

[quote]TEMP tableS Current max_heap_table_size = 511 M Current tmp_table_size = 512 M Of 838 temp tables, 26% were created on disk Effective in-memory tmp_table_size is limited to max_heap_table_size. Perhaps you should increase your tmp_table_size and/or max_heap_table_size to reduce the number of disk-based temporary tables Note! BLOB and TEXT columns are not allow in memory tables. If you are u...

by gnubuntu - MySQL - 2011-03-02 23:06:35 阅读(16211) 回复(12)


heap size是个什么概念?如何调整大小?

by Coolzi - AIX - 2003-12-22 15:34:05 阅读(1678) 回复(2)

heap size是个什么概念?如何调整大小?

by Coolzi - AIX - 2003-12-22 15:34:05 阅读(2911) 回复(2)

heap size exceeds notification threshold 2048k
The meaning is that the process is just spending a lot of time in finding free memory extents during an allocate as the memory may be heavily fragmented.  Fragmentation in memory is impossible to eliminate completely, however, continued messages of large allocations in memory indicate there are tuning opportunities on the applicat...

by x-i-x - Oracle - 2011-12-21 08:44:03 阅读(734) 回复(0)

On AIX 5.2 or later If the heap size is 3 GB or greater, LDR_CNTRL=maxDATA=0@DSA is set. If the heap size is between 2.3 GB and 3 GB, LDR_CNTR=maxDATA=0XB0000000@DSA is set. If the heap size is less than 2.3 GB, LDR_CNTR=maxDATA=0XA0000000@DSA is set. 也就是说如果在系统里设置了LDR_CNTRL=maxDATA=0@DSA 那么就可以用到3G以上内存了. On AIX 5.1 Although the very large address-space model is also ...

by freey - Java - 2005-01-31 17:57:53 阅读(3422) 回复(1)

我搭建好主从复制之后,从机关闭状态 在主的/etc/my.cnf 里加入一行 max_binlog_size=20m 然后重启mysql服务 后来mysql>flush logs 了几次,发现我设置的 max_binlog_size 没有生效, 生成的log文件大小还是4k, 请问要怎么设置啊?

by cheungjustin - MySQL - 2010-11-19 13:57:23 阅读(2984) 回复(1)

我create table出现如下warning: create table TE_ATTACHMENTS(ID numeric (10, 0) NOT NULL,DESCRIPTION varchar (2048) NULL,TYPE varchar (255) NULL,size varchar (255) NULL,PATH varchar (2048) NULL,HOST varchar (255) NULL,PORT varchar (255) NULL,STEP_ID numeric (10, 0) NULL,ROOT_ID numeric (10, 0) NULL,TEST_FATHER_ID numeric (10, 0) NULL) Command was executed successfully Warnings: ---> W (1): ...

by taker2001 - Sybase - 2007-06-14 16:40:08 阅读(5539) 回复(1)

9i新特性是SGA动态可调, 但又增加了个sga_max_size参数, 这是不是有点矛盾, 因为如果增加 db_cache_size, db_;k_cache_size都有可能超过sga_max_size这个值呀!!!!

by liontiger - Oracle - 2003-07-17 14:26:50 阅读(968) 回复(0)
by bocean - PostgreSQL - 2003-06-27 21:11:30 阅读(2313) 回复(1)

请问heap size 2219K exceeds notification threshold 这句话是什么意思,是在什么时候会出现这样的情况?

by rwluyao - Oracle - 2008-03-17 13:59:55 阅读(1555) 回复(0)

我经常drop table 然后create table 再load数据,用extent 可以加快速度及改善性能,如何确定extent size知next size?

by glqzygl - Informix - 2006-12-30 09:53:02 阅读(5555) 回复(6)