
Hilgraeve HyperTerminal for Personal Use

drop table t_theme; create table netbank.t_theme (id_theme serial not null , theme varchar(50), choice_num integer(4), choice1 varchar(50), choice2 varchar(50), choice3 varchar(50), choice4 varchar(50), choice5 varchar(50), choice6 varchar(50), standard_answer varchar(2), ); 如果要制定id_theme 为主键,,应该如何加? 多谢!

by yebinlei - Informix - 2005-09-05 13:06:15 阅读(1251) 回复(1)


Linux 下有oracle的personal版吗?

by qinqong - Oracle - 2004-11-21 00:29:52 阅读(1069) 回复(3)

when logining the under redhat linux, I am announced that it is necessory to install some "personal security manager". why? So, I down a piece of psm from Mozilla, but the messages still exist. :em16:

by swift - Linux论坛 - 2004-02-28 01:30:44 阅读(441) 回复(0)

hi, everybody! currently i am using ADSL 256k broadband, if i want to setup a personal website in my PC, but i dont have the static IP address, how am i going to do with this task! can or cant? can anybody teach me, TIA!

by nzq90 - 网络技术 - 2003-05-27 11:12:26 阅读(1011) 回复(0)

设置hyperterminal为:VT100, 9600, 8, n, 1, xon (或hardware或none), 都无法连接Sun 280R。请大家指点。

by whitehorse - Solaris - 2005-06-01 16:38:11 阅读(1833) 回复(4)

I. Setup on PC II. Setup on PDA III. Setup pointbase on PDA I. Setup on PC. 1. Install PJEE Setup PJEE3_1-win-nonrom.exe to PC default is driver D:pjee3.1 2. Compile *.java file javac -bootclasspath -target 1.1 3. Run *.java file d:pjee3.1inpjava filename 4. if need swing: a. Take out Swing1.1.1 b. Find out ...

by lilu_0608 - Java文档中心 - 2005-05-24 18:11:19 阅读(920) 回复(0)

[quote][/quote][code]某些人认为不应该在构造函数中使用this指针,因为这时this对象还没有完全形成。 但是,只要小心,是可以在构造函数中使用this指针的:[/code] 我对这句话不同意.因为我觉得this是在程序员能做任何事情之前就存在了的.但是你不能乱用它,而不是像这里说的"因为这时this对象还没有完全形成"我觉得是完全形成了.因为一个构造函数它的代码像是这样: str...

by THEBEST - C/C++ - 2004-05-13 08:54:36 阅读(1074) 回复(3)

在运用use strict的情况下 我想在a函数中申明一个变量 然后在b,c 函数中使用,该怎么做呢 各位指点一下? :)

by muyiyang2 - Perl - 2003-12-16 17:32:17 阅读(1686) 回复(3)