
Nmap Failed to determine dst MAC address

最近干的一个工作就是要对出整个数据中心里面的服务器的网卡插在了那个交换机的那个端口上面. 经过总结发现合理使用的snmp和一些工具完全可以省去用手去看的工作. 其中一个最重要的功能是将ip地址和mac的对应表列出来. 所以我就使用了nmap这个工具.正好今天把nmap升级到了最新的版本. linux : Latest Stable i386 nmap RPM: nmap-3.93-1.i386.rpm windows:nmap 3.90 and later require WinPcap 3.1 or later. Latest stable ...

by 我爱臭豆腐 - 网络技术文档中心 - 2005-09-22 10:02:14 阅读(1665) 回复(0)



by - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2005-05-07 22:59:16 阅读(958) 回复(9)

can we tell a network card is a wireless or wired card just by thier mac address? Thank you very much.

by lc1999 - 网络与硬件 - 2006-05-05 08:36:43 阅读(550) 回复(1)

[color="#ff33ff"]系统缺省的mac:(local-mac-address?=false) # prtconf -pv | grep idprom idprom: 01830003.ba2185f1.08242002.2185f135.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000 [color="#ff00ff"]网卡的mac # prtconf -pv | grep local local-mac-address?: 'true' local-mac-address: 0003ba21.85f2 local-mac-address: 0003ba21.85f1 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果...

by pianoch - Solaris文档中心 - 2005-11-26 17:28:19 阅读(941) 回复(0)

Just found the 2 ethernet hme interfaces have duplicated mac address issue. Questions: 1. Could this be solved by change "local-mac-address" by using eeprom? 2. Seems Sun set this "local-mac-address" to false as default which could cause problem when these 2 hme interfaces are connected to same VLAN/switch. Does anyone know why??? Thanks in advance! (Sorry my typing in Chinese is too slow)

by lcd1530 - Solaris - 2004-04-01 09:29:22 阅读(786) 回复(1)

一个简单的局域网,cisco router 2611,3com 交换机,pix 515 , HP server 安装windows 2000 ,是DC,接通PIX后,工作站登陆DC时好时坏,发现一登不上,查询 工作站的ARP表发现PIX的mac address,与SERVER DC的mac address,是完全一样的。直到不一样了,网络的登陆才可正常进行! 有没有解决问题的建议?

by renazeng2003 - 网络技术 - 2004-03-31 11:44:09 阅读(953) 回复(4)

aclParseAclLine: Invalid ACL type 'arp' FATAL: Bungled squid.conf line 2413: acl normal_mac arp "/etc/squid/normal_mac" Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE6): Terminated abnormall 象这种情况 除了没有在编译的时候加-enable arp外 还有别的原因导致么? 另外就是我在用了NCSA认证后,每次把当前的IE关闭后,都跳出对话框来输入密码,怎么设置如果我本次输入密码,那除非是重启电脑, 否则在打开新的浏览器的时候都不会要...

by coldface - 服务器应用 - 2007-12-21 16:47:40 阅读(2345) 回复(0)

我有一台4503经常报%C4K_L2MAN-6-INVALIDSOURCEaddressPACKET: (Suppressed 1 times)Packet received with invalid source mac address (00:00:00:00:00:00) on port Gi1/17 in vlan 200日志 其中Gi1/17 连接的是pix-525上internet, 请问有办法解决吗

by wooqooo - 网络技术 - 2007-08-24 10:52:44 阅读(8796) 回复(3)

How to change the mac adrress?? the handbook and the man "ifconfig" I have been saw it.Can't solve it. eg: ifconfig rl0 mac:add 0002ee03a6 it shoule tip : ifconfig: malformed link-level address. Help:em14:

by fenving - BSD - 2006-05-09 13:04:01 阅读(1342) 回复(3)

I test it at my O200, it work well. #include ; #include ; #include ; #include ; #include ; #include ; #include ; #include ; main(int argc,char **argv) { int cnt,ret,sock,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6; struct ifreq ifdat; struct sockaddr_raw sr; if (argc<3) { ...

by sgi - 其他UNIX - 2003-07-24 10:39:19 阅读(2546) 回复(0)

实验一下mac-address-table static的作用 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Switch#show run Building configuration... interface FastEthernet0/1 switchport access vlan 2 switchport mode access ! interface FastEthernet0/2 switchport access vlan 2 switchport mode access interface Vlan2 ip address ..... end --------------------------...

by 一路征程一路笑 - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-03-16 14:52:42 阅读(1138) 回复(0)