
Pullup disable register for port

我在W2K下DUMP出一个.dat文件,准备load进linux下的sybase 11.9.2, 可是导不进啊,

by 2195113 - Sybase - 2003-02-17 13:09:15 阅读(2077) 回复(5)


#scologin disable

by psjboy - 其他UNIX - 2004-03-04 17:20:45 阅读(1009) 回复(1)

使用ipfw后出现 pullup failed是什么含义?

by wincheer - BSD - 2003-09-04 08:45:22 阅读(1264) 回复(0)


by john3851 - 程序开发 - 2006-04-13 10:26:10 阅读(723) 回复(0)

Unable to register user- Cannot update user profile- Registration data could not be saved due to the following technical problem- error result 想下载SUN的补丁,但是必须注册。我填写好了以后提交,就返回以上信息,试了很多次都这样,郁闷了。

by 一只懒猫 - Solaris - 2007-05-25 10:53:52 阅读(1289) 回复(1)

i have set "register_globals" in all php.ini to be On and restart Apache. but when i run phpinfo(),it still shows Off i have searched the arctiles in the forum,but found no solution can someone help me please,thanks a lot:cry:

by hisher - PHP - 2006-02-25 19:40:34 阅读(1171) 回复(3)

我在solaris 8上安装oracle application server 10g, 安装的过程中让我register with Oracle Internet Directory, 我输入了,host: sunserver, port : 1521, 然后叶选上了ssl 的选项,我得到的提示信息是“ make sure your Oracle Internet Directory is running", 我都没有安装Oracle Internet Directory, 只有装oracle database, 那来的oracle internet directory is running.? 安装过oracle application server 的朋友指点一...

by blakeyu - Oracle - 2004-02-16 10:10:39 阅读(1001) 回复(0)

i got confusion after reading the ccna640-607 guide about the passward recovery in router topic. 1.set bit 6 in the configuration register to binary 1, which is done by setting the entire config register with a four-digit hexadecimal value. For example, hex 2142 is identical to hex 2102, except that bit 6 is binary 1.Doing this will cause router to load rommon. 2.The boot field is the name of the...

by nzq90 - 网络技术 - 2003-05-16 08:38:49 阅读(1252) 回复(1)

ovo_nm# setupExtTopo.ovpl -disable Running setupExtTopo.ovpl. Disabling HP OpenView Network Node Manager's Extended Topology functionality. Disabling Details Disabling HSRPSnmp Disabling ILMI Disabling InterfaceDetails Disabling StandardSwitch Disabling SuperStack3ComSwitch Disabling AlcatelSwitch Disabling AlcTimetraSwitch Disabling BayStackNortelSwitch Disabling CiscoSwitchSnmp Di...

by macer - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-01-21 15:00:46 阅读(1136) 回复(0)

UNIX SCO5.0.7,用智能卡,挂终端数目多了以后,用户退出时经常会没有LOGIN出来。要手工通过ROOT来对tty21x进行disable再enable就会出来LOGIN。感觉很烦,本人做了个守护进程(C/S结构),当出现这种情况时,让普通用户自己调用这个进程,用户输入终端号,守护进程收到后执行system("disable tty21x");system("enable tty21x");我测试后发现很奇怪的事情,就是执行后所有的终端都退出到LOGIN状态。怎么回事?只有CONCOLE不退出。

by unixzyy - 其他UNIX - 2008-10-09 07:57:42 阅读(1572) 回复(0)