
ORA01078 failure in processing system parameters

按照前面的帖子,设置好etc/system,安装过程都是选缺省的,点“下一步”, 安装过程报错ora-12705,ora-01012,ora-01078。 安装完成后,不能启动oracle instance ora-12705 "invalid or unknown NLS parameter value specified" ora-01078 "failure in processing system parameters" ora -01012 "not logged on" [ 本帖最后由 declare 于 2006-3-2 13:56 编辑 ]

by declare - Oracle - 2006-03-02 13:17:45 阅读(1272) 回复(0)


sco 主机运行较多的进程时报错: system lock semop failure, 请问调整那些核心参数可以解决问题?

by hypostjcs - 其他UNIX - 2005-11-23 21:07:02 阅读(1639) 回复(3)

在本机直接用“sqlplus 用户名/口令“可以连上, 但用“sqlplus 用户名/口令@服务名“则连不上。 tnsnames.ora里面也没有写得不对的地方。 错误提示:  ora-12571:TNS:Packet writer failure ora-12537:TNS:connection closed oracle8.1.6 Win2k server

by sayso - Oracle - 2003-07-10 17:38:42 阅读(3212) 回复(3)

Dear Kaibuki san: How are you doing! [color="#000000"]After starting system the day before yesterday, the problem of failure in file system read and write has been solved. But the reason hasn't been found. The following is the reply from IBM china. [color="#000000"]Thanks for your support! Dear Kaibuki san: How are you doing! [color="#000000"]After starting system the day before yesterday, the...

by daichuang - AIX文档中心 - 2005-05-18 20:29:51 阅读(1202) 回复(0) --add /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/simsun.ttc /usr/local/share/ttfm/gscjk.ttfm FT_Open_Face failed with 3 for file /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType/simsun.ttc [: -le: argument expected /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType/simsun.ttc is not a CJK TTF! Error in running /usr/local/share/ttfm/gscjk.ttfm to add /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType/simsun.ttc. /usr/local/share/ttfm/xttfm.ttf...

by edwardq2266 - BSD - 2004-03-08 09:09:11 阅读(736) 回复(0)


by ltnetwork - 服务器应用 - 2006-01-13 10:00:12 阅读(1444) 回复(2)

我的机子开机时出现disk boot failure ,insert system disk and press enter ,就没反应了,我用boot 盘启动到boot:输入hd(40)unix,启动一切正常。后用win98启动盘启动后在dos下运行fdisk /mbr,重启后依然如故,请问我该怎么办?????

by lnhlh923 - 其他UNIX - 2004-11-11 10:35:04 阅读(1703) 回复(3)

oracle 8i的数据库启动正常,但就是连不上,具体错误如下: ntsb2> dbstart oracle Server Manager Release - Production Copyright (c) 1997, 1999, oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production JServer Release - Production SVRMGR> Connected. SVRMGR> oraCLE instance started. Total system Global Area 26567...

by mys3721 - Oracle - 2009-07-29 19:47:22 阅读(3187) 回复(1)

Web camera is a very cheap device nowadays. After reading this page, you will enter the world of vision processing in Java. Please follow the order of steps. The order is very important. Don't skip any step. Otherwise, you will be in trouble. ^_^ Step1: Install your camera drive. For those students who are in Dr. Chung's class with Logitech WebCam, please download the drive from Logite...

by ztk12 - Java文档中心 - 2006-05-03 17:04:16 阅读(715) 回复(0)

最近常碰到这两个冬冬,请问各位, 这两者在概念上有什么区别? 又各有什么优缺点。 thx

by netyoungster - AIX - 2006-01-16 20:18:37 阅读(904) 回复(0)