
arm assembly sp fp

一、基本语法 1. 预处理 As的内部预处理包括: (1)移出多余的间隔符。 (2)移出所有注释。 (3)将字符常量转换为数字值。 它不作宏处理和文件包含处理,但这些事情可以交由C编译器去做:文件包含可以用.include伪指令来实现,还可以通过对源文件使用'.S'后缀来进行”CPP”类型的预处理(例如使用#include,#define,#ifdef等操作,可参考Using GNU CC 3.2节 Options Controlling the Kind of Output)。 2. 间隔符 space或tab。 3. ...

by tacoe - Linux文档专区 - 2008-08-21 18:28:26 阅读(1139) 回复(0)


有如下编译错误: ERROR: XXX uses software fp, whereas XXX uses hardware fp 请问怎么解决?谢谢。 ps:其实,我找到了 -mhard-float 和 -msoft-float 两个编译选项,但是没用。

by tassard - 嵌入式开发 - 2010-02-03 10:32:07 阅读(3526) 回复(4)


by izhier - 站务交流 - 2009-04-29 16:31:19 阅读(1247) 回复(2)

Linux下gcc缺省编译AT&T格式的汇编程序,但是Intel格式的汇编程序如何用gcc编译? 今天尝试通过指定-march和-mcpu选项编译没有成功,请大家提示。

by A-Liang - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2005-12-12 18:43:21 阅读(793) 回复(1)

Linux下gcc缺省编译AT&T格式的汇编程序,但是Intel格式的汇编程序如何用gcc编译? 今天尝试通过指定-march和-mcpu选项编译没有成功,请大家提示。

by A-Liang - 内核源码 - 2005-12-12 18:43:21 阅读(1076) 回复(1)

Using assembly Language in Linux .by Phillipphillip@ussrback.comLast updated: Monday 8th January 2001 Note: there is a turkish translation of this article . Contents: Introduction Intel and AT&T Syntax Prefixes Direction of Operands Memory Operands Suffixes Syscalls Syscalls with Syscalls with > 5 args Socket syscalls Command Line Arguments GCC Inline ASM Compiling Further reference...

by freeners - Linux文档专区 - 2009-06-26 12:36:50 阅读(904) 回复(0)

Welcome to C--Suppose you are writing a compiler; how will you get quality machine code? You might write your own code generator---but that's a lot of work. You might use somebody else's: perhaps VPO, MLRISC, or the gcc back end. But each of these impressive systems has a rich, complex, and ill-documented interface, and furthermore, to use MLRISC you must write your front end in ML, to use gcc you...

by bukaihua - CPU与编译器 - 2009-05-19 09:27:14 阅读(1436) 回复(0)

堆栈 堆栈是由为程序分配的内存的末尾处保留的内存位置构成.Esp寄存器用于指向内存中堆栈的顶部. 注意在调用之前和发出call指令调用的不同: 调用前:主程序把函数所需要的输入参数存放到堆栈的顶部. call后:它把发出调用的程序的返回地址存放到堆栈的顶部. 存放顺序如下: The stack pointer (Esp) points to the top of the stack, where the return address is located. All of the input ...

by bsdc - Linux文档专区 - 2009-02-10 19:03:56 阅读(1080) 回复(0)

欢迎下载........ Wrox Professional assembly Language Jan 2005 eBook-DDU [ 本帖最后由 八重樱 于 2008-12-18 15:51 编辑 ]

by 八重樱 - 下载共享 - 2012-02-09 19:18:50 阅读(9221) 回复(44)

Brennan's Guide to Inline assembly by Brennan "Bas" UnderwoodDocument version Ok. This is meant to be an introduction to inline assembly under DJGPP. DJGPP is based on GCC, so it uses the AT&T/UNIX syntax and has a somewhat unique method of inline assembly. I spent many hours figuring some of this stuff out and told Info that I hate it, many times. Hopefully if you already know Intel syn...

by newyoko - Linux文档专区 - 2008-10-06 09:55:50 阅读(782) 回复(0)