
libuv vc 编译

你好请问一下我编译好了后 在连接的时候出现了错误 请问怎么解决 是那里的问题 g' Wed Jun 02 19:56:31 2010 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified Wed Jun 02 19:56:31 2010 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified Wed Jun 02 19:56:31 2010 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified Wed Jun 02 19:56:31 2010 WARNING: Since you are using --dev tap, the second argu ment to ...

by fugq0fff - 服务器应用 - 2010-06-11 01:21:55 阅读(2433) 回复(3)



by hanwangabc - Shell - 2010-06-03 16:12:00 阅读(2035) 回复(4)

小弟是新手 遇到个自己很难解决的问题 编译时候报link错误,我有用到另外的.h和.lib文件,我把他们分别放在和里面 编译的时候就报很多如下类似的错误 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__PemnGetApplList referenced in function "void __cdecl _OpenCallback(void *,void *,void *)" (?_OpenCallback@@YAXPAX00@Z) 请问大侠们怎么来解决这个问题呢?

by gm3000 - C/C++ - 2008-08-19 19:28:07 阅读(5211) 回复(31)

错误代码是这样的。 --------------------Configuration: tssm_client - Win32 Solaris_Release-------------------- Remote action on aci_build: Creating library... __1cDstdFdeque4nQCNNTCommandQdDueueKqueueEntry_n0AJallocator4n0C____R__allocate_at_end6M_v_ is out-of-date and will be regenerated Could not open input file "/var/tmp/27321207820964tssmpageadslconfiguration.c". SunWS_cache: Error: Error occu...

by earwig - Solaris - 2008-04-10 10:59:16 阅读(1237) 回复(0)

Linking... nafxcwd.lib(thrdcore.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __endthreadex nafxcwd.lib(thrdcore.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __beginthreadex Debug/operdb.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals Error executing link.exe. operdb.exe - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s) vc编译时出现这个错,是怎么回事啊

by nmzqzw - C/C++ - 2006-08-17 17:01:33 阅读(1156) 回复(4)

为什么我写好程序后编译.CPP文件无法编译,总是出现cannot compile the file "***":no compile tool is associated with the file extension ?

by 楚狂徒 - C/C++ - 2005-03-15 12:14:09 阅读(1020) 回复(1)

为什么我写好程序后编译.CPP文件无法编译,总是出现cannot compile the file "***":no compile tool is associated with the file extension ?

by 楚狂徒 - Linux论坛 - 2005-03-14 19:11:58 阅读(559) 回复(0)

为什么我写好程序后编译.CPP文件无法编译,总是出现cannot compile the file "***":no compile tool is associated with the file extension ?

by 楚狂徒 - Linux系统管理 - 2005-03-14 19:11:58 阅读(622) 回复(0)

小弟初学vc,现有一程序编译出错,请大家看看(两个cpp文件): /* main.cpp 主程序 */ #include; #include"abc.cpp" void main() { double a,b,c; double averageValue; a=2;b=3;c=4; averageValue=AVE(a,b,c); cout<<"averageValue:"<

by zbzb401 - C/C++ - 2004-10-29 02:09:37 阅读(822) 回复(1)

#include ; #include ; #include ; #include ; using namespace std; main() { string str="why error?"; } 编译时报错 ./cc pqf.cpp "pqf.cpp", line 10.8: 1540-0040 (S) The text "str" is unexpected. "string" may be undeclared or ambiguous. 请问为什么。

by smile_pp - C/C++ - 2003-10-22 17:25:23 阅读(797) 回复(2)

我在程序中只要修改ScribbleDoc.h(在头部增加了一个新类的声明,在ScribbleDoc.h用到。)然后编译(compile)程序就会出现如下提示: 'Cannot compile the file'D:\vc\ScribbleDoc.h';no compile tool is associated with the file extension. 但是可以build,还可以运行。 为什么会出现这种情况?

by nicksean - C/C++ - 2003-08-04 15:09:34 阅读(1361) 回复(1)