

文章分类: 系统安全 你是不是因为自己的SSH服务器受到攻击而烦恼?现在好了,有了sshguard,你就可以安枕无忧了,虽然它现在依然处于beta版本,但是它的性能一点也不差。 Are you concerned about brute force dictionary attacks on SSH? Given the popularity of these attacks, you should be. sshguard is a new tool to help protect against such attacks. Although it is still in beta stage, it appears to work we...

by sdccf - Linux文档专区 - 2008-05-02 19:54:20 阅读(652) 回复(0)


sshguard protects hosts from the plague of brute force attacks against ssh. Unlike many similar tools written in interpreted languages, it's independent, fast, and lightweight because it's completely written in C. 如果你想让任何地址都可以访问你的ssh端口,那么对SSH做一定的防护确实是需要的,以前我使用的是iptables的recent模块,这个东西也不错哦 本文来...

by wenzk - Linux文档专区 - 2007-06-16 01:40:20 阅读(985) 回复(0)

安装配置sshguard cd /usr/ports/security/sshguard-pf make install clean vi etc/syslog.conf 添加[code]; |exec /usr/local/sbin/sshguard[/code]服务器有两个网卡,so vi /etc/pf.conf 内容如下[code]table <sshguard> persist set skip on lo scrub in block in quick on egress proto tcp from <sshguard> to any port 22 label "ssh bruteforce" pass in pass out[/code]/etc/rc.d/syslog re...

by f5b - BSD - 2010-12-26 11:05:39 阅读(2569) 回复(1)

原文: 在 Freebsd 控制台或用 dmesg -a 查看系统消息的时候会发现类似于下面的大量信息,这是因为有人在尝试暴力破解 SSH 密码的原因。 Jun 22 06:42:00 vps sshd[80092]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user nuucp from Jun 22 06:44:12 vps sshd[80118]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user nx from Jun 22 06:47:00 vps sshd[...


by kukusky - BSD - 2010-07-02 20:11:30 阅读(4329) 回复(6)