
android kernel source code

版本为redhat enterprises as4 u4,内核为2.6.9-42.由于安装网卡驱动时需要提供kernel source code,请问我需要安装哪些rpm包才能满足要求,redhat安装盘上是否提供?希望碰到过相同问题的朋友指点下,不胜感激,谢谢!!!!

by hdg11 - Linux系统管理 - 2008-10-25 11:01:34 阅读(1518) 回复(2)


I have already had my system working, but I forget choose the kernel source code item so, how can I fix it? thanks.

by defyer - Linux系统管理 - 2007-05-02 09:34:50 阅读(3992) 回复(11)

本帖最后由 yshihyu 于 2012-05-08 00:05 编辑 我在linux 使用 slickedit 发现常常 lag , 电脑内存只有 4G , CPU i5 不知道是不是应该内存太少~ 但是我top 显示还有剩余的内存可用~ cpu也还够用 不知道是什么原因造成? 有用 slickedit 朋友 trace android source code 会有这样情况发生吗? 因为我现在看source code 很不方便常常 lag 住 谢谢

by yshihyu - C/C++ - 2012-06-14 21:46:37 阅读(1950) 回复(2)

1. 安裝Cygwin [1],要安裝的packages如下:

  • Net -> curl
  • Devel -> git* (git, git-completion, git-gui, gitk)
  • Libs -> libreadline6, libiconv2
  • Editors -> vim
  • Python -> python
2. 啟動Cygwin之後,開始安裝Repo[2]
  • 先在使用者的家目錄新增bin目錄
    $ cd ...

by web_surf - 移动操作系统 - 2011-12-21 08:41:39 阅读(550) 回复(0)

也没什么具体的时间,主要是靠业余时间,准备系统学习下linux kernel (兴趣)。 大概步骤: cpu architecture load and link (跳过compiler) booting kernel source code 以后会多来,请大家多多指教。

by old_poor_bird - 内核源码 - 2013-07-05 14:22:20 阅读(3567) 回复(10)

文件: A Heavily Commented Linux kernel source code.rar 大小: 4876KB 下载: 下载 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by edwinrong - Linux文档专区 - 2007-07-12 09:08:58 阅读(725) 回复(0)

最近在研究android-x86的编译,已经编译OK,接下来就是armv4t的编译工作了,目前Eclair对armv4t的支持还在开发当中,build/core/combo/arch/arm/ ARMv4t support is currently a work in progress. It does not work right now! 修改build/core/combo/,默认支持armv5te ifeq ($(strip $(TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT)),) TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT := armv5te改为 armv4t endif 或者直接编译运行:make TARGET_AR...

by challenger800 - 移动操作系统 - 2009-12-06 23:15:10 阅读(2006) 回复(0)

Hi, every one, when I install redhat7.3 on supermicro server 6013p-t, we need to compile the modules with that kernel source code. The problem is I can't find /usr/src/linux-2.4.19score/ after kernel-source-score-2.4.19-1SCORE.i386.rpm was installed. The source code always goes to /usr/src/redhat/sourceS. I can't compile the kernel. So. can you tell me how to install kernel-source-score-2.4.19-1S...

by peter333 - Linux论坛 - 2004-12-07 05:20:28 阅读(921) 回复(1)

Hi, every one, when I install redhat7.3 on supermicro server 6013p-t, we need to compile the modules with that kernel source code. The problem is I can't find /usr/src/linux-2.4.19score/ after kernel-source-score-2.4.19-1SCORE.i386.rpm was installed. The source code always goes to /usr/src/redhat/sourceS. I can't compile the kernel. So. can you tell me how to install kernel-source-score-2.4.19-1S...

by peter333 - Linux系统管理 - 2004-12-07 05:20:28 阅读(1158) 回复(1)


by ostmond - Linux论坛 - 2004-07-22 20:55:49 阅读(1303) 回复(4)


by ostmond - Linux系统管理 - 2004-07-22 20:55:49 阅读(3125) 回复(4)