

各位大侠,请帮忙分析一下我使用这个命令输出的结果有没有什么问题, yc_rz1#[/]dmesg Jan 27 09:30 ... - /dev/root file system full (1 block extent) vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/root file system full (1 block extent) vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/root file system full (1 block extent) vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/root file system full (1 block extent) vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace -...

by 陈颖 - HP-UX - 2005-02-09 18:51:40 阅读(6540) 回复(9)



by 家锐 - BSD - 2006-08-02 22:12:48 阅读(1435) 回复(3)

如何查看日志信息 dmesg | more /var/adm/messages* 收集exlpore日志 /opt/SUNWexplo/bin/explorer -k ->/opt/SUNWexplo/output 系统的基本状况 showrev 系统运行时间,平均负载 uptime 版本信息 uname -a ...

by skysong1982 - Solaris文档中心 - 2008-10-13 20:02:12 阅读(1980) 回复(0)

如何查看日志信息 dmesg | more /var/adm/messages* 收集exlpore日志 /opt/SUNWexplo/bin/explorer -k ->/opt/SUNWexplo/output 系统的基本状况 showrev 系统运行时间,平均负载 uptime 版本信息 uname -a U...

by ciscozhen - Solaris文档中心 - 2008-09-28 12:45:46 阅读(4706) 回复(1)

请帮忙看看,使用dmesg命令后的报错信息: DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM WARNING: The diagnostic logging facility has started receiving excessive errors from the I/O subsystem .I/O error entries will be lost until the cause of the excessive I/O logging is corrected. If the diaglogd daemon is not active , use the daemon startp command in stm to start it . if the diaglogd daemon is active ,use the logtool uti...

by lwt - HP-UX - 2004-11-04 15:53:50 阅读(1280) 回复(4)
by looxb - HP-UX - 2006-04-12 10:45:39 阅读(8045) 回复(6)

Aug 9 08:26:02 dns named[210]: [ID 295310 daemon.notice] denied update from [].18485 for "" IN Aug 9 08:27:05 dns named[210]: [ID 295310 daemon.notice] denied update from [].18490 for "" IN Aug 9 08:28:08 dns named[210]: [ID 295310 daemon.notice] denied update from [].18497 for "" IN Aug 9 08:29:12 dns named[210]: [ID 295310 daemon...

by wangwf - Solaris - 2005-08-09 09:18:59 阅读(1242) 回复(2)

LINUX 下如何查看一些命令的源代码?如(top,dmesg等) I don't know how to ......please show me dear friend.. thanks .

by skyblue2000 - 系统管理 - 2004-07-26 09:35:59 阅读(715) 回复(1)

输入dmesg命令系统显示信息如下.. pid 10828 (httpd), uid 80: exited on signal 11 pid 10862 (httpd), uid 80: exited on signal 11 Limiting closed port RST response from 238 to 200 packets per second Limiting closed port RST response from 234 to 200 packets per second Limiting closed port RST response from 229 to 200 packets per second Limiting closed port RST response from 227 to 200 packets per seco...

by 七月飞雪 - BSD - 2003-07-29 19:06:57 阅读(2021) 回复(6)


by yuipr - Linux论坛 - 2004-10-27 12:00:34 阅读(887) 回复(8)


by wanbin - BSD - 2003-06-15 20:07:28 阅读(1259) 回复(8)