris - 2006-03-08 05:46:42 阅读(2598) 回复(13)

Developments of SGI_MIPS architecture in NetBSD ->; SGI_MIPS: runs on Indigo /* very old machine but I have IRIX 6.5.17 run on it */ 've to give it a try! SGI_MIPS: graphics controller

by En_route - 其他UNIX - 2004-01-07 11:27:23 阅读(1705) 回复(0)

Tru64-FAQ-misc misc 1 -- Where else is Digital UNIX discussed? You can join the tru64-unix-manager mailing lists. Send with: subscribe tru64-unix-managers in the body to Archives of tru64-unix-managers mailings are kept at: Check out the news group comp.unix.tru64 misc 2 -- How do I add a new terminal definition? Some applicatio...

by 我爱臭豆腐 - 其他UNIX - 2003-04-04 17:57:18 阅读(2567) 回复(0)

有个朋友让俺在一台solaris机器上编译一下他的c程序,(在solaris8for sparc, solaris9x86, solaris2.6for sparc 上能做都可。),可是程序里面用到"#include misc.h>;",可俺的机器上没有,怎么办?那里可以装吗?请高手指教。先谢谢啦。

by 蓝冰 - Solaris - 2003-03-12 16:33:08 阅读(1609) 回复(7)

Unable to register user- Cannot update user profile- Registration data could not be saved due to the following technical problem- error result 想下载SUN的补丁,但是必须注册。我填写好了以后提交,就返回以上信息,试了很多次都这样,郁闷了。

by 一只懒猫 - Solaris - 2007-05-25 10:53:52 阅读(1287) 回复(1)

i have set "register_globals" in all php.ini to be On and restart Apache. but when i run phpinfo(),it still shows Off i have searched the arctiles in the forum,but found no solution can someone help me please,thanks a lot:cry:

by hisher - PHP - 2006-02-25 19:40:34 阅读(1167) 回复(3)

我在solaris 8上安装oracle application server 10g, 安装的过程中让我register with Oracle Internet Directory, 我输入了,host: sunserver, port : 1521, 然后叶选上了ssl 的选项,我得到的提示信息是“ make sure your Oracle Internet Directory is running", 我都没有安装Oracle Internet Directory, 只有装oracle database, 那来的oracle internet directory is running.? 安装过oracle application server 的朋友指点一...

by blakeyu - Oracle - 2004-02-16 10:10:39 阅读(1000) 回复(0)

i got confusion after reading the ccna640-607 guide about the passward recovery in router topic. 1.set bit 6 in the configuration register to binary 1, which is done by setting the entire config register with a four-digit hexadecimal value. For example, hex 2142 is identical to hex 2102, except that bit 6 is binary 1.Doing this will cause router to load rommon. 2.The boot field is the name of the...

by nzq90 - 网络技术 - 2003-05-16 08:38:49 阅读(1248) 回复(1)

register_globals使用详解 register_globals是php.ini里的一个配置,这个配置影响到php如何接收传递过来的参数,如果你的问题是:为什么我的表单无法传递数据?为什么我的程序无法得到传递过来的变量?等等,那么你需要仔细的阅读以下的内容。 register_globals的值可以设置为:On或者Off,我们举一段代码来分别描述它们的不同。 代码: 当register_globals=Off的时候,下一个程序接收的时候应该用$_GET['user_name']...

by dijiaquan - php文档中心 - 2008-09-30 12:21:00 阅读(1363) 回复(0)