
HA LVM requires Only one logical volume per volume group

lvm(logical volume manager) 逻辑卷 管理 器 其中主要分为这几个概念 1物理卷-简称PV 物理卷在逻辑卷管理器中属于最底层的,任何的逻辑卷和卷组都必需依靠物理卷来建立,物理卷可以是一个完整的硬盘,也可以是硬盘中的莫一个分区 2卷组-简称VG 卷组是建立在物理卷之上,一个卷组中可以包含一个物理卷组或者多个物理卷 3逻辑卷-简称LV 逻辑卷是建立在卷组之上的,卷组中的空间可以建立多个逻辑卷,并且逻辑卷可以随意从卷组的空闲空间中...

by sinxadmin - Linux文档专区 - 2009-07-04 10:34:31 阅读(776) 回复(0)


1,Backup all user data in the volume to be removed (Use fbackup, cpio or tar backup utilities as appropriate.) 2,Determine the names of the logical volumes residing in the volume groups to be removed # lvdisplay /dev/vgXX/lvol* 3,unmount all logical volumes in the volume group to be removed # cd / # umount /dev/vgxx/lvol* 4,Remove the logical volumes found in step2 from the volume group # lvremov...

by 古月石 - HP文档中心 - 2006-12-16 12:39:56 阅读(1037) 回复(0)

logical volume Manager HOWTO bert hubert Richard Allen 译者:谢启发 Version 0.0.2 $Date: 2000/04/28 01:27:32 $ 翻译时间:2000/11/28 一份非常内行的Linux lvm HOWTO 1. 绪论 1.1 免责声明 & 许可 1.2 预备知识 1.3 注意事项 1.4 访问,CVS & 更新 1.5 这份文档的编排 2. 什么是lvm? 3. 基本原理 3.1 演示 & 描述 3.2 激活和非激活:内核空间和用户空间 4. 首要条件 4.1 内核 4.2 用户...

by windychan - Linux文档专区 - 2006-03-16 13:30:47 阅读(624) 回复(0) 作者:IBM 林彥明(Alex Lin) 摘要:lvm( logical volume Manager ) 是一种分配硬盘空间到逻辑磁区的方法,这种方式比传统 Partition 分配容易做容量的调整,它让众多硬盘结合、彷佛融为一体,可动态放大档案系统的机制。本文分别阐述了利用 Disk Druid 和指令建立和管理 lvm 的方法。 PDF 文档: 第一部分 20050321-lvm-1.pdf 第二部分 20050321-lvm-2.pdf 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如...

by cnscn2008 - Linux文档专区 - 2006-02-21 12:24:11 阅读(679) 回复(0)

1,Unmount any logical volumes associated with the volume group you wish to export # umount /dev/vgXX/lvol* 2,Make the volume group unavailable # vgchange -a n /dev/vgXX 3,Use vgexport to remove volume group information from /etc/lvmtab # vgexport -v /dev/vgXX NOTE: If the logical volumes used specific names, instead of the defaults, and these need to be kept you will need to specify the -m option...

by 古月石 - HP文档中心 - 2006-12-16 12:38:45 阅读(1170) 回复(0)

lvm的使用手册 1 简介 1.1 什么是lvm? lvmlogical volume Manager(逻辑卷管理)的简写,它由Heinz Mauelshagen在Linux 2.4内核上实现,目前最新版本为:稳定版1.0.5,开发版 1.1.0-rc2,以及lvm2开发版。 与 传统的磁盘与分区相比,lvm为计算机提供了更高层次的磁盘存储。它使系统管理员可以更方便的为应用与用户分配存储空间。在lvm管理下的存储卷可以按需 要随时改变大小与移除(可能需对文件系统工具进行升级)。lvm也允许...

by zqli - Linux文档专区 - 2007-02-14 14:35:36 阅读(695) 回复(0)

偶尔用一次图形操作,不小心在lvm管理时建vg时沟选了集群选项。现在这两个vg无论如何也删除不掉了。 [root@db ~]# vgremove db1 Skipping clustered volume group db1 [root@db ~]# [root@db ~]# pvdisplay |grep /dev/ Skipping clustered volume group online Skipping clustered volume group db1 PV Name /dev/sdb1 PV Name /dev/sdc1 PV Name /dev/sdd1 查了一下...

by terry_yu - 服务器应用 - 2014-07-08 11:12:20 阅读(4962) 回复(3)

最近在看lvm,看到: pvcreate /dev/device [/dev/device] ... The pvcreate command initializes (a) physical device(s) as (a) physical volume(s) (PV). Partitions must have the partition ID 8E (use fdisk, cfdisk or yast for partitioning), (whole) disks must have no partition table (none, not just an empty one). To see all physical devices that are available, use the command lvmdiskscan. The command pvs...

by greenricky - Linux环境编程 - 2011-04-26 09:51:37 阅读(1214) 回复(1)

AIX, for all of its strange mainframe-ish ways, has some redeeming qualities. AIX’s disk management system would be one of them. It’s quite sophisticated given that it’s bundled in at no additional cost. But I digress. For this “how-to”, I’ll walk through a simple scenario of adding a disk. In my case, it was adding a SAN disk on a DS4800 system. But this should work for a regular ol’ hard ...

by gunguymadman - AIX - 2010-05-26 00:25:56 阅读(2380) 回复(4)

Glossary Term Definition Journaled File System (JFS) Unix filesystem that uses a journaled log to record changes to the filesystem. In the event of a failure the log can be used to recover. logical Extents logical extents are used to create the logical volume - they are the same size as physical extents logical Interchange Format (LIF) HP Storage format used for interchange of files bet...

by hp-ux民工 - HP-UX - 2009-02-18 17:44:41 阅读(2804) 回复(1)

lvm( logical volume Manager )配置案例(on RHEL4) 一 lvm配置步骤 1.准备一个分区 fdisk /dev/hda (或/dev/sda) 本案例中创建的分区为/dev/hda15 2.创建PV pvcreate /dev/hda15 如果有多少分区/dev/hda15,/dev/hda16,/dev/hda17,则可以 pvcreae /dev/hda1[5-7] 3.创建VG(vg_name是VG的名称) vgcreate vg_name /dev/hda15 如果有多少分区/dev/hda15,/dev/hda16,/dev/hda17创建一个VG,则可以 vgcreate vg_name /d...

by richardliu1123 - Linux文档专区 - 2007-03-09 15:24:14 阅读(623) 回复(0)