
evelyn lin

My daughter was seized with a slight fever yesterday night. I was so worried that I crushed her eyeglasses when I kept putting a cold towel on her head. She must be very uncomfortable without eyewear as she is very short-sighted with the strength over 500. There are some problem for me to buy another from a traditional eyeglasses shop: Every time when passing through the eyewear shops after scho...

by bwlorene - BSD文档中心 - 2009-06-17 18:24:28 阅读(1622) 回复(0)


我的rav8lin 已经装好了,但不知如何运行阿 请高手指教 ------------------------------------------- 小小菜鸟,感激不尽 :roll:

by zhanfeng - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2005-08-11 08:13:14 阅读(361) 回复(0)

have not post on dostor forum before,this is my first time and I want to share some experience of setup ISCSI When I come across this problem,and I try to search on google not too much info for ISCSI settings,especially for Mutual Chap.The basic settings is kind of straightforward,but the chap authentication is a little bit hard. My feeling is on windows ISCSI initiator is easier than on linux /e...

by copyking - 存储文档中心 - 2008-07-17 16:10:14 阅读(973) 回复(0)

在syslog文件中顯示﹕unable to write terminal control databass entry for lin tty﹐其中tty有很多編號如﹕tty0,tty2,tty5,tty13......請各位幫忙解答一下﹐謝謝﹗ [ 本帖最后由 CNL 于 2005-11-3 08:43 编辑 ]

by ytfox - 其他UNIX - 2005-11-03 08:43:45 阅读(1178) 回复(1)

高手帮忙哪有rav8lin 的升级包阿 帮帮小弟!! 感激不尽 ---------------------------------------------- 小小菜鸟

by zhanfeng - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2005-08-11 08:39:52 阅读(383) 回复(0)

或者vmware,wine,或Crossover Office之类的程序?

by egret - BSD - 2004-12-25 22:04:35 阅读(928) 回复(3)

ASUS875PE主板,其上集成的Marvell 10/100/1000M网卡,安装RH linuxAS.3.0, 最开始安装不能找到网卡,系统安装完毕之后将主板光盘带的网卡驱动程序Sk98lin-xxx-install.tar.bz2拷贝过去解压,DriverInstall下面有,直接执行选择UserMode,然后系统编译驱动为mod,执行完毕一起正常,modprobe sk98lin,重新启动,没有任何错误提示,重新启动 可以找到网卡,并且可以设置IP地址,但是就是不能和网络连通,service network ...

by interfans - 系统管理 - 2004-11-25 22:11:51 阅读(968) 回复(0) 安装 :em11: 完成以后要重起,在启动菜单里选择Win4lin启动 再安装98se,如果有错误,看看错误提示 如果谁发现“GB18030”code 发过来大家一起分享 :em11:

by yaobbc - 系统管理 - 2004-03-31 20:56:40 阅读(490) 回复(0)