
because an initial Phase 1 packet arrived from an unrecognized peer gateway


by gxluomoon - Oracle - 2007-06-06 15:50:15 阅读(1325) 回复(0)

相关讨论 CDP vs snapshot, at a glance which applications benefit most from CDP representative CDP vendors "true-CDP" and "near-CDP." In true-CDP, every write is captured and transferred to the protection disk, and you can roll back to any point in time. (Note that recovering to an arbitrary poi...


by joey - 存储文档中心 - 2008-05-14 12:20:04 阅读(1186) 回复(0)

如下: The cfgmgr command recognizes three phases of configuration rules: phase 1 phase 2 (second boot phase for normal boot) phase 3 (second boot phase for service boot) phase应该是阶段的意思,但是给人的感觉phase2和phase3不应该划做不同的phasephase2,phase3给人的感觉在phase2执行完之后就进入了phase3阶段,但是事实上并不是如此 而phase2,phase3是在不同的启动模式下才会分别执行的阶段! 个人认为只划两...

by leyearn - AIX - 2003-07-04 14:04:49 阅读(648) 回复(0)

当执行service sendmail 出现sendmail: unrecognized service 不是是什么问题?怎么解决啊? :cry:

by zw2002 - 服务器架设 - 2005-10-27 10:55:45 阅读(1717) 回复(2)

执行:service xinetd start,启动telnet, 出现此提示,为什么? 如何做,在非图形界面下。

by 龙九 - Linux论坛 - 2003-12-11 08:10:02 阅读(2249) 回复(2)