
STM32 CAN 过滤

Anybody can tell me how can i open one function within compiled object file,which format is standard binary elf format.

by leslierainy - C/C++ - 2005-02-25 11:48:25 阅读(700) 回复(0)


写个jni应用. 调用c++接口,库名称为 liblogger.so是我拷贝到/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_10/jre/lib/i386/client/下. /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_10/jre/lib/i386/client目录: -r--r--r-- 1 root root 12713984 2007-04-30 classes.jsa lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2007-04-30 -> ../ -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4642134 2006-11-10 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11761449 04-21 17:28 -...

by nongdi - Java - 2009-04-22 15:25:49 阅读(6406) 回复(6)
by 泥巴球 - AIX - 2004-05-27 22:19:41 阅读(1082) 回复(3)

The Support Tools Manager(stm) host-based utility is the primary online diagnostic tool available for the HP SureStore E Disk Array FC60. stm provides the capability for testing, configuring, and evaluating the operational condition of the disk array. stm comes with HPUX instant ignition and support media. stm User Interfaces stm present three different user three interfaces:an X-Windows int...

by s4u2003 - HP文档中心 - 2008-03-27 12:09:57 阅读(4844) 回复(0)

谁有么?还有目录:/usr/contrib/Q4/bin & /usr/conrib/bin 里面都是什么咚咚?

by zhong0912 - HP-UX - 2005-09-24 21:39:49 阅读(1326) 回复(6)

在用stm(cstm或xstm)时,只能用它来查看一些information,当执行diagnose时,无法执行。用cstm时会提示说 diagnose is disabled. 请问一下stm的某些功能是不是需要license才可以用的?

by edwin_liu - HP-UX - 2009-07-10 15:29:34 阅读(1960) 回复(1)

我们一批工程中到的HP9000系列的主机,有rp54和rc74两种,今天我发现只有一台54可以使用stm或者cstm,其它主机运行stm或者cstm的时候提示一大堆,大致意思是说可能存在以下错误:1,stm没有启动;2,cfg文件里没有配置什么LOCAL...;3,IP地址不合法;4,。。。我对stm到底需要什么条件运行也不太清楚,简单地看了看,那些不能运行的主机上的情况跟那个能运行的5470的情况没什么大的差别啊。什么diagmond进程,配置文件都有啊。 请...

by 2bedodo - HP-UX - 2004-06-15 10:27:52 阅读(1427) 回复(4)

一共是21×3=63个,每个tug-2包含3个e1 ! ! ! ! controller SONET 1/0 framing sdh clock source internal ! au-4 1 tug-3 1 tug-2 1 e1 1 channel-group 0 timeslots 1-31 tug-2 1 e1 2 channel-group 0 timeslots 1-31 tug-2 1 e1 3 channel-group 0 timeslots 1-31 tug-2 2 e1 1 channel-group 0 timeslots 1-31 tug-2 2 e1 2 channel-group 0 timeslots 1-31 tug-2 2 e1 3 channel-group 0 timeslots 1-31 tug-2 3 e1 1 chan...


by depthblue_xsc - 网络技术 - 2006-04-18 14:10:18 阅读(1152) 回复(0)

stm-1的配置及有关SDH 7507的multichannel stm-1配置问题 PA-MC-stm-1SMI接到电信的sdh网上,如何划分出10-15条e1的channel?那位大侠给出一个具体配置的例子,先谢了! FW:前几天刚刚用CISCO的这块板子做了测试,具体的配置大概是: controller sonet 1/1/0 framing sdh clock source line aug mapping au-4 au-4 1 tug-3 2 mode c-12 tug-2 4 e1 1 channel-group 15 timeslots 1-5,20-23 exit exit int s 1/1/0.1/2/...


by 剑心通明 - 网络技术文档中心 - 2008-05-20 17:22:56 阅读(914) 回复(0)
by webtone - Solaris - 2005-12-07 21:57:31 阅读(1264) 回复(1)

just want to create a enhanced concurrent testvg, has the error like this: 05416-1335 mkvg: this system does not support enhanced concurrent capable volume groups oslevel 5.3 RML 02 who can tell me why?

by koala_mel - AIX - 2005-08-17 12:34:23 阅读(1073) 回复(2)