
bit field cannot have indirection

假设值为 0xFF80 = ( 1111 1111 1000 0000 ) B15 ~ B0 [code] struct { unsigned char B8:1, B9:1, B10:1, B11:1, B12:1, B13:1, B14:1, B15:1, B0:1, B1:1, B2:1, B3:1, B4:1, B5:1, B6:1, B7:1; } bit; 上面是正确的写法 我搞不懂为什么不是 struct { unsigned char B0:1, B1:1, B2:1, B3:1, B4:1, B5:1, B6:1, B7:1, B8:1, B9:1, B10:1, B11:1, B12:1, B13:1, B14:...

by shihyu - C/C++ - 2008-01-30 09:00:02 阅读(1810) 回复(1)


如題:Paragraph or field cannot be larger than 64k bytes 請問有沒有解決方案, 謝:wink:

by kwokjerome - 服务器应用 - 2008-05-22 14:08:24 阅读(3075) 回复(1)

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by onerabbit - C/C++ - 2005-04-08 10:45:30 阅读(3605) 回复(1)

在《advanced bash-scripting guide》上面看到的。。 转过来。大家轻松下 :mrgreen: 不乏是一种鞭策。。 [code]Fellow Linux user, greetings! You are reading something which will bring you luck and good fortune. Just e-mail a copy of this document to 10 of your friends. Before making the copies, send a 100-line Bash script to the first person on the list at the bottom of this letter. Then dele...

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This chapter looks at the inter-system communication components that occur in the embedded motion systems this book is focusing on. Serial lines Controller Area Network (CAN) Profibus Realtime ethernet (RTnet, EtherCat, ProfiNet...) Devicenet Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Firewire Contents 1 Description 1.1 Factory buses 1.2 CPU buses 1.3 field ...

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我在SCO5.05下装MKDEV LP时,在PRINTER下ADD LOCAL时 出现EMPTY field NAME导致无法继续安装.不知有什么办法解决!!!!!!!!!!

by szzgz08 - 其他UNIX - 2006-05-30 10:56:23 阅读(929) 回复(1)