
saber仿真cannot find nonlinear system solution

Unable to start program 'c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\aaa\debug\aaa.exe'. The system cannot find the file specified.

by zhshqzyc - C/C++ - 2006-04-28 08:52:33 阅读(1015) 回复(0)


有一个lv出问题了,用fsck报错: fsck -y /dev/rlvtest fsck: 0506-040 cannot find the Vfs value for file system /dev/lvtest # fsck -V jfs /dev/rlvtest Not a recognized filesystem type. (TERMINATED) 请问如何解决呢? 这个lv是用来做数据库空间的裸设备。有重要的数据,请各位帮忙分析啊 # lslv lvtest LOGICAL VOLUME: lvtest VOLUME GROUP: rootvg LV IDENTIFIER: 00538a8d00004c00000000fdf...

by sunljh - AIX - 2006-05-22 22:07:20 阅读(3283) 回复(4)

有一个lv出问题了,用fsck报错:\r\nfsck -y /dev/rlvtest\r\nfsck: 0506-040 cannot find the Vfs value for file system /dev/lvtest\r\n\r\n# fsck -V jfs /dev/rlvtest\r\nNot a recognized filesystem type. (TERMINATED)\r\n\r\n请问如何解决呢? 这个lv是用来做数据库空间的裸设备。有重要的数据,请各位帮忙分析啊\r\n\r\n# lslv lvtest\r\nLOGICAL VOLUME: lvtest VOLUME GROUP: rootvg\r\nLV IDENTIFIE...

by sunljh - AIX - 2006-05-22 22:07:20 阅读(3927) 回复(4)

cscope的新手,看到网上说,按照绝对路径搜索,可以使用环境变量来告诉vim cscope的DB在哪里,这样就方便了 我写的脚本如下:[code]#! /bin/bash PWD=`pwd` find $PWD -name "*.h" -o -name "*.c" -o -name "*.cc" -o -name "*.hxx" -o -name "*.cxx" -o -name "*.cpp" > cscope.files[/code]生成了cscop.files文件,但是我在使用 cscope -bq 的时候,却报错说 cscope: cannot find file XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX...

by alexandnpu - C/C++ - 2011-07-25 17:48:34 阅读(6055) 回复(3)

LINUX下编译GTK时出现这个问题: ld: cannot find -lintl 请问怎么解决?

by jerry163000 - Linux环境编程 - 2010-10-15 21:09:07 阅读(2136) 回复(1)

今天在webSphere6.0上部署struts1.1框架程序,一直提示: cannot find ActionMappings or ActionFormBeans 原来是编译版本问题!调试了将尽一天啊~~~ 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by travelsky2008 - Java文档中心 - 2009-06-17 18:38:14 阅读(1047) 回复(0)

gcc -g -O2 -o IDMS main.o IDMS_yys.o config.o daemon.o msg_between_servers_v4.o msg_with_asr_v4.o pack_process_v4.o serv_list_v4.o terminal_v4.o thread.o timer.o ../lib/librtm.a -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -lz /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient collect2: ld 返回 1 请问到那里可以找到这个文件啊?我用的是fc8./usr/lib/目录下没有mysql。 谢谢!

by yysjacky - Linux环境编程 - 2009-01-09 15:56:47 阅读(2184) 回复(3)

when you using ipkg package management tool,you encountered the following problem An error ocurred, return value: 4. Collected errors: cannot find package module-init-tools-cross-stage. Check the spelling or perhaps run 'ipkg update' cannot find package update-modules-stage. Check the spelling or perhaps run 'ipkg update' however,the package is there the reason is that the arch is not compatibl...

by linuxGentoo - Linux文档专区 - 2008-06-11 14:18:51 阅读(759) 回复(0)

我在suse9上装vcs,执行./installer的时候提示 cannot find VRTSperl to execute ,这个怎么解决啊?

by bergkamp1234 - 集群和高可用 - 2007-06-06 13:24:22 阅读(2203) 回复(0)

在编译firmware的时候出现上面的错误, 郁闷 帮帮我

by Arthur_ - 嵌入式开发 - 2007-03-15 09:32:29 阅读(1937) 回复(0)

HMC有问题 HMC-1 连两个p650 一直到好好的,分别用了2-3年,没问题。突然发现HMC-1找不到 LPARs。两个p650,一个都找不到。什么都找不到。errors:说有可能正在找,或连得线有问题。大家有没有见过啊??

by aaaix - AIX - 2008-09-03 10:02:57 阅读(4437) 回复(13)