
syslog 详细解释

大侠们:什么情况下/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log中不会出现Physical memory信息?

by anndy - HP-UX - 2005-05-23 18:01:43 阅读(1271) 回复(1)

by zhjno1xp - 系统管理 - 2006-08-12 23:52:37 阅读(512) 回复(3)

我想记录 ftp和telnet后的详细地操作,syslog能记录吗? 能的话怎么配置,不能的话怎么可以实现? Solaris 8

by heaseby - Solaris - 2006-06-23 10:53:24 阅读(1246) 回复(1)

求助 syslog的信息如下 ...... Mar 20 06:28:09 wltest EMS [26935]: ----- EMS Monitor Restart ----- Title: disk_em Command: /usr/sbin/stm/uut/bin/tools/ monitor/disk_em Vendor: Hewlett-Packard Company Version: B.01.01 To obtain a list of currently monitored resources, execute the following: /opt/resmon/bin/resdata -M 1533300606 Mar 20 12:30:41 wltest EMS [16662]: ----- EMS Monito...

by ximcn - HP-UX - 2009-03-23 17:54:08 阅读(2002) 回复(1)

Feb 5 10:02:10 ZH_SERV vmunix: 1/0/4/1/ fcparray Feb 5 10:02:10 ZH_SERV vmunix: 1/0/4/1/ tgt Feb 5 10:02:10 ZH_SERV vmunix: 1/0/4/1/ sctl Feb 5 10:02:10 ZH_SERV vmunix: 1/0/4/1/ tgt Feb 5 10:02:10 ZH_SERV vmunix: 1/0/4/1/ sctl Feb 5 10:02:10 ZH_SERV vmunix: 1/0/4/1/ tgt Feb 5 10:02:10 ZH_SERV vmunix: 1/0/4/1/

by liujie3 - HP-UX - 2007-04-03 17:15:51 阅读(3517) 回复(11)

*.alert;kern.err;daemon.notice @operator 这个@operator代表什么,是USER还是HOST名

by cuwiner - Solaris - 2007-03-26 16:50:45 阅读(1180) 回复(2)

Example A host1 loghost host2 Example B host1 host2 loghost Phase 1 When syslogd starts on boot, syslogd evaluates the /etc/hosts file to check the IP address associated with the hostnamecompared to the IP address associated with the loghost. In Example A, host1 and loghost are both associated with IP address; therefore, syslogd runs th...

by wondershow - Solaris - 2005-03-24 15:05:24 阅读(909) 回复(1)

请问在solaris 10怎样配置syslog服务,在以前solaris9的位置上没有了那个服务脚本,请大家帮帮忙!谢了

by CU味道 - Solaris - 2007-11-21 15:01:31 阅读(1491) 回复(4)

貌似syslog只能写东西到"/var/log/message"? 我不想让自己写的程序日志和其它的程序日志缠到一起…… 如果想写日志到其它的文件怎么做呢? :em14: :em14:

by timepie - C/C++ - 2007-11-14 12:53:45 阅读(2088) 回复(6)


by napleon - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2006-03-15 10:13:04 阅读(1394) 回复(9)

请高手给我讲讲soslog作为日志分析程序是如何设计的 谢谢 :lol:

by waitingfly - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2003-03-29 01:02:29 阅读(1261) 回复(3)