
SONAME naming rule

实验目的: 1、深入理解BGP的同步规则。 实验拓扑图: 实验步骤及要求: 1、配置各台路由器的IP地址,并且使用Ping命令确认各路由器的直连口的互通。 2、配置各路由器的BGP协议: R3#show ip protocols Routing Protocol is "bgp 64513" Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is not set IGP synchronization is disabled [stanley1] Auto...

by Jack_Cisco - 网络技术文档中心 - 2011-01-17 16:59:25 阅读(3460) 回复(1)


My iptables is as below, # Generated by iptables-save v1.2.9 on Thu Jan 22 16:47:54 2004 *nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [20] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [3] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [3] [1] -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source COMMIT # Completed on Thu Jan 22 16:47:54 2004 # Generated by iptables-save v1.2.9 on Thu Jan 22 16:47:54 2004 *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [2255] :FORWARD ...

by lamborghini - 网络与硬件 - 2004-01-23 23:26:05 阅读(802) 回复(4)

HP-UX naming guidelines As of January 1, 2003, the official name for HP-UX 11i changed to HP-UX 11i version 1 or HP-UX 11i v1. Please adhere to these guidelines whenever referencing HP-UX. Previous naming: Name as of 1/1/03: HP-UX 11i HP-UX 11i version 1 or HP-UX 11i v1 HP-UX 11i Operating Environment HP-UX 11i Foundation Operating Environment Abbreviations: Fnd OE or fd OE. Only use when the...

by qingzhi76 - HP文档中心 - 2009-02-04 20:57:19 阅读(1967) 回复(0)

嗨,大家好。想必大家都做过EJB中那个helloworld的例子。我在跟着书做的时候出了这个问题,请大家帮我看看,另外给点解决思路。谢谢 我在netbeans5.5中新建的一个EJB项目。现根据书上的步骤部署好了EJB项目,在应用服务器也能找到部署后的项目,我运行helloclient的时候出现已下错误: Exception in thread "main" javax.naming.NameNotFoundException [Root exception is org.omg.Cosnaming.namingContextPackage.NotFound: IDL...

by yhzy - Java - 2007-08-24 22:07:17 阅读(2669) 回复(1)

JNDI Java术语 英文全称是:Java naming and Directory Interface 术语解释:一组帮助做多个命名和目录服务接口的API。 JNDI(Java naming and Directory Interface)是SUN公司提供的一种标准的Java命名系统接口,JNDI提供统一的客户端API,通过不同的访问提供者接口JNDI SPI的实现,由管理者将JNDI API映射为特定的命名服务和目录系统,使得Java应用程序可以和这些命名服务和目录服务之间进行交互。集群JNDI实现了高可靠性JNDI[8],通...

by meteorm - Java文档中心 - 2007-08-12 11:28:47 阅读(685) 回复(0)

JNDI是一组API,它通过java语言为应用程序提供命名(naming)和目录(directory)功能。它被定义成独立于任何特定的目录服务实现。因此各种不同的目录服务可以通过通用的方法被访问 Architecture JNDI由一组API和SPI(service provider interface)组成。java程序通过JNDI API访问各种naming和directory服务。SPI使各种naming和directory服务的实现透明地插件化从而使java程序访问它所提供的服务。图形描述如下: JNDI包包含在jdk1.3及以...

by nomigdweiwei - Java文档中心 - 2005-11-28 10:09:30 阅读(588) 回复(0)

./configure --enable-rule=eapi --enable-module=so --enable-module=ssl --enable-module=all --enable-shared=max --disable-module=auth_db 这些是什么意思?小弟是菜鸟不懂这个东西?怎样掌握这方面的知识?

by cloudunix - Linux论坛 - 2005-11-23 02:57:04 阅读(1021) 回复(6)

ip rule add可以实现基于源地址的路由.但是 我看到 这里面# Setup source IP routing rules for DSL   ip rule add from lookup 1   ip route add via table 1   ip route add 0/0 via table 1   # Setup source IP routing rules for cable modem   ip rule add from l...

by lingg2002 - Linux论坛 - 2004-06-02 10:17:44 阅读(2664) 回复(9)

ipf 3.4.31,规则如下: [code] @1 pass out from any to any @1 pass in from any to any @2 block return-rst in log quick proto tcp from any to any port 135 >;< 139 @3 block return-rst in log quick proto tcp from any to any port = 445 @4 block return-icmp-as-dest(port-unr) in log quick proto udp from any to any port 135 >;< 139 @5 block return-icmp-as-dest(port-unr) in log quick proto udp from a...

by edwardj - BSD - 2003-09-03 21:22:23 阅读(1196) 回复(8)

看到有这样的语句: CREATE FUNCTION Mixconnect RETURNS STRING soname 'C:\\winnt\\mix.dll'; 不懂,请高手说说。 谢谢!

by linuxkumao - MySQL - 2008-04-01 16:43:46 阅读(2121) 回复(3)


by thinmonkey - Linux论坛 - 2005-06-24 13:54:28 阅读(632) 回复(2)