
dhcp not authoritative for subnet

假如你的机器有多张网络卡﹐但你只想向其中某一个界面所连接的网络提供 dhcp 服务而已﹐似乎在dhcpd.conf里面只设定一个 subnet 话﹐会遇到“No subnet declaration for ethx”的错误。要解决这个问题其实很简单﹐就是为那些不提供dhcp的界面建立空的declaration就可以了。例如﹐你不想对eth1所在的网络203.30.35.128/27提供dhcp服务﹐那么可以这样写﹕BSD爱好者乐园2xEY'xMI ^'[t subnet netmask

by 剑心通明 - BSD文档中心 - 2008-03-23 20:19:35 阅读(1306) 回复(0)


大家好: 我在测试dns域名解析时碰到以下问题: nslookup >; Non-authoritative answer: Name: 为什么在第一次进行域名解析时,每次都出现Non-authoritative answer:? :(

by sic75 - 服务器应用 - 2010-08-05 15:02:39 阅读(12965) 回复(20)

The IP subnet Mask Calculator enables subnet network calculations using network class, IP address, subnet mask, subnet bits, mask bits, maximum required IP subnets and maximum required hosts per subnet. Results of the subnet calculation provide the hexadecimal IP address, the wildcard mask, for use with ACL (Access Control Lists), subnet ID, broadcast address, the subnet address range for the res...

by deargentle - 网络技术文档中心 - 2008-12-02 11:33:13 阅读(942) 回复(0)

ZT: IP-subnet-Mask numbers IP mask numbers are used to divide internet addresses into blocks called subnets. The mask number represents the number of 1s in the binary of the address that is 'masked" against the address So that it ignores the last bits which as for the group of IP addresses in the masked address. The first address of a subnet blo...

by emailwht - 网络技术文档中心 - 2007-07-09 07:47:31 阅读(1088) 回复(0)

This article tell you how to change the subnet mask of an interface in Solaris Description If a network interface was configured with the wrong subnet mask as can happen when the default subnet is selected with a variable length subnet mask, a simple configuration change will fix it. Directions Consider a host that is assigned the IP address in the class C subnet The no...

by patguo - Solaris文档中心 - 2005-05-18 13:11:04 阅读(965) 回复(0)

用Bind 配置了一台DNS,但解析时出现 non-authoritative answer,不知道如何解决。 求教一下此DNS是否已经能正常工作??

by yuxiaqiao - 服务器应用 - 2008-02-26 18:00:45 阅读(3135) 回复(2)

麻烦问一下 解析域名的时候出现下面报错是什么原因 Non-authoritative answer: 解析20次左右就出现一个这样的状况,

by shuangsheng - 服务器应用 - 2006-10-31 16:37:41 阅读(2565) 回复(5)

IP subnet zero 是用來限制router不可使用與class相同的subnet. 例如: 把一個class b 的network subnet細分. 其中一個細分方式係,, 而如果第一個subnet在沒有subnet mask的情形下 (即172.16.0.0) 與它的class network (即172.16.0.0) 相同. 這樣會引起routing上的混亂 --- 如果一個router 上有一個network, 而它用rip把這個networ...

by 一路征程一路笑 - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-02-27 19:27:32 阅读(1320) 回复(0)

假设您是一个学校单位的资讯管理员,学校内有 200 部电脑,奉上面大头的旨意,必须要将 200 部电脑分为 4 个 subnet ,请问您应该如何布线(请画出示意图)?而这 4 个 subnet 的网路参数如何选择(请自行选择)?而是否需要 Router ?如果需要的话,假设每个 Router 仅能有两个网路实体介面,那么该如何布线?(注:不要使用虚拟介面) 我的布线如同下图所示: 每个 Router 都具有两个介面,且四个 Router 的右边介面都在同一个网段...

by ljc6386613 - 网络技术文档中心 - 2006-07-13 11:27:46 阅读(1097) 回复(0)

以下是摘自一本书,我发现好象有错,请高人帮我确定一下: subnetting Practice Examples: Class A Addresses Practice Example #2A: (/20) gives us 12 bits of subnetting and leaves us 12 bits for host addressing. subnets? 2^12-2 = 4094. Hosts? 2^12-2 = 4094. Broadcast address for each subnet? Valid hosts? The following table shows some examples of the host ranges the first, ...

by chenjn - 网络技术 - 2004-01-08 16:23:13 阅读(1301) 回复(5)


by zhht - BSD - 2008-07-13 23:05:59 阅读(2041) 回复(2)