
ARM Assembly Language Fundamentals and Techniques

Using assembly language in Linux .by Phillipphillip@ussrback.comLast updated: Monday 8th January 2001 Note: there is a turkish translation of this article . Contents: Introduction Intel and AT&T Syntax Prefixes Direction of Operands Memory Operands Suffixes Syscalls Syscalls with Syscalls with > 5 args Socket syscalls Command Line Arguments GCC Inline ASM Compiling Further reference...

by freeners - Linux文档专区 - 2009-06-26 12:36:50 阅读(905) 回复(0)


Welcome to C--Suppose you are writing a compiler; how will you get quality machine code? You might write your own code generator---but that's a lot of work. You might use somebody else's: perhaps VPO, MLRISC, or the gcc back end. But each of these impressive systems has a rich, complex, and ill-documented interface, and furthermore, to use MLRISC you must write your front end in ML, to use gcc you...

by bukaihua - CPU与编译器 - 2009-05-19 09:27:14 阅读(1437) 回复(0)

堆栈 堆栈是由为程序分配的内存的末尾处保留的内存位置构成.ESP寄存器用于指向内存中堆栈的顶部. 注意在调用之前和发出call指令调用的不同: 调用前:主程序把函数所需要的输入参数存放到堆栈的顶部. call后:它把发出调用的程序的返回地址存放到堆栈的顶部. 存放顺序如下: The stack pointer (ESP) points to the top of the stack, where the return address is located. All of the input ...

by bsdc - Linux文档专区 - 2009-02-10 19:03:56 阅读(1081) 回复(0)

欢迎下载........ Wrox Professional assembly language Jan 2005 eBook-DDU [ 本帖最后由 八重樱 于 2008-12-18 15:51 编辑 ]

by 八重樱 - 下载共享 - 2012-02-09 19:18:50 阅读(9221) 回复(44)
by projl - IT图书与评论 - 2008-06-26 20:54:05 阅读(17419) 回复(100)

Using assembly language in Linux. by Phillip phillip@ussrback.comLast updated: Monday 8th January 2001 Note: there is a turkish translation of this article . Contents: Introduction Intel and AT&T Syntax Prefixes Direction of Operands Memory Operands Suffixes Syscalls Syscalls with 5 args Socket syscalls Command Line Arguments GCC Inline ASM Compiling Further reference/Links ...

by raymanan - Linux文档专区 - 2008-02-12 16:53:14 阅读(456) 回复(0)

Using assembly language in Linux. by Phillip phillip@ussrback.comLast updated: Monday 8th January 2001 Contents: Introduction Intel and AT&T Syntax Prefixes Direction of Operands Memory Operands Suffixes Syscalls Syscalls with 5 args Socket syscalls Command Line Arguments GCC Inline ASM Compiling Further reference/Links Example Code. Introduction. This article will describe a...

by xzq200 - Linux文档专区 - 2007-08-24 07:57:53 阅读(494) 回复(0)

sparc 方面的汇编语言参考手册

by mik - CPU与编译器 - 2007-03-18 14:21:38 阅读(4778) 回复(1)

Using assembly language in Linux. by Phillip Last updated: Monday 8th January 2001 Introduction. This article will describe assembly language programming under Linux. Contained within the bounds of the article is a comparison between Intel and AT&T syntax asm, a guide to using syscalls and a introductory guide to using inline asm in gcc. This article was written due to the la...

by oyjcq - Linux文档专区 - 2006-11-17 09:47:04 阅读(438) 回复(0)

Intel汇编语言编程书籍电子版不知各位有没有。如果有拜托发到以下mail地址: [email][/email] 先谢了。

by A-Liang - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2005-12-08 16:41:38 阅读(1200) 回复(6)