
symmetric 数据库同步

Encryption\r\nFiletopia uses many encryption components which provide a high degree of security. \r\n\r\nFor the \"Public Key\" (PK) functionality, it uses an asymmetric cipher based on \"Elliptic Curves\" and for symmetric encryption it can use several different ciphers. The rule is very simple: for all Client/Server connections, the Client is the one to choose the cipher\'s algorithm to use. For...

by omni - 攻防交流区 - 2003-03-06 05:05:57 阅读(2943) 回复(0)


现在我们知道,通过NAT,,内网的计算机向外连结是很容易的。NAT对于内网和外网的计算机是透明的。内网的机器欲访问外面的机器,可在NAT上“打洞”,而且这个“洞”是有方向的。也就是让NAT建一个session,从而建立映射。 那么,如果同一个进程,与外网的两台机器,同时建立联系,情况又是如何呢。 如图所示:Client A的原来那个Socket(绑定了1234端口的那个UDP Socket),现在又要向另外一个Server S2发送了一个UDP包...

by unix.gjj - 网络技术文档中心 - 2008-01-30 15:23:30 阅读(1024) 回复(0)