
libawtso libXpso6 cannot open shared object file No such file or directory

编译安装courier-authlib-0.58, 启动,maillog 报错如下 Jul 9 16:29:24 localhost authdaemond: modules="authmysql", daemons=5 Jul 9 16:29:24 localhost authdaemond: Installing libauthmysql Jul 9 16:29:24 localhost authdaemond: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 在网上找了找, 有人说要装courier-authlib-mysql, 但是没有源码包, 只有rpm等 知道的请说说, 谢谢先 安装...

by - 服务器应用 - 2008-07-09 20:38:41 阅读(4146) 回复(2)


编译完程序后出现错误: ./a.out: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 用的是第三方提供的库,已经编译成.a文件了,也与libresiprocate.a文件一样,在/usr/local/lib目录下存在。这是什么问题 ,怎么解决? 源程序是第三方库中存在的例子,是SIP相关的应用,不知道版上的哥们有没有sip开发的。 #i...

by Alexzha - C/C++ - 2012-03-14 15:41:53 阅读(17552) 回复(7)

小问题,对刚刚接触的人或许有点帮助 [root@mail sbin]# proftpd ./proftpd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ------> 提示找不到这个so文件 [root@mail sbin]# locate /home/book/mysql-5.1.33/libmysql/.libs/ /home/book/mysql-5.1.33/libmysql/.libs/ /usr/lo...

by tiansky - 服务器应用 - 2009-07-04 11:12:06 阅读(6822) 回复(1)

我用gtk写了程序,写了一个动态库,在自己机器上运行正常,但在一个裁减过的linux系统中运行,g_module_error报错 open shared object file :no such file or diectrcymodule=0,不知为何?

by zhyustar - GUI编程 - 2006-06-20 19:45:04 阅读(2633) 回复(0)

使用# net ads join -U 加入公司的域出现下面的提示,怎么解决!!! winscard_clnt.c:320:SCardEstablishContextTH() cannot open public shared file: /var/run/

by van_fan - 服务器应用 - 2009-06-12 17:46:49 阅读(3168) 回复(1)

all: has has: gcc hash.c Lhash.c -o has .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf has 上面的makefile用make has 执行的时候 提示 /usr/bin/ld:cannot open output file has:Permission denied collect2:ld returned 1 exit status 把has 改成别的名字也不行 请问这个是什么原因?

by mousexqshe - C/C++ - 2007-07-27 10:23:45 阅读(6981) 回复(3)

我的一台scopenserver 5.0.5 一天重起好几次,系统启动时提示一下错误: Sep 9 07:54:20 pyfx snmpd[351]: Agent started (pid 351) Sep 9 07:56:35 pyfx ftpd[701]: #2 open of pid file failed: No such file or directory Sep 9 07:59:19 pyfx ftpd[718]: #2 open of pid file failed: No such file or directory Sep 9 07:59:45 pyfx ftpd[719]: #2 open of pid file failed: No such file or directory Sep 9 08:01:04...

by t_f_388 - 其他UNIX - 2004-10-09 09:42:56 阅读(2976) 回复(2)

[root@3843228 squid]# sarg SARG: Records in file: 1975, reading: 100.00% SARG: (download) cannot open file: /var/www/sarg/ONE-SHOT/2008Oct21-2008Oct22/period 装上之后第一次使用 sarg -o /var/www/html/hours -l /var/log/squid/access.log成功了, 但是后来在怎么也不好使了.高手请指教.

by root001 - 服务器应用 - 2008-10-28 11:49:15 阅读(2715) 回复(4)

各位,老大。我在运行gcc时出现这个问题。是少装插件了? ----急 多谢。

by zebra - Solaris - 2006-01-06 18:30:21 阅读(4850) 回复(4)

How can I resolve linking phase errors of Oracle 9.0.1 installation on SUSe 9 Porfessional. >;>; >;>; >;>; >;>;For example: Error making target ... >;>; >;>; >;>; >;>;Remembered that, I tested the most popular solution as below: >;>; >;>; >;>; >;>;In your $ORACLE_HOME/bin edit with vi the genclntsh file, and search the line LD_SELF_CONTAINED="-z defs", and replace by LD_...

by mrzhengfei - Oracle - 2005-03-16 11:43:52 阅读(1666) 回复(0)

FreeBSD+PF+Squid 一直运行正常,突然有一天出现了这样的问题,打开很多网站都拒绝访问,有时候多刷新几次就正常了.在Cache.log日志里记录有这样的错误,每隔一分钟就记录一次,不知道是什么原因造成的. 重新安装Squid,重新编译内核,都解决不了这个问题,请各位大侠援手.

by thebear0611 - BSD - 2008-10-08 21:18:03 阅读(2522) 回复(0)