


by ILoveMK - Shell - 2009-05-21 14:52:13 阅读(1234) 回复(3)


want to get the user name from uid for example uid=1667 id -un 1667, it gives no such user, which 1667 is my account, any idea why? thanx

by dawncaller - Shell - 2008-02-14 07:46:58 阅读(1919) 回复(7)

Given: #ls -l command1 -rwsr-xr-x 1 root other 32768 May 10 15:38 command1 and #grep myid /etc/passwd myid:x:100:312::/export/home/myid:/usr/bin/ksh When user myid runs command1, what is the effective UID and GID of the process? A. UID 0, GID 100 B. UID 0, GID 312 C. UID 312, GID 100 D. UID 100, GID 312

by 千江有水 - Solaris - 2007-10-16 20:49:39 阅读(1712) 回复(4)

MOTIF中,如果使用UID文件的话,需要用UIL来生成UID文件,现在我用uil命令来生成UID文件时老是出现错误, 不知道原因,请各位大哥帮忙解决一下.谢谢.

by zxg7981 - GUI编程 - 2006-08-03 16:21:06 阅读(2539) 回复(0)